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Using SMS with Accudemia

Accudemia includes the option to send confirmations and reminders via SMS, if enabled. AccuCredits must be purchased to utilize this feature.

Learn More

  1. To enable this option go to Administration> Control Panel> Appointments. In the last section SMS Notifications, check the box to enable this option. Set the amount of hours in advance to send this reminder SMS. Save Changes by clicking the button at the top.
  2. Optionally, enable messages to be sent when a user is logged into Accudemia’s Homepage then go to Administration > Control Panel > User Accounts. Once there in the last section entitled Communication place a check in the box next to “Enable Messaging”. Save changes by clicking the button at the top.
  3. The System Users sending messages are able to send SMS messages to anyone in the College, provided the cell phone number is listed in Accudemia.
For more help we also have information about Using SMS with Accudemia in part of an recorded online webinar.

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