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Virtual Sessions

Purpose: This area defines the configuration for virtual sessions, some of these are College-level only but most can be set at the individual Center-level.
How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > Virtual Sessions

TIP: If you would like to see the change history of each of these settings you can click the green Show History button on the top bar:

Once you do simply click on the history icon to see changes to that setting. These changes will only be kept logged for 90 days so any setting set before this time means that it was not recently changed.

When you access this area, you'll be asked to select the Scope of what Locations these settings and options apply. Certain general settings can only be found on the school scope and not on the center scope, however, most settings will be the same for all the scopes. Notice that if you change a specific setting at the center scope then that setting would apply for that center regardless of the similar setting you can find on the school scope, so for most settings what you set at the center scope takes precedence over the settings at the school scope, it is recommended to do the changes when possible to the center scope. Options are broken into several sections of settings that you can change from the defaults:

Virtual Sessions (Appointments)

  • Enable Connect Link field for users: Defines if the system should allow for online sessions and use the Connect Field value from the Tutor user configuration to pass this link to online sessions.
  • Allow users to update their own Connect Link: Defines if the system should allow for users to update their own Connect Link.
  • Allow appointment sign-in early: Allow students to join the session early by these minutes. Consider using it when the meeting software might take some time to load.
  • Allow appointment sign-in late Allow students to join the session late by these minutes after the appointment started.
  • Show appointment Notes Check this option to show notes made on the appointment before the appointment starts and when the student signs in for the visit. The notes will be shown only if the tutor does not have a Connect Link. In this case, the purpose is that the tutor put the Session URL in the appointment Notes.
The notes made by the tutor and other administrators will be shown as well. Only notes made before the appointment starts time will be displayed.
  • Join Session Instructions This text is displayed when the student is about to join the session online.
  • Enable virtual session options for administrators- If checked, administrators will be able to create links to have students sign in by themselves. Only administrators with the role “Manual Sign-In/Outs” will have this option available.
  • Allow tutors to create sign-in links for remote sessions- If checked, tutors will be able to create and share remote sign-in links for students.
  • Enable putting students back in line for remote sessions- If checked, students can be put back in line.
Warning: The student will not receive a message about them going back to the waiting queue, make sure the staff informs the student about this via email, SMS, or Accudemia's messaging system.

Zoom Integration

If checked, tutors will be able to connect to their Zoom accounts, manage their meetings, and send students to the current active meeting.

TIP: Only Zoom “Professional” or “Educational” accounts should be used to take advantage of the Accudemia-Zoom integration. “Free” Zoom accounts do not allow this two-way sync with Zoom. Note that each Tutor will need to connect their own Zoom account to use this feature.
Important! You must enable Zoom Integration on your account and have a Zoom Admin authorize the use of your institution's Zoom accounts to use this feature. In addition to the required setup, you must also have the Tutor role on your user account to use this in Accudemia.

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