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Purpose: Reports are our reward for all the time spent collecting attendance, working on imports/data, and system setup that has been done in Accudemia.

This first page will introduce the basics of reporting features in Accudemia. The next pages about reports are grouped by the sections you see in Accudemia and will give you information about the actual reports explaining what data they contain and their purposes.

How to Access: Reports (On the main menu)

The terminology should be using the terms defined by the administrator in the software.

The reports are broken into 3 main sections:

  • General Reports: These are the administrative, enrollment, and general reports available in Accudemia.
  • Centers Reports: These are the reports that going to show you all the appointments, visits, and what is going on in the Center.
  • SI Attendance Reports: These are the reports that going to show you all the attendance including presence, absence, and tardiness details for Classes.


Depending on the report being run you will have different filter options to choose from. Typically if the report does not include the information you will not see it as a filter option. These are some you may have:

  • Locations & Services - Choose from the Centers & Services that you want to report on.
  • Subject Areas/Courses - Choose from available Subject Areas you want to report on.
  • Students - Choose from available Students you want to report on.
  • Tutors - Choose from available Tutors you want to report on.
  • Instructors - Choose from available Instructors you want to report on.
  • Student Groups - Choose from available Student Groups you want to report on.
  • Period - The Period filter allows you to filter the report information for a certain amount of time such as:
    • Today
    • Last Week
    • Last Month
    • Next Week (for appointments and schedules)
    • Next Month (for appointments and schedules)
    • Semester(s)
    • As Entered (Chosen Calendar Dates)
You can use the Pin filters feature for Report Filters that you would like the Accudemia system to remember so you do not have to reselect these options. For instance, if I know that I need reports only for a specific center then I can click the Pin filters button to keep that filter locked on the Center that I choose.

However, you must then click the Select button, select the items you want to filter, and run the report for these to be remembered.

Output Options

Depending on the report you are running you may have additional options to choose from. Typically if the report does not include the information you will not see it as an additional option.

  • Show Pie Charts - This option is available when you pull certain reports that can display statistical data in a pie chart such as Surveys.
  • Grouping Criteria - This option allows you to group the report generated into sections based on either Tutors, Subject Areas, Centers, or Services.
  • Show User ID - This option allows you to include the IDs of the Students on the report. This option only appears for College and Center Admins if you do not otherwise allow it to be used on Tutors and other System Users.
  • Include CRN - This report option is used on SI Attendance reports to display the individual section's Class Registration Number (CRN) for each Class being tracked.
  • Create Group - This option is typically available on most reports and will allow you to create a “Report-Generated Group” based on the filters you selected.
You can later rename this User Group in the User Accounts > Groups section.
More information can be found here.


When you have selected all the required filter data you can choose from the following formats:

  • Portable Data File (PDF) Portable Document Format (better known by the abbreviation PDF) The PDF is now an open standard, maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDF documents can contain links and buttons, form fields, audio, video, and business logic. They can be signed electronically, and you can easily view PDF files on Windows or Mac OS using the free Acrobat Reader DC software
  • Excel Formatted Report (XLS) An XLS document file is the standard file extension for any document constructed in the Microsoft Excel software program. The XLS is one of very few document file types that handle spreadsheet documents. XLS stands for Excel Spreadsheet.
  • Microsoft Word (DOC) DOC file extension refers to a word processing document format. This binary file format is proprietary of Microsoft and is native to Microsoft's most popular word processing application, Microsoft Word. … DOC files are still supported in many applications and different platforms.
  • Web Archive (HTML) An HTML file contains Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used to format the structure of a webpage. It is stored in a standard text format and contains tags that define the page layout and content of the webpage, including the text, tables, images, and hyperlinks displayed on the webpage. HTML files are widely used online and displayed in web browsers
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) Stands for “Extensible Markup Language.” (Yes, technically it should be EML). The XML format defines documents with a standard format that can be read by any XML-compatible application.
  • Comma Separated Values (CSV) A CSV file is a comma-separated values file commonly used by spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. It contains plain text data sets separated by commas, with each new line in the CSV file representing a new database row and each database row consisting of one or more fields separated by a comma.

Reports History

In Accudemia, you can review recently run reports. Use the Share Report button to send the report via e-mail to the users that you want.

In this example, we have selected to send this report to 1 user and 1 group.

If your report is taking too long to be processed (like when you order several semesters' worth of reporting data) then Accudemia has the option to Email a message when complete. If Accudemia has your correct email on file it will send you an email when the report is completed once you click the link that appears while it is processing your report. Then when you get this email you can view this report and reports ran anytime in the last 30 days in the Report History screen.
Daily the Report History will automatically remove any reports that ran more than 30 days in the past.

Favorite Reports

You can now favorite a report by selecting the report and when running the report checking the checkbox to make it a favorite.

Important! If you do not run the report with the option checked then it will not make the report a favorite report.

Once you have successfully favorited a report, you can see a Favorite Reports section at the top of the Reports page.

Reports Scheduling

Some reports in Accudemia can be scheduled to be sent at specific times to specific users (or groups of users). To access this feature go to any report that supports this feature, and select all filters as you usually do but instead of running the report by clicking the VIEW REPORT button, select the SCHEDULE REPORT button, shown highlighted here:

For this explanation we will use the “Session Comments Report”, and it is filtered by date(“Last 7 Days”), so basically I want to send a weekly report to all tutors and students about the last week's Session Comments information. Although we are using this particular report this process should work with any report that can be scheduled
  1. On the first screen we must provide a name to the Scheduled Report, please include the periodicity(How often it will be triggered) and the nature of the report(what is the report about) so users better understand the content of it.
  2. On the second screen, you must select the periodicity(Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and when exactly the report will be sent, in this example we want to send it weekly every Friday afternoon.
Important! Note the dates when the next scheduled email will go out. The system will typically not schedule the same day unless doing daily scheduled reports.

Using external tools like Microsoft Excel to update/improve reports

Accudemia offers access to several different kinds of reports and export files, most of which can be enhanced/edited with tools like Microsoft Excel. See here for some examples.

Accudemia: How to analyze data in reports using Excel?

Accudemia: How to manipulate data from reports and export files in Excel?

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