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Generating Reports
Purpose: Reports are our reward for all the time spent collecting attendance, working on imports/data, and system setup that has been done for in Accudemia. This page introduces the basics of reporting features in Accudemia, covers how reports are grouped in Accudemia, and provides information about the actual reports, including what data they contain and their purposes.
How to Access From the Main Menu: Data Analytics > Reports
Depending on the Report Type, there are different filter options to choose from. “Period” filters information for a certain amount of time: “Today”, “Last week”, “Last month”, per “Semester” or “Custom Range.“ There are three main sections of the Reports.
- Reports for administration purposes, such as Subjects, Student Information, and more.
- Reports related to Center attendance.
SI Attendance:
- Reports related to SI Class Attendance.
Output Options
Reports offer various output options.
- Show Pie Charts - This option is available for reports that can display statistical data in a pie chart such as Surveys.
- Grouping Criteria - This option groups the report into sections based on either Tutors, Subject Areas, Centers, or Services.
- Show User ID - This option allows includes the IDs of the Students on the report. This option only appears for College and Center Admins as well as Tutors and other System Users who have been granted permission.
- Include CRN - This report option is used on Class Attendance reports displaying the individual section's Class Registration Number (CRN) for each Class being tracked.
- Create Group - This option is typically available on most reports and will create a “Report-Generated Group” based on the filters selected.
Once ready to pull a report, choose from the following formats:
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
- Excel (XLS)
- Word (DOC)
- Web Archive (HTML)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
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