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Station / Kiosk

In Accudemia, users can sign in and out of their sessions using Sign-in Stations. They can be installed physically on a computer or can be configured in Accudemia. A link would be provided to the users so they can use the Sign-in Station on their own device.

By clicking the menu Quick > Sign-In Station, or the menu Administration > Campus Setup > Sign-in Station / Kiosk the web page then displays a Sign-In Station pop-up window.

The pop-up window is used to quickly set a computer as being a “temporary” Sign-in Station for a Classroom or Center. You can configure the way it works with Students during the sign-in process by going to Administration > Control Panel > Walk-ins.

TIP: To access the full guide on how to use a Sign-In Station, you can click the following link: Sign-In Stations.
TIP: Depending on the configuration, you could use a Sign-In Station as a guest. If it is available, you will see a “Guest Sign-In” link in the Sign-In Station. The rest of the process is the same.
TIP: If you are using SAML SSO (Single Sign-On) when you complete this process, you may be taken to the logout screen only for your school. Please simply navigate back to your https://<mycollege> URL, replacing the <mycollege> domain with your school's domain for Accudemia.

Fixed Sign-In Station

  • Purpose: Use this option to set up a Fixed Walk-In Sign-In Station if you want to track a specific session that has either a pre-selected Tutor, Subject Area, Instructor, and/or Service (any combination of any of them).

This process locks the Sign-In Station to the selected options set by an Admin or Tutor (with Admin Sign-In Station privileges) so the student can simply swipe-in to a special session. This can be done from a standard Sign-In Station computer or a specially designated computer. Just be sure to set it back to an ordinary kiosk when done.

How to Access: Administration > Campus Setup > Sign-In Station / Kiosk > Computers > Settings (Gear icon)

How to set a Fixed Walk-In Sign-In Station:

  1. Navigate to the Sign-In Stations > Computers section from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select the Center in the selection box on the left.
  3. Click the Settings (Gear icon) button.
  4. Select values for some/all of the 4 options:
    • Subject Area/Courses
    • Instructor
    • Tutor
    • Service

Note: If you are not selecting something generally required for the student to sign-in, it will prompt them to choose those options. It is typically best to have either all chosen items that generally would be selected for walk-ins.

  1. Finally, click the Setup Kiosk & Logout button at the bottom of this screen.
If you don't click the button at the bottom of this screen and instead click the same button at the top, none of these options will be fixed on the sign-in stations.
Don't forget to remove the Fixed Sign-In Station and set it back to a normal station when done!

Deleting the browser's cookies will disable the computer from being set up as a Sign-In Station. The Fixed Sign-in Station Settings you've set up will become unusable.

How to Create a Sign-in Station:

How to Remove/Uninstall a Fixed Sign-In Station

If there is a Login button in the Sign-In Station/Kiosk screen, use this method. Otherwise, jump to the next section.

Click the Login button:

Type your administrative credentials, and go to the Administration > Campus Setup > Sign-In Station / Kiosk > Computers option:

Click Uninstall Kiosk as shown:

What if there is no Login button in the Sign-In Station/Kiosk?

In this case, we need to clear the browser cookie for our Accudemia system. A cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing a website (such as Accudemia). The Kiosk information is stored in a cookie, which is why we need to clear all cookies related to Accudemia.

Make sure to ONLY delete the cookies related to your Accudemia system. By deleting the cookies, any saved user/password and/or preferences will also be deleted. Accudemia's database information will not be affected. This is only to delete the temporary “preferences” information saved by the web browser. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, contact your administrators for help.
The process to clear cookies varies depending on the web browser you are using. Please search how to do it for your current web browser that is being used.

This example is with Google Chrome:

Go to the browser properties:

Search for cookies:

Click “See all cookies and site data”:

Locate your Accudemia website and click the delete button:

Refresh the website by typing the URL again.

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