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Subject Areas

Subject_Areas/Courses are a main component in the system. Purpose: Use this area to add, edit, and/or delete Subject_Areas into your Accudemia account.

How to Access: Administrations > Campus Setup > Subject Areas

Accudemia lists your Subject Areas in the main section on this screen. For tracking Center Attendance it is only necessary to define these Subject_Areas. Through the use of Accudemia only tracking the Subject Areas for Center Attendance you do not have to specify the Class information when assigning Tutors that can help with these Subject Areas in your Center. If you are only tracking Center Services then these Subject Areas are not necessary for your Center to set up.

Subject Areas are used college-wide while Services are specific for each Center so be careful when modifying them if you have access to this section.
By enabling this option in the Control Panel > Walk-ins or Control Panel > Appointments you can report on the Students' needs for each Subject Area in your Center. It should be noted too that if enabled Students may be allowed to sign in to multiple Services while they can only ever sign in to one Subject Area. This means that reports on Subject Areas will not ever have hours that are duplicated in them.

Searching for Subject Area

On the right-hand side of the menu, there should be a section titled Search to search for a specific Subject Area, by filtering the search you can find specific classes. The available filters are:

  • Title or Code: Used to lookup the Subject Area by its name or codes.
  • Active / Not Active: Used to filter the Subject Areas shown in the list by “active” or “inactive”.

Subject Areas Toolbar

A user can access the Subject Area Toolbar by clicking on the checkbox next to the subject area's name, the following items are the ones located in the toolbar:

  • Drop/Undrop - Use this button to Drop/ Undrop a Subject Area.
  • Session History - Use this button to view the history of the session in the Subject Area.
  • Advanced Scheduler - Use this button to Create a new Subject Area.
  • View Schedule - Use this button to Create a new Subject Area.
  • Delete - Use this button to Delete Subject Area.
  • + New Subject Area - Use this button to Create a new Subject Area.
To Edit a Subject Area you can just click on the name and a pop-up menu will appear


Purpose: Use this button to add or drop Students' enrollment from a particular Class.

Registered Students can be dropped. Dropped Students are unregistered from a Class and the drop date is marked in the Accudemia system.

Students can be unregistered without being dropped through the Student Enrollment tab when editing a Student, but no record remains of those actions, and is as if the student never registered.
  • To drop a student: Select the Subject Area and then the Drop/Restore button at the top of the page. Now select the Student(s) from the list and click the Drop button.
  • To restore a student: Select the Subject Area and then the Drop/Restore button at the top of the page. Now select the Student(s) from the list and click the Restore button.

If the Subject Area has multiple Classes associated with it then you'll see a list of Classes that you can select in a pop-up window to pick the Class enrollment you want to modify.
Dropped Students will be listed in the SI Class Attendance Reports. The list shows the Students' name, User ID, Email address, date of registration and if the Class was dropped, the date it was dropped. In this Student Enrollment screen the Status icon shows when the student is active in the class, if dropped.

Session History

Use this button to cancel or restore sessions. In this screen, you will see a list of past sessions for the Class selected in the previous screen. You can use the filter option on the top to filter and search sessions for specific dates.

  • Canceling Sessions: Select one or more given sessions (with the green icon under the Given column) from the list, then click the Cancel Sessions button on top.
  • Restoring Sessions: Select one or more canceled sessions (with the red icon under the Given column) from the list, then click the Restore Sessions button on top.

Advanced Scheduler

Use this button to enter the normal schedule and any exceptions for a Class. This screen shows the Weekly Schedule and the Exceptions for a Class in separate tabs.

  • The Weekly Schedule: To view the weekly schedule of your Class select the Subject Area and click the Weekly Schedule button. The Weekly Schedule tab is what loads by default and it defines the normal schedule for a Class that repeats every week as well as any of the Exceptions of that weekly schedule.
    • Creating New Weekly Sessions: Click the Create New button on top of the Weekly Sessions tab. A pop-up window will appear and prompt you to enter a Classroom, Day of week, Time, and Duration.
      Note: that Past sessions are not modified when the weekly schedule is modified in this manner.
    • Deleting Weekly Sessions: Click the Delete button on top of the Weekly Sessions tab.
      Note: that Past sessions are not modified when the weekly schedule is modified in this manner.
  • Updating Past Sessions: If you modify the Weekly Schedule and wish past sessions to match this current Weekly Schedule, click the Update Past Sessions button. Now you will be able to create or delete past sessions. You may also delete only unattended past sessions by checking the corresponding option.
  • Exceptions: To view the exceptions click the Exceptions tab. Exceptions are extra classes that are only offered once.
    • Creating New Exceptions: Click the Create New button on top of the Exceptions tab. A pop-up window will appear and prompt you to enter a Classroom, Day of week, Time, and Duration.
    • Deleting Exceptions: Select an Exception from the Exceptions tab and then click the Delete button.

View Schedule

Use this button to display the Class Schedule in a calendar format.

  • Edit: It takes you to the Advanced Scheduler Screen for the Class.
  • Display Dates From: Use the filter tool to select the dates that the Classes will be displayed on the screen.

Delete Subject_Area

Use this button to delete a Subject_Area.

Once prompted Classes associated with this subject area(s) will be automatically deleted. Are you sure you want to delete the selected subject area? click on Yes and the subject area will be deleted.

Deleting a Subject_Area will remove all associations with it so be careful using this feature. As a general rule, only use this option once you do not need to pull reports on this information.

Create a Subject Area

As you have seen above when you click the + New Subject Area button in the Administration > Subject Area section these are all tabs and options you'll encounter. After going through this explanation, be sure to click the Save Changes button once you have completed filling in the required information on each tab to create the new Subject Area and/or Classes.

Subject_Areas can also be uploaded as part of your Imports. To learn more click here.

General Information Tab

  • General Information:
    • Code: Subject Area Code. Type the Prefix in the first text box. Type the Number in the second box.
    • Title: This field is the name of the subject area.
    • Description: Type any description of the subject area This will be displayed in the Subject_Areas list.
  • Options:
    • Has Scheduled Classes: Check the checkbox “Has Scheduled Classes” to add Classes in the new corresponding Tab.
    • Available in all centers: Enable this checkbox to make this Subject Area available for Students to select from in all your Centers. <note>The Available in all centers is typically used as a way to make this option always available for students to select for walk-ins and appointments.</note>
    • Available to all students: Check this checkbox to register this Subject Area to all your Students in Accudemia. <note>The Available to all students option will not show up in any Registration Reports since we are not explicitly registering Students to the Subject Area. This is typically used as a way to make this option always available for Students to select for walk-ins and appointments.</note>
    • Active: To set the status of the subject. It will not be displayed in any report.

Centers Tab

  • Select the Centers where this Subject Area will be available. All Center(s) will be selected by default when creating a new Subject Area so remove the Center(s) that will not use this Subject Area.
If you prefer to assign multiple Subject Areas to the Centers you can do this in the Administration > Centers and Classrooms section when you edit or create a Center. Click here to learn more.

Tutors Tab

  • Select the Tutors that can help and will be tutoring this Subject Area for the selected Term/Semester. There is also a secondary list of Tutors that are assigned all Subject Areas in their Tutor Assignments when you edit their User account. <note> Registrations are for a specific Term/Semester. This registration must be selected for the Semester/Term and repeated each term. More information about this is available in the User Management section of this reference manual.</note>

Instructors Tab

  • Select the Professors teaching this Subject Area for the selected Term/Semester.

Student Enrolled Tab

  • Select the Students Enrolled and attending this Subject Area for the selected Term/Semester.

Scheduled Classes Tab

This tab only appears if the Has Scheduled Classes checkbox is checked on the General Information Tab while editing the Subject Area.

When the "Has Scheduled Classes" checkbox is not enabled

  • Instructors: Select all the Instructors who are associated with the Subject Area. It creates a “Default Class” after clicking the Save Changes button for the selected Semester/Term. All instructors will be associated with this one Subject Area for the selected Semester/Term.
  • Student Enrollment: Select the Student(s) enrolled to this Subject Area for the selected Semester/Term.

When the "Has Scheduled Classes" checkbox is checked

A new Scheduled Classes tab will be displayed when this option is enabled. This allows you to Create, Edit, and Delete specific Classes. The next 2 sections discuss this in greater detail.

Scheduled Classes Tool bar
  • Create New - To create a New Class related to the edited Subject.
  • Edit - Allows modification to some of the options of the Class.
  • Delete - Delete the selected class.

The first tab contains general information:

  • CRN: Enter here the CRN or unique Code for the Class.
  • Class: Enter here a name for the Class.
  • Display as: This is how the Class will be displayed to students.
  • Other: Use this field to enter other information as pertinent to the Class.
  • Comments: Enter here some comments on this Class.
  • Tardy period: Set here how many minutes will be considered as a grace period for students to sign in to the Class.
  • Never late if present: Use this option to not allow to set the student with the status “late” if they show up to their session.
  • Cut-off period:

  • Classroom: Select where the class will take place. (You would need to create at least 1 Classroom for this).
  • Date & Time: Type in the date and time when the class takes place.
  • All days: Select this option if the class takes place every day from Monday to Friday.
  • Monday: Select this option if the class takes place on Mondays.
  • Tuesday: Select this option if the class takes place on Tuesday.
  • Wednesday: Select this option if the class takes place on Wednesday.
  • Thursday: Select this option if the class takes place on Thursday.
  • Friday: Select this option if the class takes place on Fridays.
  • Start Time: Enter when the class starts. (you can use military time or AM/PM format)
  • Duration: Enter how long the class lasts in minutes.

In this list select the/those Instructor(s) linked to the Class.

In this list select the/those Student(s) linked to the Class.

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