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Support Drop Box

The Accudemia Support Drop Box is a fabulous way for Tutors and Staff to communicate with your students, promote collaboration asynchronously, and more! The Support Drop Box will be available for all Accudemia licenses.

If you click on the Support Drop Box menu item this is how the screen will look:

Drop Box Dashboard

The Support Drop Box Dashboard contains some great features to assist in locating Tickets, filtering through the current Ticket view, or simply refreshing the page.

  • Filters - This will allow you to filter your current Ticket view by the Center the Tickets were submitted to
  • Search Bar - Search for a specific Ticket by Ticket #, Subject, Assignee, Reporter, or Subject Area
  • Order By Filters - Sort your Tickets by Created Date, Modified Date, Status, Reporter, Assignee, Report Number, or Center. These selections can also be sorted Ascending and Descending by clicking the arrow button to the right of the Order By selection
  • Live Refresh Button - Available in the top right of the Drop Box Dashboard, this button will automatically refresh the screen in a recurring predetermined amount of time. It can also be clicked at any time for a manual refresh.

Drop Box Menu

The side menu is full of different filters to help you navigate your Support Drop Box with ease and accuracy.

  • Unassigned Tickets - This menu option will show you all of the tickets that are currently in need of being assigned a Tutor/Staff Member.
  • Tickets assigned to me - This is where you will see any tickets that have been personally assigned to you. You can sort these tickets by their status: Open, Closed, or All.
  • College Tickets - This view will show you all of the existing tickets for the College. You can sort these tickets by their status: Open, Closed, or All.

Create a Ticket

Clicking the Create Ticket button in the top left corner will open up the dialog box shown to the right. Let's go over the available Ticket fields:

  • Summary* - The Title of the Ticket
  • Description* - This is where you will describe the issue you are putting in a Ticket for
  • Add Files - Click this button to attach any necessary files to the Ticket
  • Reporter* - This is the person who is submitting the Ticket
  • Center* - The Center that you want to submit the Ticket to
  • Subject Area - The Subject Area that the Ticket pertains to
  • Assignee - The Tutor or Staff Member that is assigned to handle the ticket
The red asterisk (*) shows the required fields for Ticket Creation

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