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Text Messages (Activity Log)

new_feature_white.jpg This section allows you to see an activity log of all SMS/Test messages sent through the college or each center's messaging. There are no other options besides viewing what messages have gone out on your account and to what students for what reasons. If you leave this set to the college level you will also see messages sent through the backend to other users.

Using the search options on the left side of this screen you can limit the search by the following options:

  • LOCATION - This option is used to select the center where you want to view the messaging.
  • STUDENT - This option is to look at messaging that has gone out to a particular student.
  • PHONE NUMBER - This option allows you to look at all messages sent to a particular phone number.
  • COURSE/ACTIVITY - This option allows you to see specific messages based on the activity/course related to the messaging.
  • PERIOD - This option allows you to narrow down the results to look for specific time ranges.

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