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Class Attendance Reports

How to Access: Data Analytics > Reports > SI Attendance

Class Attendance reports can be pulled for any Supplemental Instruction Classes that you may offer. You can import class information and set up classrooms in Accudemia to accommodate the use of these reports. Additionally, if you give your Faculty/Instructors outside the Center access to Accudemia they can refer students over to your Centers using our Accudemia Referrals & Early Alerts System (AREAS).

Class-Based Reports

The next 10 reports are all the reports related to Class Attendance tracking in Accudemia.


This report when printed out is shown as:
Class Attendance Summary Report.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show a list with the summary data of classes in the period.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups.
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays a list with Students, Student Identification Numbers, date of Registration, Dropped date, "Attended & Absent times", and "Tardy & excused absentees".


This report is displayed as Class Attendance Details Report when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show Students detailed information about their Supplemental Instructor (SI) Classes.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups, Instructors.
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays each classes' student information with the Attendance Status (Present or Absent, it will also note if marked Tardy or Excused as well) that the student earned each day.


This report is shown as Class Absentees Report when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show a list of absentees per class session.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups, Instructors.
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays a full list of absentees for each class session.

Absences List

This report is shown as Class Absences List when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show a list of the absences of registered students.
Available Filters: Absence Range (Minimum and Maximum Criteria), Classes, Locations, Students, Groups, Instructors.
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays a list of the absences of registered students to filtered classes. Also displays some data as their Student ID, phone, and dropped status. Use the Absence range Also to filter users with a minimum and a maximum number of absences.

Tardiness Detail

This report is shown as Class Tardiness Detail when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To display the number of times a student has been late in a class session, also displays how long the Student has been late each time.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups, Instructors.
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays each student's tardiness. Displays if the student is still registered to a SI Class or has dropped it too. Also, the report displays the length of time a student has been late to each class session.

Tardiness List

This report is shown as Class Tardiness List when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To display the number of times that each student has been late to a class session.
Available Filters: Tardy Count Range, Classes, Locations, Students, Groups
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays each class with the number of times that a student has been late. The report can be set up to not include all students using the **Tardy Count Range** minimum and maximums, but if not it will just display everyone even if they have none.


This report is shown as Class Dropped Report when printed.

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show the dropped students from the selected classes.
Available Filters: Classes, Students, Groups
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays the date on which students were dropped from the Class in Accudemia, and the Class(es) where students were dropped during the selected period. The analyzed period is the current Term/Semester by default but you can always customize the period.

Unregistered Students

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To display a Student list of all students who are not enrolled in a class but who have signed in to a class session.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This Report displays unregistered students to classes where they have a sign-in for class attendance.


When printed this report displays as Class Attendance Overall Report

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays the percentage of absences in each class tracked.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations, Students, Groups
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report displays the percentages of attendance statuses and the amount of canceled classes for the period selected.

Room Schedule

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To Show the Classroom Schedule.
Available Filters: Classes, Locations
Description: This report shows the classroom schedule. This report allows to filter by classes or Term/Semester. Displays, also, added and canceled classes.

Early Alerts / Referral Reports

The next 2 reports are all the reports related to Early Alerts / Referrals made for the Centers in Accudemia.

Referral Summary

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show Students Referrals.
Available Filters: Instructors, Students, Classes, Subject Areas, Period, Referral Template
Available Options: Show User ID
Description: This report displays student's referrals in a period. Use the filters to display the referrals in a range.

Referral Details

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show student referrals including their Description and Referral History.
Available Filters: Instructors, Students, Classes, Subject Areas, Period, Referral Template
Available Options: Show User ID
Description: This report displays full information on the student's referral.

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