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This is the initial screen that appears after login and that all instructors see in Accudemia. As shown below, it displays the following widgets:

  • Announcements & News - If news/information was added by the administrators it will show to the right of the screen.
  • Messages - If you received a message from another user it will typically show, you can also reply from there.
  • Pending Surveys - This appears only if you have any surveys to complete. It will be to the right of your Messages section.
  • Calendar - If a global calendar was added to Accudemia it should show to the right of the screen.
NOTE: The visibility and order of these items may differ depending on the setup of your Admin.

The following tabs are the ones available on the Instructor's Homepage:

Personal Options

On the top-right side of the main menu, you'll see your name, and when clicking on it you'll have access to the following sections:

  • Account - allows Instructors to update some general information, change passwords, set up profile information, and manage Instructor assignments.
NOTE: You can only make changes to your contact information if allowed by the admin.
  • Preferences - Directs Instructors My Settings where they can edit Notifications and Site Navigation.
  • Pending Surveys - Instructors can click Pending Surveys to see and respond to any pending surveys awaiting completion through this screen.
  • Logout - Logs Instructors out of Accudemia


By clicking on the Help section , a menu should appear where the Instructor can type a question in the field, get version information on Accudemia, Submit Feedback (improvement ideas) to our team, and Contact your Admin (this option will allow you to message the Main Account Admin) in Accudemia.


By clicking the Announcements icon, you'll see a right-side layover menu showing any recent announcements.

High Contrast (a.k.a. Dark Mode)

If you are having trouble viewing the Accudemia website then click on the High Contrast icon (furthest icon on the top-right of the menu):

Connect to Outlook 365

Important! You will not see this section unless you also have the Tutor role. This section allows you to sync your calendar to display available times you'll be available in the Centers.

Here's how to connect your Outlook 365 calendar with your Accudemia:

  1. Click on “Connect to Outlook 365”:
  2. On this screen, you might need to authenticate with your Microsoft credentials(if required):
  3. The next screen authorizes the integration between Accudemia and the Office 365 account. Click Accept:
  4. Now Accudemia should let you know that you are connected and you need to pick what calendar you are going to use from the list. Typically the default selection “calendar” should be the proper selection:
  5. On this screen, you have several options, if you click “View Synced Events” you have access to all events that were synchronized for the next 7 days:

Additional Resources from our KB