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Administrator Quickstart | Next: Allowing Students to Update their Profile Data

Setting up Student Profile Questions

Go to Administration > Control Panel > Profile Questionnaire

This is an example of the questionnaire with only 1 page and 1 “multiple-answers” question.

Creating or Editing the Profile Questionnaire

  1. Click “Add New Page” to start a new profile page.
  2. Enter the page title.
  3. Enter the description.
  4. Enter a question by clicking the “Add Question” button.
  5. Change the appearance of the question with the toolbar.
  6. Check the “Required” box if the question is required.
  7. Choose the answer type. Select between Multiple Choice or Open Text answers.
  8. Enter the answer options.
  9. Enter the next question, the next page in the questionnaire or click the “Save Changes” button.
  10. Use the Preview option to verify the profile questionnaire.

See here a short video on how to create a simple 1 question questionnaire

Administrator Quickstart | Next: Allowing Students to Update their Profile Data