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Managing email templates

Purpose: Accudemia, allows customizing the following email reminders and notifications. How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > Email Templates.

Regardless of whether you customize the Email Templates the defaults will be used so if you prefer to customize the message for the Students at your Center(s) then you'll want to set up the individual Email Templates.

Create your own Email Template

If creating a new template you will be prompted to select from the list and you want to select any template like “Appointment Confirmation to Students.” These email messages are not unique to each Center at the moment so please adjust the message accordingly.

You can customize an Email Template to your liking. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Control Panel > Email Templates when signed in as an Admin.
    Either click the Create New button at the top or select one of the already modified templates in the list below and click the Edit button at the top.
  • If you chose Create New you'll have to choose the template to edit first.
    Now make your changes to the Email Template. You can use “Mail Merge” fields to represent the student, tutor, course, or appointment information by clicking the buttons below the Body Template window. Note: Scroll down the page to preview your template.

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