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Tutors Schedule

Purpose: To edit Tutor's availability.
How to Access: Centers > Tutor Schedule

Use this page to add/edit all tutors' availability/schedule. You can choose the Calendar Edit Mode using the drop-down list in the filtering options. Type the Tutor's name in the field provided to search and select the correct Tutor you want to create a schedule for. Use Center drop-down list to choose the specific Center where this Tutor is going to be working.

Modifying the Tutor's Schedule

Choose from the following Calendar Edit Modes:

  • Merged Mode: This is a combination of the Term Mode and Exceptions Only.
    • To edit the schedule in this mode, you will have to choose the week that you are going to edit. You have the option to display appointments.
You cannot edit dates in the past while using this calendar edit mode.
  • Term Mode: This is the default calendar edit mode. In this mode, you are allowed to edit the Tutor's Availability for the entire Term/Semester. This is usually their regular work week.
Use Term mode to select the Term/Semester which your tutor will be available. You can schedule as Available, Not Available, or Not Working. You can also clear blocks using the Event Information.
  • Exceptions Only: This mode allows you to edit the Tutor's Schedule by setting exceptions to their normal schedule such as off-time needed on specific dates.
You cannot edit dates in the past while using this calendar edit mode.
Tutors edit their schedule by clicking on the top menu bar option that is labeled My Schedule.

Tutors cannot edit their own schedule by default. If you wish to have them create their own schedule, go to the Administration > Control Panel > User Accounts and ensure that there is a check next to Tutors can edit their own Schedule in the list of options. If you change these settings, go ahead and click the Save Changes button at the top of this screen to apply the settings.

Scheduling a Tutor

  1. Go to Tutors Schedule in the tab under the Center Attendance navigation menu. You then can select the Center, enter the Tutor Name, and select the Edit Mode options as shown below:
    • Term/Semester Mode: allows you to set normal work hours regardless of dates for the semester selected.
    • Exceptions Only Mode: allows you to set specific dates of a week for exceptions to their normal schedule. You can display appointments for the week selected.
    • Merged Mode: allows you to set specific dates of a week for exceptions to their normal schedule. It shows the normal work hours too. You can display appointments for the week selected.
  2. Click the Apply Filters button.
  3. Click and drag the mouse to create a block in the calendar:
  4. Select the information for the selected time:
    • Schedule As: This is the “availability” or “status” of the tutor for the selected time slot:
      • Available     : This means they can be selected for walk-ins or appointments if desired during that time period.
      • Not Available     : This means they cannot be selected for anything during that time period.
      • Not Working     : This means they cannot be selected for anything during that time period and is typically used to clear the schedule.
    • Description: This could be any additional information about this block of time you are setting up for the tutor.
    • Max Attendees: This is the maximum amount of students the tutor can meet with at the same time.
    • Subject Areas: Select only what you want the Tutor to be able to help with during the time block.
Tutors must first be assigned the Subject Areas before setting their schedule in order for them to populate.
  • Services: Select only what you want the Tutor to be able to help with during the time block.

5. Click the Save button.

When you've already assigned a schedule to a Tutor, you may see other Availability Statuses such as:

Available   Not Available   Not Working Off-time   Working in Another Center   Cleared

Copy the Tutor's Schedule to Other Tutors

  1. First, look up the tutor's schedule you want to be the source to copy to other tutor's schedules. To do so, fill in the tutor search box, set the Center, choose the “edit mode”, select the dates/semester (depending on the mode), and then click Apply.
  2. When the schedule has loaded, click Copy.
  3. If you're in the Term/Semester Mode, you'll get the pop-up shown in the image below:
    • In the semester's edit mode, only the events defined for this semester will be copied except the events declared as exceptions.
  4. If you’re in the Exceptions Only Mode or Merged Mode, you’ll get the pop-up shown in the image below:
    • In the Exceptions Only edit mode, only the events defined as exceptions will be copied to the destinations. You can select to copy the exceptions in the entire semester or only the ones in the specified period.
  5. If you’re in the merged edit mode, you’ll get the same pop-up shown above. All events that match the copy criteria will be copied to the destinations, regardless if they’re defined in the semester's mode or if they’re exceptions.
TIP: Using the checkbox labeled “automatically assign courses used in this schedule” will automatically assign the subject areas used in the source schedule to the tutors selected in the destination schedule.

Copy the Tutor's Schedule to the Current/Future Semester

  1. First, look up the tutor's schedule you want to copy to their current or future schedule. To do so, fill in the tutor search box, set the Center, select the edit mode (which must be set to “term mode” with the previous semester selected), and then click Apply.
    NOTE: You can only copy the Tutor's recurring “Semester/Term Mode” schedule using this feature.
  2. When the schedule has loaded, click Copy.
  3. Next, the system will display the pop-up shown below, and you'll select the “To Another Semester” option:
  4. On the next screen, select the current or a future semester in the “Destination Semester” dropdown box.
    TIP: Using the checkbox labeled “automatically assign courses used in this schedule” will automatically assign the subject areas used in the source schedule to the tutors selected in the destination schedule.
  5. Click the Accept button to copy the Tutor's selected schedule to the current or future semester.

Manage your Tutor Schedules (Video)