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AccuCampus Rules
Rules are basically ways to tell AccuCampus to do something based on user actions, for example, you can use several triggers such as: “when a card is swiped” and condition such as: “the Card ID is 123435” to execute actions such as send notifications, create tags among many others.
How to Access: Advanced Options > Rules
Purpose: Within AccuCampus, you are able to create rules that tell the system to complete tasks automatically based on user actions within the system. In this module, we’ll discuss Notification rules, which allow you to automatically send a notification in response to a user action. This could include missed appointments, missed classes, or even encouragement when a user accesses a specific resource.
Rules Buttons
- Create New - Use this option to create a new Rule.
- Http Request - Use this option to access the HTTP Request page.
General Info
General Information
- Name - This is a unique identifier for this Rule.
- Description - This is a description for the Rule.
- Active - This option allows to enable/disable this Rule.
When does it occur?
- Trigger -Triggers are the first step to tell the system when to apply the rule. Triggers are typically based on a user’s actions within the system. The following triggers have been built into the system.
Please select from the list what action will trigger the Rule, see more details below.
- Conditions-Conditions are the second step to tell the system when to apply the rule. Conditions provide more context for the trigger. An example would be a trigger of “when a card is swiped” and the condition specifying the location where the card is swiped. The conditions available depend on the trigger; however, they generally involve locations, users, services, etc. You are able to add more than one condition to a trigger.
What does it do?
- Add Actions - Please use this option to create a new Action(see next chapter for details)
- SAVE BUTTON - Please click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Please click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
Selecting Triggers
Please select from the list of triggers the one you need. depending on the trigger you will be able to select Actions in the next step.
Create a new Action
Please select from the list of Actions, notice that you will have access to tokens which are pieces of information that can be added to any Action you select.
- Send an HTTP request - Send a custom HTTP request. This is useful to integrate with other systems. You will need to enter the URL and Select the Method between (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
- Send a Notification - Send a notification to the participants. When creating your notifications, it’s possible to use tokens. This allows you to create a generic notification that will be personalized based on the tokens contained within it. Much like with Internal IDs in the conditions, this allows the rule to remain active even if the name of a user, location, service, or course/event changes. Depending on the action you choose, a list of tokens will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. These include user ID tokens, location tokens, service tokens, etc. Click on the desired token to add it to your message, or to identify followers for the action.
- Email debug information - Use this to send an email including all the event information. Useful for testing and debugging new triggers. You will need to select the Topic(see Account-settings> Notification Section for more info).
- Email debug information - Use this to send an email including all the event information. Useful for testing and debugging new triggers. You will need to type in the recipient email in the next screen.
- Stop execution - Stop the execution of the current operation and cancel/discard any changes made. Useful for creating Ad-Hoc rules the system. You will need to type in the message you want to show on the next screen.
- Assign an action pack - Assign an action pack to a student. You will need to type in the Student internal ID token, select the Action Pack(see Action Packs), and add Notes on the next screen.
- Assign an action item -Assign an action item to a student. You will need to type in the Student internal ID token, select the Action Item(see Action Items), and add Notes on the next screen.
- Set action assignments as completed. - Set action plan's assignments as completed. You will need to type-in the Student Internal ID token, add an Action item(optional), a Service(optional), a Course(optional), and Completion Notes in the next screen.
- Add or remove a tag -Add a tag or remove a tag from a user or session log. You will need to select between Add or Remove a Tag and also the User or Tag ID in the next screen.
- Ask the user to rate something - Send a notification (e.g., email) asking for a review. Please select the Sample, Email from, Subject, Footer, and select between (Courses, Locations, Staff, Instructors, and Services) on the next screen.
How to set up email debugging notifications in Accucampus
1-Please add a new Rule.
2-Enter a unique and specific Name and Description for your rule.
3-. Check Active. If this is left unchecked, the rule will not be used by the system.
4- Select a Trigger for the rule. The trigger tells the system when to apply the rule.
5-Set the Conditions for the rule. This tells the system how to apply the rule.
6-Select Email debugs information as the action.
7-Enter a recipient's e-mail address.
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