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These are all of the Account settings used to determine the Time-zone, Branding(Logo), Attendance Settings and more available in AccuClass.
Account Logo (Branding)
This option will allow you to update the logo that appears in your AccuClass app and AccuClass account.
To upload your institution's logo on the account simply click the Upload a file button as shown in the image above. We recommend an image size of 256 x 128 pixels or an aspect ratio of 2:1. Any other size is excepted but the image may be distorted according to the variation from this standard.
Alternatively if you upload a logo that becomes distorted or that you do not like then you can click the Remove button at the top as shown in the image above.
To set up your Timezone and Default Class Times.
To change the Timezone simply select your timezone from the drop-down box (default is EST).
Default Class Times
To change the Default Class Times simply set the number of minutes a typical class period will be for that day of the week. As you can see from the example below they have 90 minute class sessions everyday of the week.
AccuClass Mobile App
From this section in the settings menu, you can check off whether or not you would like to send login instructions to your students for the AccuClass app.
Attendance Settings
If you want to track attendance using QR codes, then you must select the check-box Track attendance using QR codes on classrooms.
To modify your attendance settings click the blue [Customize] link to the right of “Statuses, Rules, etc.”
After Clicking [Customize] you will be taken to the Attendance Settings section. This is the attendance labels that you use for your Roll Call. There are several that are pre-defined such as Present, Absent, Tardy, Left Early, and Excused.
Available Statuses
From this screen you can Add other status by clicking it. Modify the labels, the label colors, and the amount of credit they receive for the statuses. This is the decimal form of this value 1.0 = 100% , 0.5 = 50%, etc.
When the status is used in a selection rule, the percentage accounted might be different than the amount of credits entered in the status. For the first two selection rules (see below) they are accounted as 100% and 0%, the other rules will give credit based on the time the student was in the class.
Selection Rules
This is where you determine all the rules that you want your sign-ins to follow. You can set the following rules:
- What status is given if the student signs-in/signs-out correctly.
- What status is given if the student neither signs-in/signs-out.
- What status is given if the student is late by X minutes.
- What status is given if the student is late by X minutes or never signs-in (but signs-out).
- What status is given if the student signs-out X minutes (or more) before the class ends.
- What status is given if the student does not sign-out.
These options allow you to set how early and how late that they can sign-in and sign-out.
- Allow Signing-in early by X minutes - This sets the amount of time the Sign-in Station or App can begin tracking students for each class.
- Allow Signing-out late by Y minutes - This sets the amount of time the Sign-in Station or App can finish tracking students for each class.
- [ ] Automatically re-process attendance for semester Z when saving these settings. - This option allows you to run these new rules you have just modified against the swipes already collected for each class. This option really helps because you will not have to manually set the statuses based on the swipes if the Attendance Statuses Rules were set incorrectly before you started using AccuClass.
To modify the Email Notifications click the blue [Customize] link near the Email Notifications title at the bottom of this screen.
In this section you can check the checkboxes for the options you want to be sent. Items such as Notify students with status “Absent” after their class has ended option on this screen and click the Save button to have these automatically sent to the recipients based on the condition.
This section is used to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) between AccuClass and your Student Information System. At the moment we only support SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) but could support more options in the future. If you have another system at your Institution not listed here that you would like to configure either SSO or direct integration (to avoid imports/exports) then please contact us to work with our team on its integration.
SAML Single Sign-On
This new feature now allows your Students and Staff to login to AccuClass without having to remember a separate set of Login credentials then what they normally use to login to their online portal. This will make some of the new features above easier to implement such as having students mark themselves as present by scanning a QR code in the class, etc.
This partial integration also paves the path for future improvements that would fully integrate and pull the latest student, course, and enrollment, etc. data so that you never have to run manual or even scheduled imports again.
How it works
- To get to the SAML Single Sign-On menu click the blue [Setup] link from the Account Settings page.
- Complete the General information section as explained below:
- Enabled - Check this option to enable SAML Single Sign-On for your AccuClass account.
- Logout URL - Users will be redirected to this URL when they logout from AccuClass .
- Login Error URL - Users will be redirected to this URL if there's an error at login. The error message will be sent in the query string using the parameter name defined below.
- Error Parameter Name - This is the parameter name used to send the error message in the query string. For example:…
- Next configure the Identity Provider Settings section as explained below:
- Certificate - Get your identity provider's certificate and paste it here. Remember to maintain the BEGIN and END certificate delimiters.
- URL - This is the URL of the Identity Provider. AccuClass will redirect anonymous users to this URL so that they login.
- Finally use the Information for your Identity Provider section to complete this process with your Identity Provider.
- Access Token - This is the Access Token used in your AccuClass account which is supplied for your Identity Provider.
- Redirect URL - This is the URL in AccuClass that your identity provider should use in order to redirect logged in users.
- When Finished Click Save at the bottom of the page.