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Center Attendance Reports

How to Access: Data Analytics > Reports > Centers

In this section, you can use Accudemia to generate reports for center attendance by tutors, students, subject area, and services used. Pull them as needed (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), each semester or annually for grant reporting needs. Use User Groups created in the system to pull reports that include students who have received services, hours tutored, and date and time of visit(s). These types of reports may also help your centers whose budget is based upon the amount of FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Students that are reported to the State Auditors in academic instruction and support services.

Furthermore, Center Attendance reports leverage the Accudemia data to show when, and how frequently, users access your services for help with their courses. Traffic Analysis Reports detail your busiest time of the day, the busiest time of the week, and the busiest weeks of the year. Additionally, these reports can show you the courses and services that Students need the most help with across your institution.

Attendance Summaries Reports

This next section shows all of the summary and detailed visit reports.

Attendance Summary

When you print this report it may be shown as one of the following titles depending on the “Summary by” option selected:
  • Attendance Summary Report by Service
  • Attendance Summary Report by Subject Area
  • Attendance Summary Report by Location
  • Attendance Summary Report by Instructor
  • Attendance Summary Report by Tutor

You essentially have 5 summary reports in this one report option.

Important! Keep in mind on the Attendance Summary Reports that the totals displayed are adding up the numbers of all the subtotaled items and a student visit may have shown up multiple times for the same visit because they selected multiple “services”, “courses”, etc. Therefore we also provide a unique visitor count and unique number of visits at the bottom of these reports.

Attendance Summary Report by Service

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visit counts by Service.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s)
Summary By: Service
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By…" topic. Topics include Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, or Tutor.

Attendance Summary Comparison

Attendance Summary Comparison

This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By..." topic. Sample
Purpose: Compares 2 periods, Topics include subject area, center, Service, Instructor, or Tutor from two different date ranges for comparison.
Available Filters: Period 1, Period 2, Location(s)
Summary By: Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, Tutor.
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: .

Attendance Summary By Student and Subject Area

Report Information Sample
Purpose: This report provides summarized information about students visits and their subject areas. The report lists total visits and time by subject area.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s) and Service(s), Student(s), Group(s), Subject Area(s).
Available Options: Create Groups

Attendance Summary Report by Subject Area

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visit counts by Subject Area.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s)
Summary By: Subject Area
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By…" topic. Topics include Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, or Tutor.

Attendance Summary Report by Location

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visit counts by Location.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s)
Summary By: Location
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By…" topic. Topics include Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, or Tutor.

Attendance Summary Report by Instructors

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visit counts by Instructors.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s)
Summary By: Instructors
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By…" topic. Topics include Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, or Tutor.

Attendance Summary Report by Tutor

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visit counts by Tutor.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s)
Summary By: Tutor
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report shows the number of visits and the period spend on the chosen "Summary By…" topic. Topics include Subject Area, Location, Service, Instructor, or Tutor.

Attendance Summary by Student and Subject Area

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows summarized information about students visits and their subject areas.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas.
Available Options: Create Group.
Description: This report provides summarized information about students' visits and their subject areas selected at sign-in. The report lists total visits and time by subject area for each student.

Detailed Attendance Reports

Attendance by Student

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows a detailed list of students’ attendance.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas, Tutors
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report provides detailed information about visitors and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, the report lists courses this student used. For each course, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent). The total time the student spent on each course is also shown in this report.

Attendance by Student - With Contact Info

When you print this report it may be shown as Attendance By Student with Contact Info Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows a detailed list of students’ attendance.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas, Tutors
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report provides detailed information about visitors and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, the report lists subject this student used. For each subject, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent). The total time the student spent on each subject is also shown in this report.

Attendance by Tutor

When you print this report it may be shown as Visits By Tutor Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows a detailed list of Tutors’ attendance.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas, Tutors
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report provides detailed information about visitors and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, the report lists subject this student used. For each subject, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent). The total time the student spent on each subject is also shown in this report.

Attendance by Subject Area

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows usage of Subject Areas offered at your center .
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report provides information about the subjects at your center. For each student, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period).

Attendance by Services

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visits per Service.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists each service and for each service, lists the students that signed in and selected it. For each student the report shows the sign-in time, sign-out time and sign-in period.

Attendance by Services (incl. Subject Area)

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows visits per Service followed by the Subject Areas.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists each service and for each service, lists the students that signed in and selected it. For each student the report shows the sign-in time, sign-out time and sign-in period and visited subject.

Attendance by Services (incl. Subject Area and Students Profile)

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows Attendance by Services (incl. Subject Area and Students Profile).
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas
Available Options: Show User ID
Description: This report lists the session logs for each service, showing the students that signed in and selected those services. For each student the report shows the sign-in time, sign-out time and sign-in period, visited subject area and their full profile.

Attendance by Instructor

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows the Subject/Class of each visit for the Students' Instructor.
Available Filters: Period, Location(s), Instructors, Students, Groups, Subjects.
Available Options: Show User ID, Include CRN, Hide Services, Calculate Positive Hours, Create Group
Description: This report lists each instructor and classes (subjects) associated with the instructor. Students who signed to the class are also listed, and for each visit, the report shows the sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period. The total time for each student is also calculated.

Attendance By Class

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays Center visits summary by the Classes the Students are enrolled.
Available Filters: Classes, Subject Areas, Location(s), Students, Groups, Instructors
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report lists each Class (& Subject Area) of visits for the selected period. Students who signed into the Center for the Class are also listed, and for each visit, the report shows the sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period. The total time for each student is also calculated.

Attendance by Class - With Logs

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays Center visits summary by the Classes the Students are enrolled and below that is the actual Session Logs for each Class.
Available Filters: Classes, Subject Areas, Location(s), Students, Groups, Instructors
Available Options: Create Group
Description: This report lists each Class (& Subject Area) of visits for the selected period. Students who signed into the Center for the Class are also listed, and for each visit, the report shows the sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period. The total time for each student is also calculated.

Appointment Reports

This next set of reports contains Center Attendance but only related to Appointments.

Appointments - Scheduled

When you print this report it may be shown as Scheduled Appointments Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays scheduled appointments in the past or the future.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show canceled appointments, Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists all of the appointments scheduled for the selected period of time. For each appointment the report shows the Student, date and day of appointment, scheduled start and end times, subject, service and whether the appointment is scheduled as exclusive.

Appointments - Daily

When you print this report it may be shown as Daily Appointments Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays daily appointments.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show canceled appointments, Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists all appointments by date separated by tutor. For each appointment the report shows the scheduled start and end times, subject, service and student.

Appointments - History

When you print this report it may be shown as Appointment History Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays history of past appointments.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists past appointments for the selected period of time. For each appointment the report shows tutor, student, date, scheduled start and end times, subject, service, whether the appointment was canceled and whether the appointment is recorded as a no show.

Appointments - Detailed History

When you print this report it may be shown as Appointment Detailed History Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays detailed history of past appointments.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists appointment details for past appointments for the selected period of time. For each appointment the report shows the date, time, subject, service, student, tutor, who scheduled the appointment and their role, date and time the appointment was scheduled, whether the appointment was exclusive, whether the appointment was canceled and if the appointment was recorded as a no show.

Appointments - No Shows

When you print this report it may be shown as Appointment No-shows Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays no shows to scheduled appointments.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show canceled appointments, Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists by student all appointments that have been recorded as no show. For each appointment the report shows tutor, date, scheduled start and end times, subject and service.

Appointments - Comments

When you print this report it may be shown as Appointments with Comments Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays comments made on scheduled appointments.
Available Filters: Locations, Students, Tutors, Groups, Period
Available Options: Show canceled appointments, Show voided appointments, Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists by student all appointments that have comments. For each appointment the report shows tutor, date, scheduled start and end times, subject and service.

Visitor History

These reports show trends in data across the center.

Return Times By Service

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays visit return times by individual students.
Available Filters: Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas, Period
Grouped by: Services
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report shows visit return times made by individual students for each Service selected.

Return Times By Service (incl. Student Profile)

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Lists each session log and the times the students returned for the same service (in the same center). This report also includes the full student profile for each row.
Available Filters: Period, Locations and Services, Students, Groups, Subject Areas.
Grouped by: Services
Available Options: Show User ID
Description: This report shows visit return times made by individual students for each Service selected. It also includes the student’s demographics if you need to build reports based on that information. Using filters in MS Excel will allow you to see certain demographics of visit return times.

Tutor Activity

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays an individual Tutor's Activity with the Students along with their individual work hours.
Available Filters: Locations and Services, Students, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Available Options: Show Voided Appointments, Show User ID
Description: This report shows appointment and visit activity with the Students by an individual Tutor. It also displays the select Tutor's work hours for the Period selected.
You must select an individual Tutor for this report to run properly. You cannot select multiple Tutors for this report due to the way that it is formatted.

Student Usage

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays an individual Student's Activity.
Available Filters: Locations and Services, Students, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Available Options: Show Voided Appointments, Show User ID
Description: This report shows all the appointment and visit activity for the selected Student.
You must select an individual Student for this report to run properly. You cannot select multiple Students for this report due to the way that it is formatted.

Visitor History

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows information about the visits of each visitor.
Available Filters: Students, Groups, Locations, Period
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists each student that visited the center during the reporting period. For each visitor the report shows the student’s number of visits, the date and time of his or her first visit, the date and time of his or her last visit, and the average visit’s time for the that student.

Click here to go back to the User Accounts settings in the Control Panel if you came from that page.

Weekly Visits

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show the number of weekly visits.
Available Filters: Subject Areas, Instructors, Students, Locations, Groups, Period
Available Options: Create Group
Description: The report shows the number of times a student visited a subject per week.

Zero Visits

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show students who never visited your center.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Students, Groups
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists each student that didn’t visit your center during the reporting period.

New Visitors

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show new visitors during the reporting period.
Available Filters: Students, Groups, Locations, Period
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group
Description: This report lists each new student to your center.

Session Comments

When you print this report it may be shown as Session Log Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Displays comments entered on sign-in sessions via the “Session Log” screen.
Available Filters: Locations and Services, Students, Tutors, Instructors, Subject Areas, Period, Groups
Available Options: Show User ID, Create Group, Report Visit
Description: This report shows comments on sessions.

This report only shows sessions with comments only. If you want to get a full report of all your sessions then the Tutors/Advisors must complete the Session Comments on their Session Logs with the Students. Additional information regarding this report:

  • Click here for more information about entering Session Comments on the Session Logs.
  • Click here to learn how to schedule this report in Accudemia.
  • Click here to learn more about enabling the "Report Visit (to Instructor)" option.

Tutor Hours Reports

Tutor Hours

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show the number of hours that a tutor has sign in to their corresponding center in a period.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Tutors, Groups
Available Options: Show Tutor ID, Create Group
Description: This report displays the hours that a tutor was tutoring in all college centers. It records all dates that user make a sign in and a sign out.

Tutor Hours with Tasks

Report Information Sample
Purpose: To show hours that a tutor was tutoring in all college centers. It contains sign-in and out dates and times and also their selected tasks.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Tutors, Tasks, Groups
Available Options: Show Tutor ID, Create Group
Description: This report displays the hours that a tutor was tutoring in all college centers. It contains sign-in and out dates and times and also their selected tasks.

Tutor Hours Summary with Tasks

Report Information Sample
Purpose: This report displays the summary of hours that a tutor was tutoring in all college centers. It contains their selected tasks.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Tutors, Tasks, Groups
Available Options: Show Tutor ID
Description: This report displays the summary of hours that a tutor was tutoring in all college centers. It contains their selected tasks.

Non-anonymous Survey Reports

Session Log With Surveys

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows all the session logs in which a survey has been completed by the student.
Available Filters: Surveys, Locations and Services, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Description: This report displays the answers to each question in a survey the student completed for their visits.
You can create scheduled reports to send this information periodically (and send only the information belonging to each specific user), follow this guide.

Session Log with Surveys Results Incl. Student Data

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows all the sessions logs which a survey has been displayed to the users with all answers in the results column.
Available Filters: Surveys, Locations and Services, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Available Formats: Unlike most reports this only is available in an Excel File and CSV File format.
Description: This report display the answers of each survey question that users completed during a sign-in into a Center.

Chart Visits Reports

Traffic Analysis

Report Information Samples
Purpose: Shows many different charted reports about your college's traffic. Use the Traffic Analysis Report Configuration screen to customize the types of charted reports and attendance analysis to download.
Available Filters: Locations, Period
Available Options (3 report types with either charts or a list of data collected):
  1. Session Time Reports
    • Chart-based
      1. By Week
      2. By day of the week
      3. By day and hour of the week
      4. By hour and day of the week
      5. Average by day of the week
    • List-based
      1. By Week
      2. By day of the week
      3. By day and hour of the week
      4. By hour and day of the week
      5. Average by day of the week
  2. Visit Reports
    • Chart-based
      1. By Week
      2. By day of the week
      3. By day and hour of the week
      4. By hour and day of the week
      5. By subject
      6. By service
    • List-based
      1. By Week
      2. By day of the week
      3. By day and hour of the week
      4. By hour and day of the week
      5. By subject
      6. By service
  3. Student Reports
    • Chart-based
      1. By day of the week
      2. Return Times
    • List-based
      1. By day of the week
      2. Return Times

Description: This Report shows all of the traffic for the locations and period selected for the reports you've select. Since the report is really a multitude of reports when you download it to your Personal Computer it will be saved as a ZIP file. You'll need to extract the files to see the zipped reports.

Session Time Reports

By Week
By day of the week
By day and hour of the week
By hour and day of the week
Average by day of the week

Visit Reports

By Week
By day of the week
By day and hour of the week
By hour and day of the week
By subject
By service

Student Reports

By day of the week
Return Times

Session Assessment Reports

Tutoring Assessment Results

When you print this report it may be shown as Survey Results Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows all the results from the multiple choice answers with or without being graphed for the Tutoring Assessment selected which was previously completed by your staff.
Available Filters: Surveys
Available Options: Show Pie Charts
Description: This report displays the multiple choice answers for each Tutoring Assessment that is updated by the Tutors/Advisors/Counselors when they meet with a Student at the Center.

Tutoring Assessment - Detailed

When you print this report it may be shown as Tutor Surveys Detailed Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows the the detailed text-based answers for the Tutoring Assessment selected which was previously completed by your staff.
Available Filters: Surveys, Locations and Services, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Available Options: Include CRN
Description: This report displays the detailed text-based answers for each Tutoring Assessment that is completed by the Tutors/Advisors/Counselors every time they meet with a Student at the Center.

Tutoring Assessment - Detailed (Columns Format)

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows the detailed text-based answers for the Tutoring Assessment selected which was previously completed by your staff.
Available Filters: Surveys, Locations and Services, Tutors, Subject Areas, Period
Available Options: Include CRN
Report Types: This is the same report as the previous one listed so it is only available in Excel format to get these specific columns of data.
Description: This report displays the detailed text-based answers for each Tutoring Assessment that is completed by the Tutors/Advisors/Counselors every time they meet with a Student at the Center.

Intake System

Wait Times Report

This report when printed will simply be labeled as Wait Times Report.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows the wait times for each location during the time frame selected.
Available Filters: Locations, Period
Description: This report shows the wait times for each location during the time frame selected.

Support Drop Box Reports

The next report is the only one available for the Support Drop Box and shows you the Support (Asynchronous Tutoring) tickets in a summary report.

Support Drop Box

NOTE: This will be relabeled to the Terminology you set in the Control Panel, like “Async Tutoring”, “online Paper Submission”, etc.
Report Information Sample
Purpose: Shows a summary of the tickets/submissions received and handled during the timeframe selected.
Available Filters: Period, Locations
Description: This report shows the tickets handled for a specified period.

Resource (Room) Reservation Reports

This section will show you the 3 reports that are available to report on the Resource Reservations in Accudemia.

Resource (Room) Reservation

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Summarizes the room reservations received during the timeframe selected for a specific location or all locations.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Resources, "Show canceled reservations"
Description: This report shows the room reservations for a specified period and location.

Daily Resource Reservations

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Summarizes the daily room reservations received during the timeframe selected for a specific location or all locations.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Resources, "Show canceled reservations"
Description: This report shows the daily room reservations for a specified period and location.

Resource Reservation Usage Statistics

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Summarizes the room reservations received during the timeframe selected for a specific location or all locations but also provides charts of the usage statistics.
Available Filters: Period, Locations, Resources
Description: This report shows the daily room reservations for a specified period and location but also provides charts of the usage statistics.

Media Checkout Reports

This section will show the 3 available Media Checkout reports.

Media Items

Report Information Sample
Purpose: This report shows the Media Items available at a specific location or all locations.
Available Filters: Locations, Media Types, "Show inactive media items"
Description: Shows the Media Items available at a specific location or all locations.

Late Media Items

Report Information Sample
Purpose: This report shows the Media Items that are overdue at a specific location, media type, student, and more!
Available Filters: Locations, Media Types, Media Items, Students, "Show inactive media items"
Description: Shows the Media Items late at a specific location or all locations.

Media Checkout Histories

Report Information Sample
Purpose: This report shows the complete history of Media Items that are checked out at a specific location or for a specific media type, student, and more!
Available Filters: Locations, Media Types, Media Items, Students, "Show inactive media items"
Description: Shows the complete history of Media Items that are checked out at a specific location or for a specific media type, student, etc.

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