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Campus Compass

Purpose: Creating a campus compass in your Accudemia account allows your students who are logging in to see a virtual guide to finding the right services they need on campus. Students answer questions on what they need, and Accudemia will point them to the centers that offer them and even allow them to schedule an appointment or view the current wait times for walk-ins (if offered).

How to Access: Administration > Campus Setup > Campus Compass

The Student View of the Campus Compass from the mobile website.

To set this up, navigate from the main menu as an Admin to the Administration > Compass section. Once there, click the + New Compass button. Administrator's Compass Setup Screen

Next, choose an icon, name, and description for the Compass. Optionally, set the order if you do not want them in the default order.

Finally, you'll choose the relevant Locations and Services on the Services tab that can help with this need.

Click the Save Changes button when complete and you'll be taken back to add as many Compass points as needed.

Important! Click here to learn more about the configuration settings in the Control Panel.

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