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Summary: On this screen, we discuss AccuCampus appointments, how to configure them and how to schedule them using Services and/or Locations. We also talk about staff Scheduling and assignments.
Use this option to schedule an appointment between Student(s) and Tutor or Advisor in a Location (based upon the Tutor's Schedule, Tutor Assignments, and Center Assignments). Here you can also view all appointments scheduled in the Centers (depending on your access in AccuCampus.
Make Appointment
Way to Access: Appointments > Make Appointment
Purpose: To schedule a Student with a Tutor or Advisor for an appointment.
Make Appointment Buttons
In this section there are several buttons that are useful when making Appointments:
- Create Manually - Use this option to select all the appointment options manually. This is only recommended to be used by administrators or trained users.
- View All - This option takes you to View All the appointments (already created).
Make Appointment Options
- Schedule by Service - Use this option to pick the Service that the Student wants help with before selecting the other required appointment options.
- Schedule by Location - Use this option to pick the Center that the Student wants help with before selecting the other required appointment options.
Schedule (Appointment) by Service
Use this option to select the Service first to see what Locations offer help with the selected Service.
- There are 2 ways to search for the Service; you can search for the Service in the search box or simply click one of the options in the suggested Services.
- Once the Service is selected you see a list of Location that offer this Service.
- Now for each Location shown for that Service there are several options:
- Make Appointment- Please click this button to create an Appointment in such Location, Note There are other options that are displayed if the Location set up the information, please see details below.
- Send-email- If this Location was configured with an email account this link will show as a way to contact the Location.
- Visit Website- If this Location was configured with a website URL this link will show as a way to navigate to such website belonging to the Location.
Make Appointment
- Select the Location, Semester, Period, Student, Service, Event(optional) as needed.
SEARCH BY STAFF- Select this option to search for the Staff who meets the conditions set above, a new screen will show with the names, click on one of them as needed:
After clicking in one of the tutors a new screen will show underneath so you can select a block of time from their availability, select one as needed:
After selecting the block of time from the choices, a screen will show with the appointment ready to be saved.
SEARCH BY DATE- Select this option to search for Available Dates for ALL tutors that meet the above-mentioned filters.
If you choose to use selection by dates a new screen will show with all available tutors AND their available blocks of times, please click a block of time below:
After selecting the block of time a screen will show with information that the appointment is ready to be saved.
Schedule (Appointment) by Location
Use this option to select the Location first to see what Services they offer.
- There are 2 ways to search for the Location; you can search for the Location in the search box or simply click the Make Appointment link on the Location that the Student prefers to visit. Note: There are other options that are displayed if the Location setup the information. As an example above if the address is included then a map will display this Location, additionally, there is an option to visit the Location's website if provided, and if they set up an e-mail there is an option to contact the Location..
- Once the Location is selected you can click on the magnifying glass in the Services search box to see a list of Services that are offered at the selected Location.
Now you get to select the other options such as the Student (will be pre-selected if you are logged in as a Student), Course, Staff (optional if known), and the Date range. Simply click the Search button once you have the fields completed and a list of available Staff will be displayed. When you click on one of the available Staff it further displays time slots for that Staff over the time period you selected. Now just select the starting time you would like to make for the appointment. Note:This is all based on the Staff Schedules, Staff Assignments, and Location Appointment Settings.
The final step in the process is to adjust the appointment duration (if necessary), add notes, and verify the options selected are good. Once everything looks good click the Save button. The system will verify the appointment is following all the rules set up in AccuCampus and schedule the appointment.
- Done! Now you should see a green confirmation box that states “The appointment was scheduled successfully!” in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Appointments-Create Manually
Click the “Create Manually” button (to avoid the Appointment Wizard) to set all the parameters on the same screen.
Setting up Appointment Options
Appointments Configuration
How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Appointments
Purpose: This page is used to configure Appointments information in AccuCampus.
- Setting Scope selection - Select from this list the scope to create/edit the configuration, you can leave it at the Account Level for global settings first, then you can change it to a Location to do some changes as needed. To learn how to change scopes see the next chapter.
1-Disable appointments scheduling - Use this option to disable appointment-scheduling for the Scope selected above.
2-Service Selection
- Service Selection - Select between AUTO (to show the services in the appointment) or DISABLED (if you will not require the user to select Services).
- Allow selecting none - Select this option to make Service selection optional.
- Allow selecting multiple services - Select this option to allow users to create appointments with multiple services required.
3-Event Selection
- Event Selection -Choose whether an event can be selected as part of an appointment. You can also allow users to select “none.”
4-Staff Selection
- Staff Selection - Please adds a filter to allow the attendee to select a specific staff member when scheduling an appointment. If unchecked, the attendee will be shown all available staff members.
- Allow Creating Appointments - Choose the time frames during which appointments can be made.
5-Allow creating appointments
- Duration Restrictions - Choose the minimum, maximum, and default length of appointments.
6-Count Visit Towards Appointment
- Count Visit Towards Appointment - Set limits on how early or late an attendee can sign-in and still be counted as attending the appointment. It also allows you to set a minimum amount of time for an attendee to be signed in for the appointment to count.
7-Maximum Appointment Time Per Week
- Maximum Appointment Time Per Week - Use this option to set limits on the total amount of time an attendee or staff member can be in appointments. This is typically set at the location level, not the global level.
8-Maximum # Of Appointments Per Week
- Maximum # Of Appointments Per Week - Use this option to set the maximum number of appointments per week that a staff member or attendee can attend. This is typically set at the location level, not the global level.
9-Appointment Actions Restrictions
- Appointment Actions Restrictions - Use this option to set restrictions on editing, canceling, and restoring appointments by all users.
10-No-Show Restrictions
- No-Show Restrictions - Use this option to set limits on how many “no-shows” an attendee can have before they are no longer allowed to make appointments.(The student will need to contact the administrator or tutor to clear a “no show” or work a valid solution )
11-Back To Back Restrictions
- Back To Back Restrictions - Use this option to create a time buffer between appointments.
12-Group Appointment Restrictions
- Group Appointment Restrictions -Use this option to decide if staff members must assist with events.
- Reminders - This triggers a reminder notice for appointments at a set time period prior to the appointment start-time.
- Instructions - Use this option to specify instructions presented to users when making an appointment.
- SAVE BUTTON - This saves the configuration.
Entering Staff Schedule and assignments
This is only applicable to those users who have a role declared in the category: “Users available as staff”, this is in the Advanced Options–> Settings–>User Roles–>Role Mappings section.
After clicking the “Staff Availability” option in the user list a page similar to this screenshot should appear where you can declare when the staff will be available and for what specific Courses, Services.
* Available for - Select from the list if this availability is for walk-ins, Appointments, or both.
* Available to all services- Select this option for this user to be available for all Services.
- Only these specific services…- Select this option for this user to be available to selected specific Services only, when using this option search for Services and click “Add Service” as needed.
- Available to all courses- Select this option for this user to be available for all Courses.
- Only these specific courses…- Select this option for this user to be available to selected specific Courses only.
- All courses in group- use this option to specify a “Group” of Courses, all Courses that belong to this “Group” will be added to this availability.
- Semester- This will show the current semester if you need to change this click “Change Term” in the “More Actions” block to the top-right of the screen.
- Courses- Select this option for this user to be available to selected specific Courses only, please use the list to search for Courses and click “Add Course” as needed.
- Available at any time- Check this option to make the user availability as “always available”, uncheck this option to specify a schedule.
- Add Schedule- Please click Add Schedule to show a list of options and now specify between Regular Work Hours, Off Time, and Extra Hours“, next you will be requested to enter the “Day of the Week”, “Time”, Location and Max # of Attendees.
Viewing and Canceling Scheduled Appointments
Go to Appointments–> View All:
These are the options available on this screen on each listed item.
- Appointment Information/Title - Click this title to edit or update the Appointment information.
- View - This allows you to see the appointment information.
- More Options - This gives you several options to modify the Appointment selected.
- Cancel - This gives you the option to Cancel the Appointment selected.
- Mark as No-Show - This gives you the option to mark the Appointment selected as a No-show.
- Mark as Show - This gives you the option to mark the Appointment selected as a Show.
- Restore - This gives you the option to Restore the canceled or voided Appointment selected.
- Virtual Sign-in - For online appointments only, this option allows you to sign-in to an online appointment.
- Void - This gives you the option to mark as Void the Appointment selected.
Generating Appointment Reports
Go to General–> Reports:
Search for the Appointments section, go through each description so you can find the right report for each need, each report brings a number of filters and output formats:
See this example for all appointments that were scheduled this week.
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