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Scheduling Appointments
To schedule an appointment, all users can use the following appointment scheduler. The options available to each user will depend on their permission level.
Using the Appointment Scheduler
Centers > Appointments > New Appointment
Follow the steps to set your appointment using this scheduler:
- Select the Student. NOTE: A student making their own appointment will not be able to make appointments for other users, unless they have additional permissions.
- Select the Center and Service(s).
- Select the Subject Areas.
- Set the appointment duration and view to the week you want to select the tutor's time-slot.
- Then click the time-slot to confirm the appointment on the next screen.
- Once confirmed, the appointment is set.
Admin only schedulers
Additionally, there are four other Appointment Schedulers available for admins only:
- New By Tutor
- New by Date
- Appointment Wizard
- Manual
These can be accessed by navigating to Centers > Appointments > New Appointment. The menu on the right side shows these additional options:
Each of these options is explained in greater detail below.
Using the "New by Tutor" Appointment Scheduler
Follow the steps to set an appointment using this type of scheduler:
- Use the Center, Subject Area, and/or Tutor filters to display the available tutors.
- Click Find Slots.
- Then click on one of the available tutor(s) and select the date and time-block.
- A pop up will be displayed asking for the student’s name, appointment start and end times, subject area, instructor, and service. Enter this information, along with any necessary notes, and click Accept to complete the appointment.
Using the "New by Date" Appointment Scheduler
Follow the steps to set an appointment using this type of scheduler:
- Use the Center, Subject Area, and/or Date filter to display the available tutors.
- Click Find Slots.
- Click on one of the available tutor(s) and select the date and time-block for the appointment.
- A pop up will be displayed. Enter the student name, start and end time, subject area, instructor, and service. Enter any necessary notes and click Accept to complete the appointment.
Using the "Appointment Wizard" Scheduler
Follow the steps to set an appointment using this wizard:
- Select the Student
- Select the days to schedule the appointment.
- Select the subject areas and services.
- Select the tutor. This can be filtered by location.
- Select a valid Start Time, Appointment duration, and Date.
- Click the Schedule Appt Button.
Using the "Manual" Appointment Scheduler
There is an Administrative tool that allows you to set a Manual Appointment. With this tool, you can set appointments with tutors that are not available on the selected Dates or in that Center and not assigned to help with the selected Subject Areas or Services.
- The Center offers the Subject Areas and Services.
- Tutors are assigned to help with the Subject Areas and Services.
- There are available Tutors scheduled.
Previous: Entering the Staff Schedules | Administrator Quickstart | Next: Viewing and Canceling Scheduled Appointments