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Summary: On this page, we show how to organize the Homepage, we describe how widgets work, how to integrate your Outlook 365 calendar with AccuCampus, Zoom-AccuCampus integration is also discussed.
Customizing AccuCampus
AccuCampus can be customized to the user liking using numerous settings, and also designing certain pages such as the Home Page.
Organizing the Homepage
The Home Page can show information about your School and also Notifications and upcoming events or To-Do lists related to the user. You can access the Home Page at any time by clicking on your school logo in the top left corner of the screen.
The next screenshot is shown ONLY as an example, notice that your Home Page could look somewhat different depending on the configuration/design of your AccuCampus.
- School News- Notice that in this example the Home-Page shows some news information in the Center, this is usually regarding upcoming events and important facts about the Institution.
- Seminars/Events- Notice that in this example a Seminar Section was added under the School news-section, in this case, this section shows the upcoming Seminars for this user.
- My Notifications- Notice that in this example a “My Notifications” section was added to the right of the screen, this is very common and it shows the Notifications for the user such as the Appointments-reminders and any Action-items referencing this user.
- My Action Plan- Notice that in this example an “Action Plan” section was added to the right, this section shows any Action pack paired with the current user.
- My Appointments- Notice that in this example a “My Appointments” section was added to the right, this section shows any upcoming Appointment for the current user.
As you can see above depending on your role and how the system was configured in your School the Home-Page is a source of important information, most information shown in the Home-Page will have links to guide the user to any particular section in Accucampus.
Home Page Quick Panels How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Home Page Quick Panels
Purpose: This page is used to customize the home screen with useful widgets, such widgets can be configured to be seen by different user-roles so each user in the system could see differentiated information based on permissions. in AccuCampus. If desired, the home page can be customized with the following Quick Panel widgets:
HTML Content - Use this option to add text and/or multimedia content to the homepage.
RSS Feed Reader - Use this option to connect an RSS feed (if unfamiliar see tip below) to the homepage. This can be used to display a rotating selection of notifications or news for the institutions.
Notification - Use this option to displays a feed of all notifications sent to the user. The user is able to click on a specific notification to get more information on it.
My Action Plan - Use this option to displays a feed of all action items sent to the user. The user is able to click on a specific action item to get more information on it.
Upcoming Courses (Students) - Use this option to display a feed of all course sessions that are upcoming for the next few days for a curse that a student is registered for.
Courses Taking Place Now - Use this option to display a feed of all courses that the user is registered for and that are currently in session at the time the user logs in.
Upcoming Courses (Staff) - Use this option to display a feed of all course sessions that a staff member is registered for and are upcoming for the next few days for a course. If a staff member is registered to a course group, shows all of the upcoming courses that belong to that course group. Upcoming Appointments - Use this option to display a feed of all upcoming scheduled appointments.
Adding Google Gadgets
How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Notifications
Purpose: Within AccuCampus you can create notification topics, these topics will be used in the Notification rules. These are primarily used when creating rules for automatic notifications; however, they will also appear on the user profile and users will be able to decide if they want notifications from that topic delivered via e-mail, push notification, or text, or if they want them delivered at all.
Options for each notification/row in the list
For each row(notification) you can see the name of the notification, who sent it, when it was sent, the status(read/unread), the type of notification(text message, on-screen message, email message). Click on the name of the notification to see details, there is a DELETE button on the right-hand side so you can delete it if you want.
- DELETE - Please use this button to delete the current notification
Notification Topic List Options
Purpose - This is a list of all current Notification Topics.
- Create Topic- Please use this button to create a new Notification Topic(more details in the next chapter “Create New Notification Topic ”).
Please notice that in this list for each row(Notification) there is a DELETE button on the right-hand side.
- DELETE- Please use this button to delete the current Notification Topic.
Create New Notification Topic
- Name - Please enter a Name for the topic. We recommend being specific so that other users will know what the topic addresses.
- Description - Please enter a Description for the topic. We recommend being specific so that other users will know what the topic addresses.
On-screen delivery
Choose the type of Delivery that will be enabled. We recommend selecting all three to ensure that notifications can be sent to all users. Make sure to set the default action to send.
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via push notification through the app.
Email delivery
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via e-mail.
Text message delivery
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via text.
Calendar Integration
- Connect to Third Party Calendar - Use this option to connect to a third party calendar
If you use Zoom and you would like to integrate it with AccuCampus click the link “here”, to see more information about this process go to the “How to integrate my Zoom account for virtual sessions” chapter below.
By connecting to a third-party calendar you can:
- Automatically add appointments made in AccuCampus to your external calendar.
- Automatically update your availability when you add an appointment in your external calendar.
More documentation on this topic can be found if you click here.
Virtual Sign-In Options
In this section, you can choose to use a Fixed Session URL or Zoom Integration.
Fixed Session URL
The Fixed Session URL is typically used for any other platform that is not Zoom that provides a link to the individual Tutor's/Advisor's meeting room. You can use this will Microsoft Teams (typically by creating a recurring session on the days/times you are available), using a Zoom PMI (Personal Meeting ID/Room), Blackboard collaborate room, GoToMeeting account link, and many more! This field specifies the user's Fixed Session URL to be used for virtual appointments or walk-ins. Keep in mind using this method we will only be able to track when the student enters the session. The student can sign themselves out if they do not close the browser and follow the options presented. If you want more complete tracking (both sign-ins and sign-outs) without relying on the student to sign-out themselves from AccuCampus then you may want to try our Zoom Integration option (more integrations to come) below.
Zoom Integration
Now you can integrate your current Pro, Business, or Enterprise Zoom Account with AccuCampus. This feature allows for better tracking of all Sign-in and Sign-out times when meeting through Zoom online. With this option enabled there is no need to sign-out a student manually or have them sign-out from AccuCampus. Instead Zoom will record the exact session times and send it directly to Zoom.
If you use Zoom and you would like to integrate it with AccuCampus click the link “here”, to see more information about this process go to the “How to integrate my Zoom account for virtual sessions” chapter below.
How to integrate my Zoom account for virtual sessions
If you use Zoom for virtual sessions you can integrate it with AccuCampus and here is how.
1.) Pre-approval is required by visiting the website as a Zoom Account Admin. Next, search for the the “Engineerica Tracker” app in the Zoom Marketplace:
2.) Now click on the Add, Install, or Pre-Approve button on the Engineerica Tracker app page:
3.) Enter your AccuCampus domain when prompted and agree to the terms.
4.) Now, in AccuCampus under the main menu items Advanced Options > Settings > User Roles, make sure that the User Roles who will need to access the Zoom Integration can do the following:
- Delete a virtual sign-in link.
- Save virtual sign-in link.
- View a virtual sign-in link. (3 implied permissions given)
- Get current link URL for virtual sign in.
- Get appointment for virtual sign-in.
- Get appointment for virtual sign-in.
- View the list of virtual sign-in links for a particular sign-in station
5.) Save the User Role's permissions at the bottom of the page and repeat Step 4 for each User Role that needs to be allowed to connect using a virtual link.

1.) Once the plugin has been approved, now AccuCampus tutors/advisors (or any role created that meets virtually with students) that are wanting to use the Zoom integration can go to AccuCampus and click their name and then My profile on their personal menu:
2.) In AccuCampus go to the Virtual Sign-in options, click the highlighted link to get connected:
3.) Now on this page, in the dropdown menu select the “Connect to Zoom Account” option so that you can read and accept to the permissions required for AccuCampus to integrate with Zoom on the next screen:
4.) Next, Zoom might ask you to log in, if that is the case please login:
5.) If your authentication process was successful and you accepted the terms then you will see an option in the dropdown that is labeled “Session - Today's date”. Once you see this showing your AccuCampus-Zoom Integration is now ready for use:
6.) Now when you sign-in a student from a waiting line or a student signs-in using a virtual appointment link AccuCampus will direct the student to your current active session, as you can see here in this example, there is a new option for Virtual Meeting since this tutor has integrated Zoom with AccuCampus successfully:
User notifications
In the My Profile section of your account you will see these options to customize the way that you receive notifications.
- Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
- Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.
- Receive text message - Enable this option to receive Text Messages.
Direct Messages
- Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
- Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.
- Receive text message - Enable this option to receive Text Messages.
Waiting Line Notifications
- Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
Peer Network Notifications
- Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
- Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.
Finally, use the SAVE button to save all changes from this section. Or choose the CANCEL button to go back without saving.