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This section explains the Sign-in Station options to collect Center Attendance and SI Class Attendance using Accudemia at your Center or Institution.
In Accudemia, users can sign in and out of their sessions using Sign-in Stations. Sign-in Stations can be installed physically on a computer and stored as a cookie in your device's browser. Or you can set up a virtual link providing the users a way to sign-in online.
Purpose: This section is used to set or designate a computer, tablet, or web-enabled device as being a Sign-in Station for a Classroom or a Center.
How to Access: Administrations > Sign-In Stations > Computers or Quick > Sign-in Station

When a machine is set as a Computer Sign-in Station and the [yourcollege] site is accessed, the browser pulls the Sign-in Station screen up based on a cookie stored in the Computer's browser.
Station will:
- Let you see a particular Center's or Classroom's Sign-in Station screen.
- Allow Students or Tutors to sign-in at the Center. (Sign-ins are necessary and the primary way to log attendance in Accudemia.)
A Sign-In Station helps by creating Session Logs for the Students and Tutors who sign in. Although a manual process exists to create Session Logs directly by System Administrators this is the automated and most convenient solution.
Accudemia Sign-in Station Computer Minimum Requirements
This section is created to explain the minimum requirements needed in a computer to be set up as a Sign-in Station in Accudemia. Due to the web-based nature of the Accudemia system, there a no real specification on the computer hardware, so these are the only items that you need to ensure:
- The Computer has an active Internet connection (preferably wired and not wireless).
- The Computer has a browser installed that can access * on port 80 (Internet traffic) over the network and Internet connection.
- The Computer's browser can store cookies from *
As long as these three criteria are met, you should have no problems setting up and maintaining the Accudemia Computer Sign-in Station.
- Un-freeze the Computer.
- Go to your http://[mycollege] website and set up the Accudemia Computer Sign-in Station using the steps below. Replace the [mycollege] with your institution's domain.
- Re-freeze the computer.
Create a Sign-in Station or Setup Kiosk
To create a new Sign-in Station, follow these steps:
- Login as a Center Administrator, College Administrator, or System User with permission to make Sign-in Stations.
- Navigate to the Administration > Sign-in Station > Computers option from the top navigation menu. (A screen should then appear on the right titled Sign-In Stations)
Note: You can choose to disable the “Walk-ins” making this an “Appointment Only” Sign-in Kiosk by unchecking the checkbox labeled “Enable Student Walk-ins”. - You can then customize your Sign-In Station by following these steps in the next section:
- Once you choose the location and/or customize your settings, you can now sign people in.
- By clicking on Setup Kiosk and Logout, you are automatically logged out, and the web page becomes a kiosk on your device.
Note: The screen will now display the location of the Sign-in Station on the bottom left corner.

Fixed Sign-in Station
Purpose: This option allows you to set up a Fixed Walk-in Sign-in Station if you want to track a specific session that has either a pre-selected Tutor, Subject Area, Instructor, and/or Service. This process locks the Sign-in Station to the selected options set by an Admin or Tutor (with Admin Sign-in Station privileges), so the Student can simply swipe into a special session. This can be done from a normal Sign-in Station Computer or a specially designated computer. Just be sure to set it back to a normal kiosk when done.
How to Access: Administration > Sign-In Station > Computers > Settings (Gear icon)
Steps to Set a Fixed Walk-in Sign-in Station:
- Navigate to the Sign-In Stations > Computers section from the top navigation menu.
- Select the Center in the Center selection box on the left.
- Click the Settings (Gear icon) button.
- Select your fixed settings(default values) in some or ALL of the four options:
- Subject Area
- Instructor
- Tutor
- Service
Note: If you select a default value for any of the options, you leave the user no other option for that item than the one you are setting, for example, if this Sign-in Station will only be used for the Service called “Face-face Tutoring” and no other Service then you can set this Service as default and the user will not be able to select in that category
- Finally, click the Setup Kiosk & Logout button at the bottom of this screen.

Quick Walk-in Settings Change
If you ever thought… “Geez, I really wish that I could change all my Administration > Control Panel > Walk-ins settings quickly without having to navigate to the actual section.” then we have this setting for you.
To make this quick change to your center's walk-in settings while setting up a kiosk do the following:
- Navigate to the Quick > Sign-In Stations section from the main menu.
- Select the Center in the Center selection box on the left.
- Click the Settings (Gear icon) button.
- Select your “Quick Change” settings in some or ALL of the four options:
- Subject Area - Quickly make this option Enabled and/or Required.
- Instructor - Quickly make this option Enabled and/or Required.
- Tutor - Quickly make this option Enabled and/or Required.
- Service - Quickly make this option Enabled and/or Required.
Note: This will show the current settings used by the Center before you make any selections.
- Finally, click the Setup Kiosk & Logout button at the bottom of this screen.
Remove a Sign-in Station or Uninstall Kiosk
To delete a Sign-In Station (any Sign-in Station from the Centers or Classrooms) list do the following:
- First select a Location or Center in the drop-down menu.
- Then under Setup Kiosk & Logout there should be a button called Uninstall Kiosk by pressing this the sign-in station will be deleted. (A popup message saying Sign-in station uninstalled. should then appear)
Manage iAccu Devices
Selecting the iPhone button will allow you to view the iAccu Apple Devices set up as Sign-in Stations to see if they have been synced recently.
Offline Devices (iAccu)
/ Sign-Out Station Screen
The following section will cover how a Student or User can sign in.
- Administrator Sign-In:
- An administrator can sign a user in through his sign-in/sign-out menu without setting up the Kiosk. (NOTE: Users can only sign-in this way using their User ID.)
- Kiosk Sign-In:
- Option 1: Swipe the card in the card reader.
- Option 2: Type User ID.
Kiosk Sign-In Screen Buttons
Any of the following icons except for the sign-in options can be hidden for a center place through the Station's Options.
Here is an explanation of the functionality of the buttons:
- Login: This option cannot be removed and is the default shown when the website is loaded.
- Students In: Bring up a list of students who are currently signed in. This option also can be disabled in the Control Panel > General options.
- Tutors In: Bring up a list of tutors who are currently signed in. This option also can be disabled in the Control Panel > General options.
- New Student: This screen allows new students to register themselves in Accudemia. This option also can be disabled in the Control Panel > General options.
- Forgot Password?: This screen allows reset or recover your password to registered Accudemia's users. This option cannot be disabled in the Control Panel > General options.
Log In
Students In/Tutors In
Purpose: This screen merely exists to help you check who is signed in at each Center in Accudemia.
There are two options to see who has signed in/out of the centers:
- The second option is for Administrators' use only; they can access it by going to visit: Center Attendance > Manage Center. From here, the admin will be able to see all students and tutors signed in to all centers. A filter search bar will be located on the left side of the screen to select viewing criteria. For each User, the date and time of the sign-in, course, Service, Tutor, and Instructor are shown.
New Student
Purpose: To register and collect information about new students.
How to Access: This screen appears to a student during sign-in if their ID is not already in the database.
This screen collects information about the new Student recently created. After typing the student information on the first tab, the new Student can see the profile questions and complete them.
After filling in all the new information, this new Student must click the Register button to be registered to the Accudemia System.
Forgot Password?
Purpose: Allows users to reset or recover their password to register Accudemia's accounts.
How to Access: This button is located under the sign-in screen in the Kiosk.
Student Sign-In
After a user successfully types their User ID in (or swipes their card) Accudemia would search whether the user has an upcoming appointment about to start in the next few minutes(as set based on how soon a user can enter an appointment), in case there is an appointment coming: 1- Accudemia shows the appointment information to the user and allows them to sign in to the appointment. 2- A second option to do a “walk-in session” instead is shown, users should only use this second option if they know that the appointment scheduled with them is not going to take place.
If no appointment is found or if the user decides to do a walk-in instead then the Walk-in wizard will show(based on the configuration the wizard can look different.)
Walk-in Session
The example below shows what Student will see when they follow a walk-in wizard, this depends on the configuration so use these steps as a reference only:
Students have to complete several selection steps like the following:
- Select Service - Service selection may be optional or required. If optional, you can skip this step, however, it is always better to select an option if possible.
- Subject Area - Select one course by clicking on it. The option “none” appears if the course entry is defined as optional in the center settings screen.
- Professor - This section is for the User to choose the Professor/Instructor who teaches the Course selected earlier.
- Report Visit? - This section is an option the student has whether or not to report to the professor that they signed in. By clicking Yes the user will be signed in and be taken to the Confirm page to make sure everything was filled out correctly
- Open the "DeepFreeze" or similar application and “unfreeze” the Computer.
- Set up the Computer Sign-in Station following the steps above.
- And then “freeze” the Computer again to save this Sign-in Station setup.
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