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Setup your Centers & Services
Purpose: Create, manage, and delete/inactivate Centers, Classrooms and Location Groups which consist of the Locations you'll be tracking attendance for in Accudemia. this is also the only place to manage the Services offered by each Center.
How to Access: Administration > Centers and Classrooms
In this step, you have to create places or locations where your appointments, walk-ins, and other student services are set up to be reported on in Accudemia.
- On the left-side navigation go to the Administration section, then select Centers & Classrooms, and to create a new Center, Classroom, or Location Group click the Create New button.
- Center - This is a place you can configure to track Walk-ins, Appointments, and more!
- Classroom - This is only used to track SI (Supplemental Instruction) Classes taking place at your Centers at preset scheduled times.
- Location Group - This option is used to group Centers & Classrooms by campuses. This can be helpful when assigning System Admins/Staff to manage the areas by allowing someone to manage a group of Centers instead of just one area.
- If you select the Center option at Type drop list.
- First, select the Location (if not using location groups this will be set to the College-level by default).
- Name the Center. Also, you can add a description if it's needed.
- At this point, you'll see there are 3 tabs (General, Subjects, and Services) to select from and you'll probably want to click on the Services tab to get started with initial Services you want Students to choose.
- From this screen click the Add button to create a new Service at your Center.
- Next in the process is to just give the Service a name, select whether all subject areas will be available at the center, set it as active(or inactive), and click the Accept button.
- Finally, be sure to click the Save Changes button at the top of this screen to complete this process.
- If you select the Classroom option at Type drop list.
- First, select the Location (if not using location groups this will be set to the College-level by default).
- Name the Classroom. Also, you can add a description if it's needed.
- Set the Classroom as active/inactive. (when inactive no class attendance can be recorded).
- Finally, be sure to click the Save Changes button at the top of this screen to complete this process.
- If you select the Location Group option at Type drop list.
- First, select the Location (if not using location groups this will be set to the College-level by default).
- Name the Location Group. Also, you can add a description if it's needed.
- Finally, be sure to click the Save Changes button at the top of this screen to complete this process.
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