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Tutoring Assesment
Purpose: This allows you to have your Tutors complete a brief survey/evaluation about the session.
How to Access: Center Attendance > Tutoring Assessment
In this section, you can create Assessments Forms that a tutor can use to control the progress of the student in this current session. These Assessments are usually a set of questions to evaluate the student's progress, inquire about each session, and more.
Create a Session Assessment for Center Staff
Once you have access to create a Tutor Assessment in your role permissions you can then create your own Center's Session Assessment for your Staff. To create a Session Assessment you'll need to start by doing the following:
- Start by clicking the Create New button at the top of this page.
- Once the pop-up menu appears:
- Give the assessment form a Name (What Tutors/Advisors/Staff will select from across the institution)
- Select the Location/Center this will be for Accudemia.
- You may want to activate this Session Assessment for your Center so you can check the Active checkbox when ready to deploy it.
Note: You may only have one active Session Assessment per Center but can have many variations depending on when they are needed to be deployed.
- Set the form Title in Edit Page Title and add a description in Edit Description (optional).
- At this point, you'll enter the questions with answers (if multiple choice).
- If you made the question multiple-choice you'll have to add each answer with the option to add a weight to the options if they are on a scale. If you allow multiple selections this will change the answer options from radiobuttons to checkboxes to allow them to pick more than one item. Here is an example:
- If you made the question Label this will simply let you separate the form into different sections.
- Finally, be sure to click the Save Changes button in the top-left of this page in order to complete this Session Assessment form creation!
Once it has been saved and activated you can check it out or preview it to verify the presence of the Tutor Assessment is how you intended by:
- Navigating to the Center Attendance > Session Logs section in the left-side navigation.
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