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Export Data
To export your data go to the Advanced Options section and click Export Data. You can download your data by clicking the Download link in the corresponding column for the format you want the data to be exported. You can download your data as CSV, HTML, and Excel 2007/10 files. The data you can download is:
- Students - This export is needed if you manually added Students to the system and want a full export of all the Students in AccuClass.
- Instructors - This export is needed if you manually added Instructors to the system and want a full export of all the Instructors in AccuClass.
- Enrollment - This export is needed if you manually updated the Student Enrollment in the system and want a full export of all the Student Enrollment in AccuClass.
- Classes - This export is needed if you manually update the Classes in the system and want a full export of all the Classes in AccuClass.
- Raw Swipes - This export is a complete log of all of the Students' Raw Swipes recorded either via a Computer Sign-in Station, a Time-Clock, or the AccuClass App.
- Attendance Log - This export is the complete Attendance Logs recorded either via a Computer Sign-in Station, a Time-Clock, the AccuClass App, or manually Recorded by the Instructor in the Roll Call screen.
Note: This is typically the most exported option because it captures all the attendance swipes and statuses reported by AccuClass.
Automated / Scheduled Exports
Optionally you can also use the AccuClass Data eXchange (ADX) Windows application to automate or schedule exports from AccuClass.