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Engagement Board

How to Access: Campus > Engagement Board

Purpose: The Accudemia Engagement Board is a fabulous way for Center Admins and Staff to communicate with your students, promote collaboration between students, communicate ideas among other universities, and more! This feature creates an excellent environment for collaboration between all users of Accudemia. The Engagement Board will be available for all Accudemia licenses.

If you click on the Engagement Board menu item this is how the screen will look:

However, to get a glance at this section (when on other pages), there is a Engagement Board Browser shown if you click on the Chat Conversation icon on the top-right of your main menu:

Here you can view recent posts for the channels that you are a member of, like comments made, and reply to these comments as well.

TIP: When in the Engagement Board Browser you can click on the diagonal up arrow icon to expand this section which will take you directly to the Engagement Board section.


The Feed view will show you a constant stream of posts from all the public or private channels that you are a member of in Accudemia.
Engagement Board - Feed

The Trending view will show you a list of the Top 10 Posts with the Most Comments and Most Likes in Accudemia.
Engagement Board - Trending

Create Channel

Use the Create Channel button to start a new channel. You can create a new channel associated with a Class, a Center, the College as a whole, or a Channel opened up for All Accudemia Universities to view.
Engagement Board - Create Channel

  1. Start by clicking on the Create Channel button to be presented with these required fields (learn more below):
    • Channel Type
    • Channel Name
    • Description
    • Channel Lifespan
    • Select Channel Image
  2. Once all the fields are set click the Create button to create the channel or click the Close button to create the channel later.
  3. Done! You should now see this channel in the Browse Channels section unless it was set as a private channel where you have to add other members manually.

Channel Type

Choose the audience that you would like for this Channel to be viewed. You can choose one from the following options:
 Create Channel - Visibility Type

  • Public Channel - Use this option to allow only your college to see this communication.
  • By Center - Use this option to create a channel for your center, communicating with students, and anyone at the school can see this communication.
  • By Class - Use this option to create a channel for your class so that anyone registered or associated with this class at the school can see this communication.
  • Group Channel - Use this option to allow only invited members to see this communication.
  • Global Channel - Use this option to allow all schools and universities in Accudemia to see this communication.
  • General Channel - Use this option to create a channel open to all users in your College. It doesn't require users to join.

Channel Name

Simply enter the Name of the channel that you want to be seen and searchable by other users.


Use this field to be as descriptive as possible so the users who see this Channel will know its purpose and the reason it was created.

Channel Lifespan

If you want to set a time limit for this channel to exist and then disappear you can choose from one of the following options:

  • Current Semester
  • Until a Certain Date
  • Forever

NOTE: Once a Channel Lifespan is selected it will show you the current semester in a blue box below so you know the expiration of this channel.

Keep in mind that this can be changed at a later time if needed.

Select Channel Image

This option allows you to set an image displayed in the search results for this channel. Simply click the Choose File button to select an image from your computer and upload it. Here's an example of how this may appear in the Browse Channels search results:

This icon will also appear in the list of channels:

TIP: It's recommended to use a small icon that denotes the topic of the channel for easy visibility when looking at this image in the search.

Browse Channels

When you first access the Engagement Board this is probably one of the sections you'll want to visit because this is where a list of all the created channels that you have access to can be found.

Once you have searched through this list you can click the green Join button to become a member of the channel. If you are already a member then you can view that channel using the View button or even see this in the list of Channels too.

NOTE: There is a filter dropdown box to limit the results to specific visibilities too.

My Channels

As shown above, the My Channels list is a great way to view the Channels that you are a member of. When you click on each one it will show you only that channel's feed:


The Management section allows those, designated as a Moderator, or Super Moderator by an Administrator, to review any flagged content and will have access to this section. In this section, any flagged posts will appear to the right. You can click on the gear icon to perform one of three options per flagged post:

  • Clear Flag - This option does not remove the post but allows the item to be visible again.
  • Delete Post - This option will remove the post from the channel.
  • Block User - This option would be used for frequent violators of the acceptable-use policy.

Once selected, you will get a confirmation message to ensure the option selected was intentional.

Moderator vs. Super Moderator

A User with the Moderator role can view and moderate all posts made public or that have been reported within the University. A User with the Super Moderator role can view, edit, and moderate ALL posts made within public or private channels in the University.

Users in Blacklist

A User with the Moderator or Super Moderator role can completely block a user from the Engagement Board. This can be done from the Moderation widget, or by searching for a user's name within the box. User Blacklist

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