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Importing Courses - Class Attendance

NOTE: The only difference between this import and the Courses CSV import is that by selecting this option in the Data Exhange or from the import list is that it will create the class sessions to begin tracking Classroom attendance. This option will be checked in the software when you look at the Course/Class:

Valid headers:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Term
  • Details (optional)
  • Group (optional)
  • Department (optional)
  • Schedule (optional)


The course code has to be unique for each semester. If there are 2 (or more) courses with the same code, in the same semester, they will be merged. The Name is just a friendly name that will help you visually identify the course, it's usually displayed along with the Code.

The Term column refers to the semester in your account, it's mandatory and it must exist before you import the course file. The semesters are not automatically created to reduce to possibility of errors.

The Group is optional and it's useful to tie courses together.

The Department is optional.

The Schedule field needs to have the following format:
<days_of_week or meeting_date> <start>-<end> <location
- <days_of_week> is the list of days of the week when the course is given, without spaces. For example: MWF means that the course is given every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The days must be specified using the following letters: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday. 
- <meeting_date> is a date in YYYYMMDD format that specifies a one-time course. For example: 20131007 specifies that the course is on October 7th, 2013. 
- <start> is the start time of the course, in military time. For example 900 or 0900 refers to 9am, 1730 refers to 5:30pm. 
- <end> is the end time of the course, in military time. Please note that it has to be separated from the start time using a hypen. 
- <location> is the name of the location where it's given.

Full example (Mondays and Thursdays, from 9am to 10:30am in the location A-101): 
MR 900-1030 A-101

Full example (July 29th, 2013 from 3pm to 5:45pm in the location A-101): 
20130729 1500-1745 A-101

You can specify multiple times or locations separating them by a slash (/), for example:
MWF 900-1030 A-101 / TR 1400-1530 A-201 / 20130815 1100-1230 A-203


Code Name Details Department Term Schedule Group
ACCT-1100-01 Financial Accounting I Course details Economics Spring 2015 MW 900-1040 A-101 ACCT-1100
BIOL-1111-A Biology I Course details Biology Spring 2015 TF 1500-1620 A-102 BIOL-1111
TCDW-1205-2 Technical Drawing I Course details Industrial Design Spring 2015 WS 900-1040 A-201 TCDW-1205
TCMO-0101-B 3D Modeling Course details Industrial Design Spring 2015 R 900-1040 A-202 TCMO-0101
HISE-1212-AC European History Course details History Spring 2015 TR 1300-1400 A-101 HISE-1212

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