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Developer Resource Center

Purpose: This section is where all resource for IT experts are placed.

How to Access: Administration > Advanced > Developers

These guides are intended to help developers and IT admins extend Accudemia and the available tools on the site.

There's a short explanation of performing the most common tasks, such as integrating other sites with Accudemia using Single Sign-On, but that doesn't mean that's all you can do! You can take advantage of; for more information, please contact us.

Also, check out our official developer's page on Google Code, and stay updated with the latest technology news from our blog.

Accudemia Getting Started

This document aims to explain how to integrate your own site or portal with Accudemia. It also includes usage examples so you can get started faster.

This alternative access method would allow you to integrate Accudemia into your college services portal, supporting a single login into all your online services. This also simplifies account maintenance as students only need to know a single ID and password to log in to all your services. For this to work, you need to import your student's data into Accudemia. When the student signs in to your portal, they can click on a link that will take them to the Accudemia website without signing in to Accudemia. This is possible because your portal link will include a token that identifies your institution and an ID that identifies your student.

ADX Getting Started

This article will guide you through the process of developing add-ons for Accudemia Data Exchange (ADX). For more information, please download the source and explore the examples developed and published there. The SDK can also be a good source of information to understand the methods available.

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