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Previous Article - Referral Templates | Table of Contents | Next Article - Administration: Subject Areas
Purpose: Create, manage, and delete/inactivate Centers, Classrooms and Location Groups which consist of the Locations you'll be tracking attendance for in Accudemia. This is also the only place to manage the Services offered by each Center.
How to Access: Administration > Campus Setup > Locations
The following image shows the hierarchical list of the Centers, Classrooms, and Location Groups for your College.
Searching for Centers and Classrooms
At the left-hand side of the menu, there should be a section titled Search to search for a specific Center, and by filtering the search results you can find the center you are looking for based on these attributes:
- Name: The name of the center or classroom you would like to search for.
- Location types: There are three different types that can be used you can either choose All or one of the following:
- Center - A Center is the most common type of Location in Accudemia. It is a place where students are asked to select from several options when they visit, set up appointments with staff, and record general visits/hours. Centers can define what Subject Areas and Services are available at the Center. Instead of assigning these to the Center manually, a Center Assignment import may be another option if there are a lot of Subject Areas to be assigned.
- Classroom - Classrooms are not used very often in Accudemia but can be used if you want to track a scheduled SI class or event that takes place every week at the same day and time during the Term/Semester such as for SI (Supplemental Instruction).
- Location Group - Location Groups are used to group your Centers and Classrooms as shown below but can also be used to determine system access levels for your System Users through their scope
- Active/Not Active: View the active Centers or Classrooms. You can select one option or both options.
Creating New Locations
To create a new Location (Center, Classroom, or Location Group) just click on the + New Location button at the top right corner of the page.
General Tab
- Location - This is where you select where the Center/Classroom/Location Group is going to be located. It shows where it falls on your College hierarchy, built by your Admins.
- Type - You can select one of the three options below:
- Center
- Room
- Location Group
- Name - This is the Name of the type of location you chose. It can be changed if re-branding is necessary.
- Description - This offers assistance to Users to understand what this type of location does and why they exist.
- All Subject_Area available - Check this box if you do not want to set each Subject_Area that the Center Staff can help with each Semester.
- Active - Uncheck this box to inactivate the Center from being used but to keep it in the system for pulling reports in the future.
Center-Specific Appointment Link (Direct Appointment Link)
Purpose: This link can be shared with the student and when they log in it takes them directly to Appointment Scheduler only showing services related to a specific center. They still have to follow all the other selections required by that center but it starts in the appointment scheduler by hiding other centers and services offered.
How to Access: From the main menu select Administration > Centers & Classrooms.
Use this button to generate a link to send to students. If you only want them to see your Center and Services offered when scheduling an appointment.
Subject Areas Tab
Use this section to set up the Subject Areas offered by a Center. Place a check in the checkboxes next to every Subject Area available in your Center and when finished go to the Services tab section.
- There are too many Subject Areas selected as available in Accudemia (and for performance reasons, more than 1000 assignments will hide this tab)
- You have set on the General tab of the Center the option to make the Center Available for All Subjects.
If there are many of these “Center-to-Course/Subject Area Assignments”, importing them into Accudemia will be the best option. Learn more about this by visiting the Administration > Advanced > Import section of Accudemia.
Services Tab
Use this section to set up the Services offered by a Center. A list will show all Services currently configured for the Center, for each row the name, status, and type of Service are shown.
- Click the + Add button to create a new service OR double click on an already existing service to edit it.
- Toggle Active : This option set the selected Service as Active or Inactive. If a Service is Inactive it can only be used for reporting purposes.
This is the Add/Edit Service Screen.
- Service Name: Defines the name of the Service.
- Skip Waiting Line: Defines whether the user requesting this Service will be automatically signed-in instead of staying in the Waiting Line(if a waiting line has been configured for this center).
Multiple of these can be selected to allow for various ways students can utilize these services.
- Virtual/Online Appointments: Allows for the appointment to be virtual or online.
- In-Person/Face-to-Face: Allows for the appointment to be in-person or face-to-face.
- Remote sign-in Walk-ins: Allows for remote sign-in walk-ins.
- In-Person/Face-to-Face Walk-ins: Allows for walk-ins to be face-to-face or in-person.
Per Service Appointment Durations
This is an updated feature that allows you to now have specific appointment durations per service. By default, the system will use the center's default appointment durations. Here are the options you can change:
- Use the center's duration restrictions
- Use Service-specific Durations:
- The minimum appointment lenght is X minutes.
- The maximum appointment length is Y minutes.
- The default appointment length is Z minutes.
- Show valid durations: X, Y, Z
Deleting Locations
Select a Location (Center, Classroom, or Location Group) then click on the Delete button at the top of this page. Confirm the popup message and done!
Instructional Videos
Please watch these short videos on the following topics:
How to create a Classroom
How to create a Center
How to create a Location
Locations are containers for grouping Centers/Classrooms.
Previous Article - Referral Templates | Table of Contents | Next Article - Administration: Subject Areas