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How to Access: Campus > Refferals

Purpose: Referrals are used to create a set of actions to help/assist a Student with difficulties.

Important! For this section to be available your Center Admins must have created a Referral Form previously, such form determines the information we need to gather to assist the student(s) better.

Faculty using Referral Form

Once the form is created, it can be accessed by Instructors online using the menu under Campus > Referrals.

Additionally, you can access this from the “Referrals” homepage widget (if the admin enables it):

To issue the early warning to the Centers so one or more staff can follow up and help the student. The Instructor or Staff member will fill out the form and click the “Save Changes” button to send it. Then these two actions are performed:

  1. An email message is sent to the Follow-up person and copies all staff included in the setup of the Referral Template with the warning information you designed in the form.
  2. The Referral will be added to the Referral Dashboard to be monitored, tracked, and followed up on by the Center staff.
If you want to get more information about how Instructors can log in to Accudemia and complete referrals please visit these sections:

Creating New Referral

  1. On the Referral Dashboard click on + New Referral, additionally, you have the same button on the “Referrals” homepage widget.
  2. Enter in all the required fields below:
    • Referral Type: Select the Referral form you are going to be using, from those created by the system admin.
      There needs to be at least one Referral form created by an admin to be able to submit referrals for students to the center. Try clicking on the **HELP** option above and contacting the System Admin if you would like to get them to create a referral form.
    • Instructor: This is a mandatory field, your name will be prefilled in the Instructor's name field.
    • Class: This is a mandatory field, search for the Class by typing the Class name (College Algebra I, etc.), CRN (Class Registration Number), or Class Section Number (MAT-101-01, etc.).
    • Student(s): This is a mandatory field, search for the Student(s) by typing the student's name.
    • Staff: A Follow-up person from the Center's Staff should be prefilled here but this option may allow you to select from the available staff list.
    • Follow up on: Search up a Day next to Follow up on by selecting a day from the pop-up calendar or manually typing the date on which you'd like to follow up with the Student. This is important as it's used as a reminder of when this referral should be reviewed/updated for the Follow-up By person.
    • Comments: Fill in the Comments with the reasoning the student is being referred to the Center.
    • Recipients: The next item is the option to type and select other users or Recipients who you would also like notified of any updates on this Referral. Note: This may be preset by the Center Admins.
  3. Next set whether or not the student receives updates on the Referral by selecting the box next to Notify Student
  4. Complete the Referral Questionnaire portion being sure the Required Answers are completed which have been set up by your Center Admins as information that they need to know to assist the Student.
  5. Finally, scroll up through the form checking for any omissions, and fill them in. Once you've made it back to the top of this page click the Save Changes button on this form to complete this process.
The Follow-up by can be left blank as the Center Admins can assign it to someone once they receive this Referral.

View the Status of a Referral

From the Referral Dashboard, instructors will be able to view the Referrals with their status:

Notice the Color Reference chart at the bottom to know the referral status:

  •  New  - This means the Referral has not been assigned to anyone as a follow-up and has just come into the Referral system.
  •  Follow-up  - This means the Referral is assigned to someone and has a due date.
  •  Requires Attention  - This means the Referral is assigned to someone and is past its due date.
  •  Closed  - This means the Referral has been worked and completed.

Edit / Follow-up / Close / Re-open Referral

From the Referral List Page at Class Attendance > Referrals

  • Edit: Use this option to edit the original Referral by clicking the  Edit  button . Once the update has been saved the updated Referral information will be saved under the Referral History.
Tip: You can only edit a  New  ,  Follow-up  ,  Requires Attention  referral.
  • Follow-up: Use this option to add a comment to the Referral or update the due date. Start by clicking the Title (Student's Name) in the list. It should show on the right side of the screen for you to write your follow-up information. At this point, you can assign the referral to someone else and/or change the follow-up date. Finally, save the updated referral. Once the update has been saved the comment will be saved under Referral History.
Tip: You can only follow-up on a  New  ,  Follow-up  ,  Requires Attention  referral.
  • Close: You can find the close button either by hovering over students Referral and clicking “close” icon (shown below) or by checking the checkbox next to their name and clicking the Close button that appears at the top of the Referrals list. The second way is typically used when selecting multiple student referrals.
Tip: You can only close a  New  ,  Follow-up  ,  Requires Attention  referral.

  • Re-Open: When a students referral is  Closed  you can reopen it for any reason by clicking on the Re-Open button. You can do this by either hovering over the student record in the list and clicking “Re-Open” icon (shown below) or by checking the checkbox next to their name and the Re-open button that appears at the top of the Referrals list. The second way is typically used when selecting multiple student referrals.

From the Referral widget on the homepage (If enabled for the specific role):

On the widget, you can see all open Referrals, on the top left corner of the widget you have access to create a new referral or go to the Referral list page, on each independent referral you have action buttons to, open/close, and/or see details of the referral.

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