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Setting up Appointment Options

Go to Administration > Control Panel > Appointments to set your options.

This icon indicates a College-wide Setting only. Meaning that you cannot set this setting at the Center Level

Appointment options are broken into 3 groups of settings that you can change from the defaults:


  • Disable appointments scheduling - If checked appointments scheduling will be disabled.
  • New appointment default screen.Specifies the default screen for scheduling appointments. Administrators with the right permissions will be able to pick an alternate method. Students will be offered only the selected option.
  • Use Visual Calendar by default. - Whether the appointment screens will use the visual calendar by default.


  • Instructors - Set the option below based on your center's needs for Instructors to be reported on Appointments. Select from the following options:
    • Required
    • Optional
    • Do not show
  • Use registration information.Check it to show only those instructors registered in the selected subject area.

Subject Areas

  • Subject Areas - Set the option below based on your center's needs for Subjects to be reported on Appointments. Select from the following options:
    • Required
    • Optional
    • Do not show
  • Default - Use this option to select a default Subject Area, or which will be implicitly used if it´s not displayed (users can still change to other Subject Area as needed).
  • Use Student subject area Enrollment - This checkbox enables the use of enrollment information so only subjects the students are registered to show up.


  • Services - Set the option below based on your center's needs for Services to be reported on Appointments. Select from the following options:
    • Required
    • Optional
    • Do not show

Appointments Restrictions:

To set a range of times to schedule appointments.

  • Prevent users from handling appointments:
    • Prevent students from scheduling appointments - This option allows you to stop students from scheduling appointments with your center.
    • Prevent users from canceling appointments starting less than X minutes ahead - This option stops students/tutors from canceling appointments X minutes before the appointment start time so they give the other person enough time to know they canceled.
    • Prevent students from canceling, restoring, and re-scheduling appointments - This disables the ability for students to make changes to appointments that are scheduled.
  • Administrators:
    • Allow administrators to by-pass restrictions: - If checked, appointments' administrators will be able to make appointments even when they break any restriction.
  • Tutors load balancing:
    • Hide tutors' names from students when they make appointments - This option allows you to hide the not show the names of tutors when students schedule appointments so favorite tutors are not being bombarded with students.
    • Hide tutors' filter from the New Appointment by Tutor screen - Hide tutors' filter from the Appointments by Tutor screen.
  • Allow creating appointment:
    • No less than X days, X hours, and X minutes ahead - This setting defines the least amount of time necessary to setup an appointment before the start of the appointment.
    • No more than X days ahead - This setting defines how far out a user can set up an appointment.
    • In future terms - This allows appointments to be made in future semesters or terms.
    • If the student does not have one with the selected staff in the selected day - This setting makes it so that an appointment can only be made with the same student and tutor once per day.
    • Starting every X minutes from [time] to [time] - This setting defines the hours that Appointments can be made in your center and the increments that they can start. If the increment is set to 15 minutes for example you could make appointments on the hour, 15 minutes after the hour, 30 minutes after the hour, and 45 minutes after the hour each hour that is specified in the time range.
  • Maximum hours per week:
    • Staff: X hours - This is the maximum number of hours a staff member can be scheduled for appointments per week.
    • Students: X hours - This is the maximum number of hours a student can be scheduled for appointments per week.
  • Maximum number per week:
    • Staff: X visits - This is the maximum number of appointments that can be scheduled with each staff member per week.
    • Students: X visits - This is the maximum number of appointments that can be scheduled with each student per week.
  • No-show restriction:
    • Prevent creation with a student with more than X not voided no-shows in X days - This setting is how you want your College to deal with Appointment No-Shows.
    • Count no-shows for the current term only - By enabling this setting No-shows will be considered on the current term only when scheduling appointments.
  • Back-to-back restriction:
    • Prevent creation of back-to-back appointments with the same or an unspecified subject area until X minutes have passed - This setting is how you want your College to allow setting back-to-back appointments.
  • Duration restriction:
    • The minimum appointment length is X minutes - This defines the shortest appointment time length an appointment can be made for a visit.
    • The maximum appointment length is X minutes - This defines the longest appointment time length an appointment can be made for a visit.
    • The default appointment length is X minutes - This defines the standard appointment time length an appointment can be made for a visit and will be set to this value when scheduling appointments by default.
    • Show valid durations - Enter valid durations (in minutes) or duration ranges separated by commas. For example: 15,30,45,60-120. If empty, the End Time field will be shown.
  • Count visit towards appointment if sign-in is:
    • Early by X minutes - This defines the start of the window that a student will be counted as showing up for the appointment when they sign-in at a Sign-in Station.
    • Late by X minutes - This defines the end of the window that a student will be counted as showing up for the appointment when they sign-in at a Sign-in Station.
    • And stays signed in for at least X minutes - This defines how long a student must stay signed in to be counted as showing up for the appointment when they sign-in at a Sign-in Station. This will prevent students from quickly signing in and out for an appointment and leaving the center.
If you wish to have your students not sign-out for appointments then uncheck this option.
  • Group appointments:
    • Tutor can assist with different subject areas - Set if tutors at the college can help in different subject areas during the same time slot.
  • Allow only the following days: - Place a check next to whichever days you want to have appointments be available at the college.

Email and SMS (Text message) notifications:

Enables users to receive confirmations and reminders via emails and allows you to set the amount of time before the appointment they will receive this message.

  • Email Notifications
    • Send reminder X hours before the appointments start
    • Send confirmation by email
  • SMS Notifications
    • Send reminder X hours before the appointments start
    • Send confirmation by SMS

Instructions when making appointments:

  • Default screen. Use this textbox to show instructions to the users when making appointments.
  • Force read instructions after center selection. Check to show the instructions in a popup when the center is selected.
  • New by Tutor screen. Use this textbox to show instructions to the users when making appointments using the “New by Tutor screen method”.
  • New by Date screen. Use this textbox to show instructions to the users when making appointments using the “New by Date screen method”.

Administrator Quickstart | Next: Setting Staff Assignments