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Setting up Restrictions in Accudemia
These features limit what courses and staff members to display. Go to Administration > Restrictions
There are 2 types of restrictions available that you can use:
- Student-Staff Member Association - This lets you assign a specific staff members to specific students, so you can decide who works with who.
- Service-Subject Area Association - That means that only certain courses will be displayed when a service is selected. For example, certain services like Tutoring might require all the student courses to be displayed, while a Self Study service might require the students to select a different kind of activity only for tracking purposes.
Creating Student-Staff Member Association
To create the Association:
- First, select the Center you want to apply the restriction to.
- Click on + New Association to associate Students to Staff Members.
- After the Pop up Screen titled Add Association appears, select which Tutor can work with which Student(s), when done click on Save Changes to continue.
- Once you're done, click on Enable Restrictions to finish. (when clicked the Enable Restrictions will turn into Disable Restrictions)
Creating Service-Subject Area Association
To create the Association:
- First, select the Center you want to apply the restriction to.
- Click on + New Association to associate Students to Staff Members.
- After the Pop up Screen titled Add Association appears, select which Service can work with which Subject Area(s), when done click on Save Changes to continue.
- Once you're done, click on Enable Restrictions to finish. (when clicked the Enable Restrictions will turn into Disable Restrictions)
Watch this short video with an example on how to create a Course→ Service association
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