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Summary: In this screen, you will learn to create Locations, Services, and Classrooms. How to create Courses and assign them to Centers. How to work with roles and permissions. How to register students to courses and instructors to classes.
Creating Campus Components
The purpose of this section is to explain what component is needed in order for the AccuCampus system to function at a basic level. All of these items can be added manually but in some cases, it is better to import them from another system(Students Information Systems).
Locations with Services and Courses
Locations are all of the Centers and Classrooms where you want to track students. These Locations can have certain Services associated with them that you offer assistance with at your Center.
Creating Services
In order to assign a Service to a Center you'll need to first create the Services that are going to be available at your Center(s). Click on the Services button under the General section on the AccuCampus home screen. Next, you'll click on the blue Create New button and simply give it a Name. Optionally you can make this available in all your Centers if you want by checking the “Available in all locations” checkbox.
Assigning Services to your Centers
To assign a Service to a Center you'll click on the Location button under the General section on the AccuCampus home screen. Next, you'll look for the Centers you've created, click on the title of the Center to edit it.
Once you are editing the Center simply click the Manage Services link in the box on the upper right side of the screen.
Once here type in the Service name you added previously in the “Type to search…” text field.
If that Service exists it will show in the drop-down list, click on it in the list to add it as being available in your Center.
Creating Courses
To create the Courses that are going to be available at your Center(s) or that you'll want to track attendance in the Classroom(s) click on the Courses button under the General section on the AccuCampus home screen. Next, you'll click on the blue Create Course button and simply give it a Unique Course Code, Name, and assign it to a Semester. Optionally you can assign it to a Department or Event Group which can help by grouping Courses for reporting at the end of the Semester. Details are also optional and can provide more information about the Course.
If you are going to be tracking the attendance of Courses in the Classroom you'll want also to add the schedule and assign it to a Classroom(s).
The settings here for Allow Sign-in early by, Allow Sign-out late by, Required Presence %, and Required to sign-out can be set for all Courses in the Settings so this can be skipped unless unique per class. Be sure to click the Save button once done here.
Click here to learn about importing Courses with schedules.
Assigning Courses to your Centers
To assign a Course(s) to a Center or Location you'll do this when setting up your Sign-in Station. To learn more about Sign-in Station setup click here.
Classes and Classrooms
Classes in Classrooms occur on a set schedule you set up on each Course(s). When you set up a Sign-in Station as a Classroom Sign-in Station it will simply display (based on the current time) what class is occurring. Students will not be prompted to select any items as they normally would in a Center Location.
User Management
You access this function in the Settings section under the Advanced Options from the AccuCampus home screen.
Once there click User Roles.
Default User Roles
When you first enter this screen you will see a list of the initial 5 roles used in AccuCampus. From the left-side of the listed items you see the Name and a brief description of the role. The far-right side of this list shows a “Delete” option to easily erase the role.
More custom-roles can be created, each role can have access to certain parts/sections of the system, and users can be assigned to multiple roles in AccuCampus. Continue to read more and see how this is possible.
Default User Roles
There are five default User Roles in AccuCampus which are Administrators, Advisors, Tutors, Instructors, and Students. These default User Roles are explained below:
Administrators by default have access to all the options on the system, they can create/manage other users as well.
Advisors and Tutors
Advisors and Tutors usually have access to the system using the AccuCampus Apple app, Managing Appointments, helping Students with Success Plans, updating Session Logs and comments, etc, however, the system is flexible enough to customize all this as needed.
Instructors have access to the system only for taking attendance online or through the AccuCampus Apple App, managing classroom attendance, and viewing/reporting on the class attendance.
Students have little or no access to the back end of the system, used as the group of people you want to track and they can do things like schedule their own appointments and view/pull their own reports.
Custom User Roles
Custom User Roles are roles that you can make to give special permissions to a group of people that you want to make have more permissions than an Employee but less than an Operator or even more permissions than an Operator but less than an Administrator. Basically, you are able to set the amount or level of permissions that the Custom User Role should have.
Create a Custom User Role
Custom User Roles is a great way to define your own types of Users. They can be or do anything you define for them. If there is a default User Role such as Administrators, Advisors, Tutors, Instructors, or Employees you want to base them off of you can do this too.
NOTE: This is only recommended for advanced users. To get started do the following:
- Click the Create Role button on the User Roles screen.
- Fill-in the General Info:
- Role Title - The name of the User Role you are creating and what you will see when assigning it to Users.
- Description - This field helps to describe the User Role for someone not sure if they should assign the User the Custom User Role.
- Then set the Roles it has access to which determines what roles this role has access to view/edit information on. If I selected Students in the drop-down selection, for instance, this role would be able to view and/or edit any user in that role.
- Now set the Define Policy by expanding all the role permissions and checking off everything you want the Custom Role to have access to in the AccuCampus system. Note: You can select a whole group by simply checking the group box.
- Finally, be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
For the system to work correctly we need to import and/or type manually both the student-courses enrollment and the instructor-courses relationship.
Student Registration
Student-Courses enrollments are usually done via imports, however, you can also do it manually using 2 methods:
1- From the Users List, go to the General–> Users page:
Select the student from the list by clicking on the name(you can use filters as needed):
In the “More Actions” panel on the right select “Student Enrollment”:
On this screen select those Courses that the student will be enrolled in by clicking “Add Course”, you can delete the ones you do not need by clicking the red minus sign.
2-You can also manage student-courses enrollment from the Courses list:
Go to General–> Courses:
Select the Course from the list by clicking the Course name:
In the “More Actions” panel on the right select “Manage Students Registration”:
On this screen add/remove those students that should be enrolled in this Course:
Instructor Registration
Instructor-Courses assignation is usually done via imports, however, you can also do it manually using this method:
1- From the Users List, go to the General–> Users page:
Select the Instructor from the list by clicking on the name(you can use filters as needed such as the role filter to show only Staff members):
In the “More Actions” panel on the right select “Staff Availability”:
On this screen select what Services and Courses that staff would be available for and when:
In this screen, you can be very specific by scheduling staff regular work hours, Offtimes and Extra work hours
How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Campus Compass
Purpose: One way that AccuCampus supports success initiatives is to provide “just in time” information through the Campus Compass, accessible through the included AccuCampus student-facing mobile app or through the website. This feature uses language that students immediately recognize and enables them to easily discover the resource that is right for them.
Page Options
- Create Category - Click this button to create a Beacon Profile, it tells you what the beacon will do, and defines the broadcast settings for the beacon.
- View All Categories - Click this option to see the list of Compass Categories.
- Show compass to users with the role(s) - Select which roles will have access to the Campus Compass feature.
- Welcome popup - If desired, add welcome pop-up encouraging users to access the Campus Compass. You can choose to have a button that redirects to the Campus Compass as part of your message. Click Enabled to begin using the message.
- Hide campus compass button - This option makes the Compass button inaccessible.
- Enabled - Enables Compass.
- SAVE BUTTON - Click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
Compass Category List
Page Options
- Create Category - Click this Button to create a new Category(see explanation in next chapter).
List Options Please notice that for each row(Category) in the list there is a DELETE button on the right-hand side.
- DELETE - Click this button to delete this Category.
Create new Compass Category
This is the new/edit Compass Category screen, please check thoroughly all options and click SAVE.
Enter all information as needed: Name, Description, Order, Icon.
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