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User Accounts
Purpose: To add, modify and search for Students, Tutors/Staff, Instructors, System Users, and Student Groups.
How to Access: Administration > User Management > Users
Options: Create a new User, Print QR Labels
Print QR Label option
Use the filters as needed and select a group of users, then click the button “Print QR Labels”, the system would create a PDF file that you can download with all those users' QR Codes.
Create User Account (General)
To add a new user, click on the button + New Account. If you want to edit a current user, click on their name and make changes as needed.
Use this section to set the basic information of the User.
- First Name: This is a required field that is stored as the Student's First name.
- Middle Name: This is an optional field that is stored as the Student's Middle name.
- Last Name: This is a required field that is stored as the Student's Last name.
- Birthdate: Use the Calendar icon to set the Birthdate of this User.
- Gender: This optional field can be set to help ID your Student population by Gender.
- Admin Notes: Use this field to keep any permanent notes about the User.
- Connect Link: Use this field to keep the online User Link to be used for online Appointment Sessions(This field only shows if enabled in (Control Panel→ Virtual Sessions → Enable 'Connect Link' field for users).)
- Emails: This is an optional field(it can be set as mandatory by your admin) that stores the Student's Email.
- Phone Numbers: Use one of the following options to Add, Edit, or Remove a phone number for the User.
- Addresses: Use one of the following options to Add, Edit, or Remove a Home Address for the User.
- User Photo: Use the Upload link to upload the User's photos to their profiles.
Use this section to set the security settings for this User:
- User ID: This assigns a unique ID to the User.
- Secondary ID: This is an optional second ID that can be assigned to the User.
- Other ID 1: This assigns another unique ID to the user (Use as needed).
- Other ID 2: This assigns another unique ID to the user (Use as needed).
- Other ID 3: This assigns another unique ID to the user (Use as needed).
- Other ID 4: This assigns another unique ID to the user (Use as needed).
- Password: This is the unique Password that you want to give to the User.
- Status: Check or uncheck this option depending on if you want this user to interact with the system.
- Roles: This assigns the User to be a:
- Student - This role is used to track their Center Attendance to the Center, after selecting this role a new tab shows called “Enrollment” so you can link this student with his/her Classes.
- Tutor - This role is used to meet with Students and track work hours in the Center, after selecting this role a new tab shows called “Tutor Assignments” so you can link this tutor with his/her Courses.
- Instructor - This role is used to report visits by Students in the Center, after selecting this role a new tab shows called “Instructor Assignments” so you can link this Instructor with his/her Classes.
- System User - This role is used to manage the system's configuration for the College-level and Center-level settings. After selecting this role a new section appears below this section. Using this section, there is a set of permissions you can grant this user (see more in the System User Role Permissions section in this guide).
- 8 Characters
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (e.g., !@#$%^&*)
- At least one uppercase letter
Name Badge
- Preferred Name: This is an optional field linking the User with their Preferred Name (if different than their Name in Accudemia).
- Preferred Pronouns: This is an optional field linking the User with their Preferred Pronouns.
- Phonetic spelling: This is an optional field linking the User with their Phonetic Spelling (a system of spelling in which each letter represents one spoken sound)
- Voice recording of your name: This is an optional field allowing the User to record how their name sounds. (a. WAV audio file gets recorded and it can be reproduced later by other users, the audio is set to a max of 25 seconds.)
- Public Notes: This is an optional field linking the User with notes such as studies, hobbies, favorite Courses, and similar.
- Office Hours: This is an optional field for listing the available Office Hours of the user.
Create Student Account
- Simply complete the General information from Create User Account (General) above.
- Next under the Security tab select Student in Roles. (There will be other tabs now shown like Student Enrollment)
- Under Student Enrollment, you can assign classes to a Student on a per-semester basis. You can select a specific Term and Subject Area.
- Once finished, you can click on Save Changes, and you'll be redirected to the User Account Dashboard.
Student Profile
- First, search for, select the Student and edit the Student.
- Then under the Security tab select student in Roles.
Student Enrollment
- First, search for, select the Student and edit the Student.
- Then under the Security tab select student in Roles.
Create Tutor Account
- First complete the General information from Create User Account (General) above.
- Next under the Security tab select Tutor in Roles. (Two other tabs should open called Profile and Tutors Assignments )
- Under Tutors Assignments, you can select a checkbox to allow a tutor to be assigned to all subject areas; if not, then you can select a specific Term and Subject Area.
- Once finished, you can click on Save Changes, and you'll be redirected to the User Account Dashboard.
Tutor Assignments
Here you can assign the Subject Areas that a tutor can assist with on a per-semester basis.
Assigning Tutor Previous Semesters Subject Area Assignments
- User Accounts > Tutors > Select your Tutor(s) > Click the Assignments button at the top.
- Next, you will get prompted with the message: What do you want to do with assignments?
- Edit Tutor's assignments manually - This allows you to assign Subject Areas that the staff member can help with. Be sure to click the Save Changes button after assigning the staff subjects.
- Copy assignments from another term - This allows you to copy Subject Area Assignments from another Term that the staff member has helped with before.
- Import assignments from a different source - This allows you to import Subject Area Assignments that you have from a CSV file. More information can be found in the ADX Imports and Exports section.
Later you will schedule these Tutors to be available in your Center and they'll be able to only help with these available Subject Areas when setting their Tutor Schedule.
Name Badge (formerly Tutor BIO)
Under the Administration > User Accounts section of the main menu, you can view/edit the information related to the student or tutor such as their preferred pronouns, student/tutor bios, phonetic spellings, and even a recording of their name.
This information is shown to students while selecting tutors on the appointment schedulers so they can review it to find the tutor that best fits their needs. The information here could explain the tutor's abilities, maybe their history in this role, as well as the specific Courses/Services they will be assisting at the center.
In the case of a student, it could be used to display information that they want to be known when working with a tutor.
Next, if you want this to be visible from other screens make sure that you place a check on the Active (Public Card).
Finally, in the top-right of this edit user screen click the Save Changes button.
New Appointments screen

Students Name Badge on New Appointment screen

Tutors Name Badge on New Appointment screen
User Accounts screen

Students Name Badge on User Accounts screen

Tutors Name Badge on User Accounts screen
Session Logs screen

Students Name Badge on Session Logs screen

Tutors Name Badge on Session Logs screen
Manage Center screen

Students Name Badge on Manage Center screen
Direct Appointment Link
Using this link, you can send students directly to the appointment scheduler with only the specific Tutor's schedule shown in the last step. Note that this option is only available for Tutors so they must have this role. This is the process to generate this link:
- While editing the Tutor click on the Create Link option below the Tutor's photo on the General tab:
- Give a name to the link with no spaces or special characters.
- A link is now generated for you to copy so once copied click the Save Changes button a the top of this screen.
- Done! Now the Tutor's link will be available to copy later when you edit their account:
- First, they will select the Center, Service, Course, and Instructor (if applicable).
- Finally, they will be presented with just that tutor's schedule.
Managing Tutor Schedule
This option is a new feature that allows you to access the tutor's schedule screen from the Tutor's user account directly. On this User Accounts screen, you now have a Manage Tutor Schedule button that you can use when you have a tutor selected. This eliminates the need to first navigate to the Center Attendance > Tutor's Schedule section, reselect the tutor, edit mode, etc, and apply their schedule. Here is how this works:
- Select a Tutor account.
- Then click the Manage Tutor Schedule button:
- Now the Tutor's “Term Mode” schedule will appear but you can change the Center and Edit Mode from here:
Create Instructor Account
- First complete the “General information” from Create User Account (General) above.
- Next under the Security tab select Instructor in Roles. (One other tab should open called Instructor Assignments )
Instructor Assignments
- First, search for, select the Instructor, and edit the Instructor.
- Under Instructor Assignments, you can assign classes to an Instructor on a per-semester basis. You can select a specific Term and Subject Area.
- Once finished, you can click on Save Changes, and you'll be redirected to the User Account Dashboard.
Create System User Account
- First, navigate to the Administration > User Accounts section as an Admin.
- Next, click the +NEW button to open the add user screen.
- Now complete the General information (Name and Email) from Create User Account (General) above.
- Next under the Security tab complete the Security information (ID and password) and select the “System User” option in Roles.
- Under Roles, you will be able to edit the users':
- Scope: This is used to allow you to limit the permissions set they have to only access certain locations of the college. By default, every new System User is given College-level access until you limit them to a Location.
- Apply Template:
- College Administrator: Can manage all settings, users, and centers in the college.
- Center Administrator: Can manage the settings of one center. No edit user settings are given.
- Student Administrator: The User is allowed to create, edit, manage, and remove students.
- Tutor Administrator: The User is allowed to create, edit, manage, and remove tutors.
- Instructor Administrator: The user is allowed to create, edit, manage, and remove instructors.
- Referral Administrator: This user is allowed to create, edit, and delete referrals.
- Referral Issuer: This user is allowed to create referrals to the center.
- Viewer: This user is allowed to view all the reports in Accudemia but cannot manage anything else.
NOTE: You cannot apply more than one template to a system user so you may want to create a custom Role Group Template. Click here to learn more.
- Permissions: Accudemia lets an Administrator select each of the individual permission given to a System User.
- Once finished, you can click on Save Changes, and you'll be redirected to the User Account Dashboard.
User Role Permissions
The following table shows the different User Roles. Accudemia lets a College Administrator create and modify each different User Role permissions.
This icon represents College-level only settings.
# | User Role | Description | Admin Access to... (click to learn about section) | Scope Applies to... |
1 | Account Administrator | The user is allowed to perform college-wide operations (buy AccuCredits, Access Developer Tools, Configure Outlook 365 Integration, and manage Technical Contacts). | 1. Administration > User Management > Technical Contacts 2. Administration > Advanced > Developers Resource Center 3. Administration > Advanced > External Calendar Integration |
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2 | Appointments Administrator | Can create and view appointments for all users. | 1. Quick > New Appointments (Admin) 2. Centers > Appointments > View All 3. Centers > Tutor Schedule |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
3 | Assign Courses and Services to location | Can assign Courses and Services to location. | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Locations | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
4 | SI Class Attendance Administrator | Can manage the presences and absences of the students. | 1. Centers > Standby Logs 2. Centers > SI Attendance 3. Administration > Campus Setup > Subject Areas/Courses* * View/Edit Only, but cannot create new. |
College (Default) Location Groups Classrooms |
5 | Create Semesters | Can create/edit semesters. | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Terms/Semesters | ![]() |
6 | Create Sign-In Stations | Can create Sign In Stations for the various locations in Accudemia. | 1. Quick > Sign-in Station 2. Administration > Campus Setup > Sign-in Stations > Computers |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
7 | Create Surveys | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove surveys. | 1. Administration > Center management > Surveys | College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
8 | Edit Classes | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove classes. | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Subject Areas/Courses* *Must also have either Edit Subject Areas or Class Attendance Administrator permission to view. |
College (Default) Location Groups Classrooms |
9 | Edit Subject Areas / Courses | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove subjects for the whole college. | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Subject Areas/Courses | ![]() |
10 | Edit Off-times | Can edit location physical off-times (virtual has their own). | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Off-times | College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
11 | Edit Profile Questionnaire | Can edit the profile questionnaire. | 1. Administration > Control Panel > Profile Questionnaire |
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12 | Edit Settings | This user will be allowed to edit the Settings in the Control Panel. | 1. Centers > Media Items (with Media Types) 2. Administration > Campus Setup > Resources 3. Administration > Campus Setup > Compass 4. Administration > Control Panel > General 5. Administration > Control Panel > Walk-ins 6. Administration > Control Panel > Appointments 7. Administration > Control Panel > Class Attendance 8. Administration > Control Panel > Virtual Sessions 9. Administration > Control Panel > Support Drop Box 10. Administration > Control Panel > Resource Reservation 11. Administration > Control Panel > Media Checkout 12. Administration > Control Panel > Announcements 13. Administration > Control Panel > Appearance & Themes 14. Administration > Control Panel > User Accounts 15. Administration > Control Panel > Localization Options 16. Administration > Control Panel > Engagement Board 17. Administration > Control Panel > Book$mart 18. Administration > Control Panel > Campus Compass 19. Administration > Control Panel > Activity Module |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
13 | Edit Student Session Logs | Can edit Student Session Logs. | Can edit only Student Session Logs: 1. Centers > Standby Logs 2. Centers > Session Logs* * Must also have View Session Logs permission to view. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
14 | Edit Terminology | Can edit the application terminology. | 1. Administration > Control Panel > Terminology | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
15 | Edit Tutor Tasks | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove tutor tasks for the whole college. | 1. Administration > Center Management > Tutor Tasks | ![]() |
16 | Edit Tutor Schedules | Can edit Tutor Schedules. | 1. Centers > Tutor Schedule | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
17 | Edit Tutor Session Logs | Can edit Tutor Session Logs. | Can edit only Tutor Session Logs: 1. Centers > Standby Logs 2. Centers > Session Logs* * Must also have View Session Logs permission to view. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
18 | Email Templates Editor | Can edit the automatic email messaging that goes out to users for various reasons. | 1. Administration > Control Panel > Email Templates* * Must also have either Edit Terminology or Edit Settings permission to view. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
19 | Events Registration Administrator | Can manage Event Registrations | 1. Campus > Events Registration | ![]() |
20 | Export Data | Can export all data across the college. | 1. Administration > Advanced > Export | ![]() |
21 | iAccu Administrator | Can manage all iAccu devices of the college. | 1. Administration > Campus Setup > Sign-in Stations > iAccu | College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
22 | Import Data | Can import data across the college. | 1. Administration > Advanced > Import 2. Administration > Advanced > Developers Resource Center |
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23 | Intake System Administrator | Can manage the waiting lines in the Intake System. | 1. Centers > Manage Center 2. Data Analytics > Reports > Wait Times Reports |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
24 | Location Administrator | Can manage all locations in the user's scope. | 1. Campus > Resource Reservations 2. Administration > Campus Setup > Locations 3. Administration > Center Management > Restrictions/Associations |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
25 | Manage Instructors | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove only instructors. | 1. Administration > User Management > Users* * Can only edit users with Instructor role. Must have the ability to "Manage" all the roles a user has to edit them. |
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26 | Manage Person Groups | Can create/edit Groups. | 1. Administration > User Management > Users* 2. Administration > User Management > Groups * View-only access. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
27 | Manage Students | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove only students. | 1. Administration > User Management > Users* * Can only edit users with Student role. Must have the ability to "Manage" all the roles a user has to edit them. |
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28 | Manage System Administrators | The user is allowed to create, edit, and remove other System Users. But can only manage persons with the same or lower user rights. | 1. Administration > User Management > Users* 2. Administration > User Management > Role Group Templates 3. Data Analytics > Email Logs 4. Data Analytics > SMS Logs * Can only edit users with Admin role. Must have the ability to "Manage" all the roles a user has to edit them. Additionally, you must have the same number or more permissions than the Admin you are editing. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
29 | Manage Tutors | The user is allowed to create, edit and remove only tutors. This permission also controls access to add/edit/remove the Session Assessments. | 1. Centers > Session Assessment 2. Administration > User Management > Users* 3. Administration > Center Management > Restrictions/Associations * Can only edit users with Tutor role. Must have the ability to "Manage" all the roles a user has to edit them. |
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30 | Media Item Administrator | The user is allowed to create, edit, and remove Media Items (with Media Types). They can also check-in or check-out media. | 1. Centers > Media Checkout > Media Items (with Media Types)* 1. Centers > Media Checkout > Media History * Can only add or edit media items with an existing Media Type created. To edit media types they must also have the Edit Settings permission. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
31 | Referrals Administrator | Can create/edit all options in the Early Alerts System (Referrals). | 1. Campus > Referrals 2. Administration > Center Management > Referral Templates 3. Data Analytics > Reports > Referral Summary 4. Data Analytics > Reports > Referral Details |
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32 | Referrals Issuer | Can create, edit, close, re-open, change the follower, and add comments to a referral in the Early Alerts System (Referrals). | 1. Campus > Referrals |
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33 | Resource Reservation Administrator | Can manage Resource Reservations and the configuration settings. | 1. Centers > Resource Reservations 2. Administration > Control Panel > Resource Reservations |
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34 | Send SMS | The user is allowed to send SMS. | The user is allowed to send SMS. | ![]() |
35 | Student Sign Ins/Outs | Can make manual student sign in and sign outs (bulk/mass sign ins/outs). | Can Create New Student Logs (for multiple students): 1. Centers > Manage Center 2. Centers > Session Logs* * Must also have the View Session Logs permission. 3. Centers > Virtual Sign-in > Manage Links 4. Centers > Virtual Sign-in > Drop-in Times 5. Centers > Virtual Sign-in > Exceptions |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
36 | Take SI Class Attendance | Can take attendance but not edit any class related information. | 1. Centers > Standby Logs 2. Centers > SI Attendance |
College (Default) Location Groups Classrooms |
37 | Tutor Sign Ins/Outs | Can make manual tutor sign in and sign outs (bulk/mass sign ins/outs). | Can Create New Tutor Logs (for multiple tutors): 1. Centers > Manage Center 2. Centers > Session Logs* * Must also have the View Session Logs permission. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
38 | View "Daily Viewer" section | Can view the "Daily Viewer" for center attendance. | 1. Centers > Daily Viewer | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
39 | View "Who Is In" | Can see currently signed in Students/Tutors. | 1. Centers > Manage Center | College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
40 | View Administrative Reports | Can see administrative reports. | Data Analytics > Reports > General Reports: | ![]() |
41 | View Appointment Reports | Can only see reports which are related to Appointments (e.g. Appointment Schedule). | Data Analytics > Reports > Centers > Appointment Reports | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
42 | View Appointments | Can only view appointments. | 1. Centers > Appointments > View All 2. Centers > Tutor Schedule* * View Only Access. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
43 | View (Center) Attendance Reports | Can only see reports that are related to Center attendance tracking. | Data Analytics > Reports > Centers Reports
College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
44 | View SI Class Attendance Reports | Can only see reports which are related to SI Class attendance reports. | Data Analytics > Reports > SI Attendance Reports | College (Default) Location Groups Classrooms |
45 | View Non-Anonymous Survey Results | Can see reports for surveys including student data. | Data Analytics > Reports > Session Logs: | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
46 | View Registration Reports | Can see all reports related to Registration (e.g. Student Registrations, Course Registrations). | Data Analytics > Reports > General Reports: | ![]() |
47 | View Security Role Reports | Can see security role and permission reports. | Data Analytics > Reports > General Reports | ![]() |
48 | View Session Logs | Can view session logs and tutoring/session assessment reports. | 1. Centers > Session Logs* * View-only access. |
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
49 | View Statistical Reports | Can only see general summarized reports. | Data Analytics > Reports > General Reports
College (Default) Location Groups Centers Classrooms |
50 | View Student Lists Reports | Can only see general reports that contains user lists. | Data Analytics > Reports > General Reports | ![]() |
51 | View Visits Reports | Can see all Reports related to visits (e.g. New Visitors, Visits History). | Data Analytics > Reports > Centers Reports | College (Default) Location Groups Centers |
Searching for User Accounts
To find a specific user is fairly simple; you can find a menu on the left-hand side of the page titled Search. You have several options to filter the Search. When searching for a user you can use the following criteria:
- First Name or Last Name
- User ID
- Security Role (Student, Tutor, Instructor, or Admin)
- Status (Active or Inactive)
Managing Users
Deactivate/Activate User
Inactive students are not allowed to interact with Accudemia such as signing in at the centers, completing surveys, and make appointments, etc.
To Deactivate/Activate a user you must follow the steps below:
- Search for the student(s) that you are looking for.
- select the student(s) by checking the check-box next to the users name(s).
- A menu should pop up next to User Accounts, Click on Deactivate/Activate.
- A pop-up message should appear on the right-hand side of the screen saying: User Updated.
User Sign-In Notifications
The User sign-in notifications allow the User to receive an email when they sign in to a specific location.
To send Notifications to a user, you must follow the steps below:
- Search for the Student (s) that you are looking for.
- Select the student(s) by checking the check-box next to the User's name(s).
- A menu should now display on the top bar above the User Accounts list; click on the Sign-In Notifications button.
- A pop-up menu will appear, and you will be able to select as many locations as you want for the User to get notifications from. You will also be able to put in more than one email to send the notifications to.
- Click Save Changes to finish.
Manage User Roles
Once you've selected the User (s), then use this button to quickly manage the User (s)' security roles.
Print QR labels
There is a feature added to Accudemia that not too many people may know about, and it is the ability to generate QR labels that can be printed on stickers for your students to be tracked by iAccu (the mobile companion app) in Accudemia.
To print the QR label, you must follow the steps below:
- Search for the Student (s) that you are looking for.
- select the students by checking the checkbox next to the User's name.
- A menu should pop up next to User Accounts; click on Print QR labels
If you notice at the top of the screen, you have a Print QR Labels button. The Print Labels button, if pressed now, will generate labels for all of your students. However, if you want to only generate the badges/labels for only several of the students, you can enable multi-select and select the students before pressing the Print Labels button.
This feature can be used to generate labels for Instructors, Tutors, and System Admins as well.
Once the Administrator clicks the Print Labels button and accepts the confirmation, he or she will get a PDF containing all the requested labels. The PDF contains up to 24 square labels per page. We suggest that are best to be printed on:
Avery® Easy Peel® White Square Labels (#22805)
These badges/labels are great for producing a label for iAccu, our mobile app for Accudemia. Using these barcodes, the iAccu app, and an Apple device will allow you to collect attendance for centers in many non-traditional locations.
Delete Users
Purpose: To remove Students, Tutors/Staff, Instructors, and System Users.
How to Access: Administration > User Accounts
To delete a person, first, select them in the list by checking the checkbox next to their name and then click the Delete button that pops up at the top of the page. After you click Delete, you will see a confirmation message:
“Delete user Jenny Ackerman? If you want to keep the history for reports, the users can be made inactive instead of deleting them.”
If you answer “Yes,” Accudemia will check the database to see if there are related records in other tables. If no related records exist, Accudemia will delete the Student.