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Staff Videos/Webinars
AccuCampus Introduction
Engineerica Systems Published on 10/11/2017
- This video described Accucampus main benefits
- It allows tracking visits in all your institution
- It allows students to engage and become more involved
- Put together all your tracking, demographic and academic data
Instructor Roll Call - AccuCampus
Engineerica Systems Published on 5/1/2015
- This video describes The Roll Call Process in Accucampus
- 1-Select ROLL CALL
- 2-Pick your Course
- 3-Click a global status(Present, Absent, Excused, Left Early, Tardy) for all students or handpick a status for each participant
- 4-Various reporting and Data presentation options are accessible such as Attendance Sheets and Attendance Summaries
Instructor Sign in Station - AccuCampus
Engineerica Systems Published on 5/7/2015
- This video describes The Sign-in Station process in Accucampus
- 1-click Create Sign-in Station
- 2-Select specific class or Kiosk
- 3-Log-off user to access Sign-in Station
- 4-Test your Sign-in Station
How to use AccuCampus Data eXchange (ADX)
Engineerica Systems Published on 1/30/2018
- This video describes how to work with ADX in Accucampus
- 1-Download and install the tool
- 2-Select Accucampus
- 3-Select the type of Data to import(you can also view documentation)
- 4-Select your datasource CSV file
- 5-Save the batch File that will actually do the importing
- 6-Run/Schedule the batch File to import data in Windows Scheduler
- 7-Test the results from the import
AccuCampus Ignite Presentation
AccuCampus Ad-Hoc Reports Quick Start
- This video visually navigates through Ad-Hoc Reports
AccuCampus Comprehensive Guide | Part 1
- This video describes how to start configuring Accucampus
- 1-Description on the working Areas of the application
- 2-Setting global settings like Logo, TimeZone and License Agreements
- 3-Setting Semester Information and Days-Off
- 4-Setting Login Appearance Settings such as Institution name, global email domain and background
- 5-Setting User Roles and permits within Accucampus
- 6-Roles associations with features in Accucampus(for example: Who can attend courses)
Quick Panels Tutorial | AccuCampus
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/10/2020
- This video describes how to work with Quick Pannels in Accucampus
- 1-Deciding what widgets are available and how to use them
- 2-Examples on using Widgets like RSS feed readers and HTML content
- 3-How to present Accudemia Data such as Widgets related to Upcoming Courses
Locations Tutorial | AccuCampus
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/10/2020
- This video describes how to use Locations in Accucampus
- 1-What are "locations" in Accucampus?
- 2-Describing each "field" to add/edit location
- 3-Access restrictions based on location
About Users and Manually Entering Users | AccuCampus Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/15/2020
- This video describes "Users" in Accucampus
- 1-Ways to add Users in Accucampus
- 2-Different functions associated to Users
- 3-Filtering choices to search for Users
- 4-What information is needed and how to format such Information
Courses | AccuCampus Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/15/2020
- This video describes how to to manipulate Courses-based info in Accucampus
- 1-What information is needed to add/edit a course
- 2-How to add schedules for courses
- 3-Courses Rules such as "How soon can students sign-in"
- 4-Class Attendance options
User Profiles | AccuCampus Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/16/2020
- This video describes how to to build Users Profiles in Accucampus
- 1-What information is needed to add/edit a User Profile
- 2-How to add restric information to certain Users and Roles
- 3-Form Designer for Profiles"
- 4-Types of Fields that can be added and specifications
Manually Adding Services | AccuCampus Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/20/2020
- This video describes how to add Service manually in Accucampus
- 1-What information is needed to add/edit a Service
- 2-Service availability per locations
- 3-Services shown in Compass and their categories "
Manually Editing Student Enrollment | AccuCampus Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/20/2020
- This video describes how to add Student Enrollment manually in Accucampus
- 1-What information is needed to add/edit Enrollment
- 2-Adding Enrollment from the User screen
- 3-Adding Enrollment from the Course screen"
AccuCampus | Appointment Configuration Tutorial
Engineerica Systems Published on 4/30/2020
- This video describes how to configure Appointments in Accucampus
- 1-What rules are needed for Appointments
- 2-Choose the different steps needed to create Appointments(Services, Courses, Staff)
- 3-Dates, times , roles restriction for Appointments"
- 4-Appointments no-show rules"
- 5-Appointments reminders"
Importing Users | AccuCampus
Engineerica Systems Published on 5/5/2020
- This video describes how to Import Users information to Accucampus
- 1-What rules are needed for Importing Users info
- 2- What information can be imported into Accucampus
- 3-Examples and documentation"
- 4-Pre-viewing data"
- 5-Scheduling Imports"
- 6-Using ADX to do the imports"
- 7-Using Windows Scheduler to schedule import jobs"
AccuCampus | Staff Availability Configuration
Engineerica Systems Published on 5/12/2020
- This video describes how Staff Availability works in Accucampus
- 1-What rules are needed for Importing Users info
- 2- What information can be imported into Accucampus
- 3-Examples and documentation"
- 4-Pre-viewing data"
- 5-Scheduling Imports"
- 6-Using ADX to do the imports"
- 7-Using Windows Scheduler to schedule import jobs"
AccuCampus | Media Item Reports
Engineerica Systems Published on 6/26/2020
- This video describes the reports related to Media Items in Accucampus
- 1-Media List report
- 2- Late Media report
- 3-Media checkouts report"
AccuCampus | Working with Media Items
Engineerica Systems Published on 6/26/2020
- This video describes how to create/edit Media Items in Accucampus
- 1-How to create Media Items
- 2- How to check-in/out Media Items
- 3-How to see/modify Media Items Check-in/out logs"
AccuCampus APP videos
AccuCampus | Creating Quizzes in the App
Engineerica Systems Published on 11/13/2020
- This video describes how to create/design Quizzes in the AccuCampus APP for both IOS and Android.
- 1-How to create Quizzes
AccuCampus | Playing Quizzes in "Host-mode" within the App
Engineerica Systems Published on 11/13/2020
- This video describes how to configure a quiz game with a host and unlimited participants.
- 1-How to configure the quiz, send the invitation PIN and play in Host-mode
AccuCampus | Playing Quizzes in "Single-mode" within the App
Engineerica Systems Published on 11/13/2020
- This video describes how to choose and play a quiz game as single player.