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What's new in AccuTrack 2020 and AccuSQL 2020?
Revision 1.0.0
February 10, 2020
© 2020 Engineerica Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Here’s what’s new in AccuTrack and AccuSQL 2020!
In this update there some amazing new features and an overall enhancement of our existing software. We hope you enjoy using this new version of the AccuTrack and AccuSQL. Our most exciting new edition for the 2020 Version is the new streamlined walk-in process. This new method in 2020 has improved the Sign-in routine to go step-by-step in a more logical flow that allows students to follow an easier process.
The next improvement is the ability to maximize and adjust the screen size to use the full size of your monitors and scale them to your own selected size. The design responds to the larger screen-size to allow the best user experience in the various sections. Another new feature that you will never actually see but notice is the increased speed and improved loading time of screens in the 2020 version.
Please read further to review additional details about all of the new features.
Best wishes,
The AccuSQL/AccuTrack Team
New Streamlined Walk-in Process
With the new streamlined sign-in process the student goes through the steps in the normal order of selection. Feedback given by our users told us the Students would get confused with all the options being displayed on one screen so we have changed this to help ease the sign-in process for your students.
Ability to Maximize and Adjust the Screen Size
This new feature allows you to take advantage of larger size screens including wider screens that display the information in a way that is easier for administrators to digest and use in the system.
Increased Speed and Improved Loading Time of Screens
Hopefully, you’ll see a lot less of this screen loading the application and many other screens that are commonly used will be populated quicker in this new version.
This is a complex feature that includes mirroring relevant parts of the server database in a secure local database and also doing a sync of both server and local data to keep everything updated. The result of it is a much faster sign-in/out process.
New Activity to Lab Assignment Report
This report will allow you to now see in a report what classes are assigned to each lab or center. You could even export this information into a CSV file that you can manually update. Then run the CSV file as an import to correct the local lab assignments in the system.
Web Gateway 2020: Adding SAML SSO support (still under development at time of publication)
We are currently working to have a SAML Single Sign-On option for Web Gateway. If you are not familiar with Web Gateway; it is an AccuSQL add-on that is a powerful web-based application that connects to your local AccuSQL database and makes the following functions available via the web:
- Students can view, schedule and cancel appointments via the web.
- Students can view, register for, or cancel their registration for seminars or workshops via the web.
- Students can answer their survey questions online.
- New students can add themselves to the system (if allowed).
- Staff members (tutors, advisors, etc.) can view and cancel their own appointments via the web.
- Staff members (tutors, advisors, etc.) can manage their schedule/availability via the web.
To learn more about the capabilities check out this video:
Want to Download the PDF? Or an previous version?
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2020? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2019? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2018? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2017? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2016? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2015? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack 2014? (PDF)
Download the What's new in AccuTrack Version 12? (4 MB)
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