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My Profile
This section refers to some of the options related to the current user. You can access these options by clicking on the user's name (shown below). A drop-down menu will appear with a set of options (depending on your roles) such as Account, Preferences, Pending Surveys, and Logout.
By clicking on the Account tab, a My Account pop-up tab will appear. Users can now update their contact information, security settings, profile data, and enrollment information.
General Tab
You may notice some fields are disabled from editing (grayed-out) as they cannot be changed (except by another System Administrator in Accudemia). These are primarily all of the required fields that are in Accudemia (First Name, Last Name). You should be allowed to update the following:
- Birthdate - Use this field to enter the date of birth (this field is optional).
- Gender - Use this field to enter the gender (this field is optional).
- Connect Link - This field only shows if enabled in Control Panel→ Virtual Sessions → Enable 'Connect Link' field for users (this field is optional).
- Emails - Use this field to enter an email (this field by default is optional, but it can be set as required by the Administrator).
- Phone Numbers - Use this field to enter phone numbers (this field by default is optional, but it can be set as required by the Administrator)
- Addresses - Use this field to enter addresses (this field by default is optional, but it can be set as required by the Administrator)
Security Tab
Usually, the information related to security is grayed out as it cannot be edited except by another System Administrator in Accudemia. These are primarily all of the required fields in Accudemia (User ID, Secondary-ID, Permissions). You should be allowed to update the following:
- Password - Set a password (depending on the configuration set by the Administrator, you might have to use a strong password, which can be a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols of a specific minimum length)
- Scope - Use this option to restrict/scope the user to a specific center/location (this field is optional).
Profile Tab
In the Profile tab, users will see/answer several questions configured by the Administrator:
- Gender
- Academic Assistance Program
- Recommendation
- Sports
Enrollment Tab
In the Enrollment tab (only visible to those users with Student role), students will be able to select the Term, and the Subject Area to add classes to their enrollment.
Tutor Assignments Tab
In the Assignments tab (only visible to those users with Tutor role) tutors will be able to see/update the Term information and the Subject Area that they can tutor.
Creating Appointment Direct Link
Purpose: Create a link that lets them directly schedule an appointment with you.
To create an appointment link, you must:
- First, click on your name and select Account.
- Then, click on Create Link under the profile picture.
- After the popup screen appears, select the short name you want to use for your link and click on Save Link to start using it.
- Copy your link under Copy & Share and share it.
Preferences / My Settings
By clicking on the Preferences tab, users will be able to change their Notification settings and their Site Navigation settings.
These are all the settings or preferences for your personal Accudemia account:
This page allows the user to set when Accudemia should send emails and SMS to them.
All Items are selected by default.
Send me an email...
This feature allows users to choose how they receive confirmations and reminders via emails.
- When someone sends me a message - This will forward an email with the message when someone sends you a message to your Accudemia inbox.
- When someone cancels an appointment - This will send you an email notification when someone cancels an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone restores an appointment - This will send you an email notification when someone restores (recreates a canceled appointment) an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone confirms an appointment - This will send you an email notification when someone creates an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone reschedules an appointment - This will send you an email notification when someone reschedules (changes the date/time) an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- As an appointment reminder - This will send you an email notification to remind you about an upcoming appointment in Accudemia.
- When a technical contact is removed - This will send you an email notification when a technical contact is removed in Accudemia.
- When the difference between the license limit and the current students count is less than X - This option lets you know if you are close to the license limits on your Accudemia account (see notes).
- When AccuCredits are less than Y - This option lets you know if you are running low on AccuCredits for SMS notifications on your Accudemia account (see notes).
- When a technical contact is removed
- When AccuCredits is less than X
- When the difference between the license limit and the current students count is less than
Are only options when using an Administrator account logged into Accudemia.
Send me a SMS...
This feature allows users to choose how they receive confirmations and reminders via SMS (Text Messages).
- When someone cancels an appointment - This will send you an SMS notification when someone cancels an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone restores an appointment - This will send you an SMS notification when someone restores (recreates a canceled appointment) an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone confirms an appointment - This will send you an SMS notification when someone creates an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- When someone reschedules an appointment - This will send you an SMS notification when someone reschedules (changes the date/time) an appointment with you in Accudemia.
- As an appointment reminder - This will send you an SMS notification to remind you about an upcoming appointment in Accudemia.

Once the history icon appears next to each setting simply click on it to view the list of changes.
Site Navigation
This page allows the user to remember selections and customize Accudemia the way they want. The following items are selected by default.
- Remember the last center selected
- Remember filters in the session log screen
- Remember duration in manual sign-in/out screens
- Remember comments in manual sign-in/out screens
- Remember subject area selection in manual sign-in/out screens
- Remember services selection in manual sign-in/out screens
- Auto-select myself as tutor (applies only to tutors)
- Auto-select myself as professor (applies only to professors)

Once the history icon appears next to each setting simply click on it to view the list of changes.
Virtual Meetings
This page allows you to connect to our virtual meeting integration platforms. Only Zoom Integration is currently available, but more should be added soon.
Zoom Integration
The next step would be to connect and authorize the Zoom integration (if requested):

Here is how to implement Zoom:
Pending Surveys
Users can click the Pending Surveys link on the top navigation bar to view and respond to any pending surveys awaiting completion through this screen.
About Accudemia
This screen displays information regarding the Accudemia system and also some statistics from your account. You can see here the current Accudemia version information, the number of centers that this account is configured for use (five academic centers in the sample below), and other related information.
Use this option to log out of your Accudemia account.
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