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Administrator Quickstart | Next: Adding and Saving Items
The Main Menu
The top-left of the Homepage displays three main sections:
- Home: This option displays the “Homepage” of the system (which is the default screen that loads for users).
- Quick: Displays the most used options in the system.
- Sign-in Stations: To define a location's Sign-in station/Kiosk.
- New Appointment: It shows the appointments wizard to create appointments between a student and a tutor.
- New Appointment(Admin): It shows a form to create an appointment manually (all options are selected on the same page).
- New Ticket: This shows a form to create a ticket for the Support Drop Box.
- Centers: Displays center items to edit, view, and set appointments, session logs, tutor schedules, and others.
- Manage Center: This page displays the Manage Center screen. It allows managing those students who are waiting, signed-in sessions, and recently signed out.
- Session Logs: To view, edit, and manually add sign-in/out sessions for students.
- Standby Logs: To view and assign unresolved/unknown session logs.
- Appointments: This module schedules appointments between a student and a tutor. Options such as Edit, Cancel, Avoid, and Re-Schedule help you manage your records easily.
- New Appointment: Use this to create new appointments.
- Daily Viewer: This page displays the daily Tutors Schedule. It shows the current day and the first center listed on the Centers & Classrooms page as default.
- View All: View all appointments that you have access to in Accudemia.
- Virtual Sign-In: To create virtual sign-in links/Kiosks for online sessions.
- Manage Links: Use to create the virtual drop-in links.
- Drop-in Times (& Exceptions): Use to set the times the Virtual Drop-ins can occur.
- Media Checkout: To manage media items that can be checked out in the center and manage their checkout history.
- Media Items (& Types): Create the media items, types, and loan-out materials from this section.
- History: View the check-in and check-out history of each item.
- Tutors Schedule: To add and/or edit Tutor's availability.
- SI Attendance: To manage class attendance for SI or similar types of sessions.
- Campus: Displays items related to managing Accudemia’s institution-wide features.
- Engagement Board: Provides access to channels that are spaces for students to interact with their peers, center tutors, and other center staff.
- Book$mart: To access the Book$mart page where users can post and buy textbooks and other items.
- Activity/Events Reservation: To manage events available for students to register for and/or attend.
- Resource (Room) Reservations: To manage resources that can be reserved by students.
- Support Drop Box: To manage the Support Drop Box ticketing system for asynchronous support.
- Referrals: To increase student retention by identifying at-risk students and helping them before it is too late.
- Administration: Displays Administrator items that can be modified by the administrator only.
- User Management: To add and modify students, tutors, instructors, staff, and system users. Also to manage user groups, role templates, and Technical Contacts.
- Users: To add and modify students, tutors, instructors, staff, and system users.
- User Groups: To add and modify user groups.
- Role Group Templates This section allows you to set up custom Admin roles in Accudemia that can easily be assigned to staff.
- Technical Contacts: You can view, add, and/or modify your school's Technical Contacts. (there is a limit of technical contacts per account)
- Center Management: To manage restrictions and associations, location services, tutor tasks, surveys, session assessments, and referrals.
- Restrictions/Associations: To add and/or modify Student-Tutor and/or Service-Subject Area restrictions.
- Services: Used to manage the services available at Centers.
- Tutoring Assessments: To manage, create, and/or edit tutoring assessment forms.
- Surveys: To define the survey and its questions used to collect feedback.
- Campus Setup To manage locations, courses, sign-in stations, the Campus Compass, resources for reservations, semesters, and campus off times.
- Locations: To create and edit centers, classrooms, and location groups.
- Sign-in Stations: To define a location's sign-in station.
- Computer Kiosks:
- Offline Devices (iAccu):
- Subject Areas: To list subject areas so they can be edited, deleted, or added.
- Terms: To define the term/semester for your college.
- Off-times: To enter periods during which tutors are not allowed to be scheduled as available.
- Advanced: To manage audit trails, third-party calendar integration, access the developer resource center, and import and export data.
- Audit Trails: This section shows you the last 90 days of changes made to various settings throughout the software and may help identify who may have made the change.
- Developers: This is where all resources for IT experts are placed. These guides are intended to help developers and IT admins extend Accudemia and the tools also available on the site.
- Outlook 365 Integration: This option allows us to view and/or disconnect the calendars that have been integrated with Outlook 365. (there is a limit of calendars that can be integrated with Outlook 365)
- Import: This option is used to view and manage all tools related to importing data to Accudemia.
- Export: This option allows to export of data from Accudemia to CSV files.
- Control Panel: Define configuration options for the entire college and each location (College-Level and Center-Level).
- Tracking Settings: These are configurations related to tracking attendance online, in-person, and in the SI Classrooms.
- General: This section is used to configure Calendars, Account Settings, and Sign-in Station buttons that appear.
- Walk-ins: This section is used to configure the Center Walk-in/Drop-in process.
- Appointments: This section is used to configure how appointments are handled in each Center.
- Class Attendance: This section sets the default scheduling and attendance options for SI Class Attendance.
- Virtual Sessions: This section allows you to set up virtual options for your Tutors and Staff to meet with students remotely.
- Support Drop Box: This is used for “Asynchronous Tutoring” where students can submit papers and documents for review online and never have to meet in person.
- Media Checkout: Use this to configure the settings used to loan out materials to students.
- Website Settings: Define the backend of Accudemia as far as its looks, branding, and wording used throughout the site. It also allows you to customize the homepage widgets and news share on that screen.
- Announcements: Use this section to publish news from the college or centers.
- Appearance and Themes: Use this section to set the homepage widgets used, the sign-in kiosk appearance, the site theme (colors), and logos!
- User Accounts: This section allows you to set requirements for users, additional access by role, and SSO (Single Sign-On) options.
- Terminology: This section allows you to make Accudemia speak your language!
- Email Templates: Customize college-wide or center-specific email templates used for appointments, reminders, and messages the system sends to the users.
- Localization Options: Use this to set your time zones, mail server settings, and more.
- Profile Questionnaire: This section allows you to set up the demographics the system can have uploaded (custom fields for students).
- Campus Settings: Use this section to configure the Campus-wide options.
- Engagement Board: This section contains the settings to help encourage students to engage with centers and staff.
- Book$mart: This section contains the settings to allow your students to sell, trade, or swap books online.
- Resource (Room) Reservations: Use this section to configure the Resource Reservation rules.
- Campus Compass: Use this section to add points of interest to the compass module.
- Activity/Events Module: Use this section to configure the Event Registration settings.
- Data Analytics: Learn what is going on in the Centers, SI Classes, and in General using this section.
- Reports: This shows the reports in Accudemia, featuring multiple filters, output formats, and scheduling options.
- SMS Logs: Shows records of emails sent from Accudemia and any connected external servers within the last 90 days, including automated and ad hoc emails.
- Email Logs: Shows records of text messages sent from Accudemia within the last 90 days, including automated and ad hoc messages.