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Create New Appointments
Purpose: To schedule student/tutor appointments.
How to Access: There are 3 places in Accudemia where you can find the option to add a New Appointment:
- From the Homepage, clicking the + New Appointment button in the Upcoming Appointment homepage widget.
- Using the main menu of Accudemia under the Centers > Appointments > New Appointment section.
- From the Appointment screen, at Centers > Appointments > View All, you can click the + New Appointment button in the top right corner of the screen.
Use the New Appointment to schedule appointments between students and a tutor, depending on the configuration set by the administrators. The appointment wizard (steps to create an appointment) could show fewer or more screens. For some of the items to be selected such as Services, you might be able to select more than one. Some of the items to be selected could be mandatory or optional, in case the item selection is optional you will be able to skip the page and continue. taking into account that each appointment wizard could be somewhat different. These next steps are “reference-only”.
To create a new appointment you must follow the steps below:
- Select Student(s): The option to select one or more students is only available for staff and administrators. In this field, you can start searching for a student just by typing his/her name in the provided text box. As you do that, a list with results will show underneath so you can select. You can choose more than one student as needed. If a student is creating the appointment, this field will automatically be completed with the current student information.
- Select a Center or directly find a Service by clicking on the item name: In this field, you can either search for a Center/Service, or you can scroll down and manually look for it. If you click Find Service, a pop-up menu of all the services appears.
- Select Service(s): In this field, you select services by clicking on the checkboxes next to the name. Depending on the system configuration, more than one service can be selected. Remember that only the blocks of times when the tutor is available for all those selected services will be shown. It would be preferable to select only one service if possible.
- Select Subject Area/Course: In this field, you select a Subject Area related to the appointment. NOTE: This list could contain up to 500 Subject Areas. You can search for a name to expedite the search as needed.
- Select Instructor: In this field, you select the Instructor who typically teaches the course. There might be the option to select none/skip.
- Available Slots: In this field, you see a list of available blocks sorted by date. You can select a block from the list, and you could also filter by a Specific Tutor by choosing one from the list above the screen, or manually select a block. You can also set a recurrent appointment by selecting the Days of the Week, Duration, and the Date and Time you want to schedule the appointment for.
If there are no blocks available, try changing the dates. If possible, choose another Service. If you still cannot find it, you are restricted to seeing only a specific tutor. Contact your Accudemia administrator as needed. - Confirm: In the final step to creating an appointment, there is an option to Setup Recurrence, add Attachments, add Notes, Review Details, and Confirm everything is correct.

Adding Attachments
When creating an appointment, we have the option to add attachments and single files. The max file size is 10MB and file types are as follows: .doc, .docx, .odt, .tex, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .psd, .txt, .mp3, .csv, .ods, .mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, .3gp, .mpg, .mpeg, .zip, .rar, .7z.
How to Add Attachments
Setting Recurrent Appointment
In the last step of the appointment creation, there is an option to create “recurrent” appointments. This is an appointment that takes place at specific dates/intervals. For example, “Every Tuesday at 9:00 AM for 20 minutes”. Follow these steps to create recurring appointments:
- To see the options, click Setup Recurrence on this last screen:
- Select when this appointment will repeat. The option is either on a specific day of the week or a set of days per week:
- The recurring appointments are shown in grey to the right of the settings:
- Additionally, We can see a list of dates when the appointment will occur. Click “Confirm” to create this group of recurring appointments.
Admin-only Schedulers
These are our old appointment schedulers that can be used as an alternative to the new Scheduling Wizard for Admins only. These options are only available to System Users with the Appointment Administrator role (which includes Center Administrators and College Administrators) and allow them to bypass any restrictions that normally would not be allowed. This can help determine schedule settings that may also need to be reconfigured.
New Appointment by Tutor
- Use the Search tab on the New Appointment by Tutor to display available Tutors at the Center and to set the Appointment. These are the filtering options:
- Center: Optional filter that shows availability for just one Center.
- Date From / To: To filter the period you want to be shown in the results.
- Subject Area: Optional filter that allows you to type the Subject Area name and select the Student that needs help.
- Specific Tutor: Optional filter that allows you to type the Tutor name and select them in a displayed list of Tutors.
- When the filters are selected, click the Find Tutors button to start viewing available Appointment time slots based on these filters.
- When Accudemia returns the available Tutors, it displays them with these items noted:
- Color References (that show the availability level of a tutor):
- Red - This means this time-slot is not available, as the time-slot is full based on the number of Students the Tutor can see on their Tutor Schedule.
- Bright Green - This means this time-slot is available, as the time-slot is not full based on the number of Students the Tutor can see on their Tutor Schedule.
- Dark Green - This means this time-slot is not available, as the time-slot is being restricted by the Appointment rules in the Control Panel and is no longer a valid time to schedule the Appointment with the selected Tutor.
- The search results will display a list of the Tutors and the time slots available based on the filers.
- Click on one of the available Bright Green time-slots on the Tutor's Schedule.
- It will now display a New Appointment pop-up window. In this pop-up, fill in any missing required information to set this appointment.
- Click the Accept button to finish setting the appointment.
- Finally, click Make Appointment for the appointment to be scheduled.
New Appointment by Date
- Use the Search tab on the New Appointment by Date to display available Tutors at the Center and to set the Appointment.
These are the filtering options:
- Center: Optional filter that shows availability for just one Center.
- Date: To filter the data you want to be shown in the results.
- Subject Area: Optional filter that allows you to type the Subject Area name and select the one the Student needs help with.
- When the filters are selected, click the Find Tutors button to start viewing available Appointment time slots based on these filters.
- When Accudemia returns the available Tutors, it displays these items noted:
- Color References: It displays a Color Reference that shows the availability level.
- Red - This means this time-slot is not available, as the time-slot is full based on the number of Students the Tutor can see on their Tutor Schedule.
- Bright Green - This means this time-slot is available, as the time-slot is not full based on the number of Students the Tutor can see on their Tutor Schedule.
- Dark Green - This means this time-slot is not available, as the time-slot is being restricted by the Appointment rules in the Control Panel and is no longer a valid time to schedule the Appointment with the selected Tutor.
- The search results will display a list of the Tutors and time slots available based on the filters.
- Click on one of the available Bright Green time-slots on the Tutor's Schedule.
- It will now display a New Appointment pop-up window. In this pop-up, fill in any missing required information to set this appointment.
- Click the Accept button to finish setting the appointment.
- Finally, click Make Appointment for the appointment to be scheduled.
Appointments Wizard
Purpose: To schedule student-tutor appointments.
How to Access: Centers > Appointments > New Appointment
Use this module to schedule appointments between a student and a tutor.
When you first enter the Appointment Wizard, you will be shown a table with a student's User ID, Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name.
The following steps are used to schedule appointments using the Wizard:
- Select the Student who will participate in the appointment: Accudemia allows you to select up to 5 students. You can click anywhere on the student's row to select the student. Click Next to continue.
- Select the Center where you want to schedule the appointments: Select the Center to schedule the appointment(s). Click Next to continue.
- Select the days of the week when you want to create appointments: Select the day(s) of the week to schedule the appointment(s). Click Next to continue.
- Select the term when you want to create appointments: Select the Current, Next or Other term you want your appointment to be in.
- Click Next to select the Subject Area.
- Click Next to select the Professor.
- Click Next to select the Service(s).
- Click Next to select the Tutor(s).
- Click Next to display the Tutor's schedule. On this page, you can select the date and duration by clicking the available time slots.
- Click Next to validate the appointments. The last step will show a description of the appointments you are trying to schedule. You might find that some are valid and some are not. You can go back and select another date by clicking Previous, or click Finish to schedule the the valid appointments.
Manual Appointments
Purpose: If an Administrator needs to schedule an appointment disregarding rules.
How to Access: Centers > Appointments > New Appointment > Manual Appointment OR Quick > New Appointment (Admin)
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