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How to Access: General > Services
Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Services your locations provide in AccuCampus.
Services Buttons
- Create Service - Use this option to create a new Service for any of your Locations.
- Compass Categories - This option redirects the user to the list of Compass Categories that you can create for use with the Compass used by the Student both in the AccuCampus app and when they log in online.
- Locations - This option redirects the user to the list of Locations.
- Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Services on this screen only to show the Users that match the typed search criteria.
Services Search Filter (Magnifying Glass)
- Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the Services in Accucampus, OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
- Search in- Use this option to restrict the Search above to a specific category.
- Apply Filters- Click this button to execute the search using the filters specified.
Refine your Search
- Appointments Status- Refine your Search by selecting a specific Appointments Status value in the list.
Services List Options
- Service rating- Notice to the right of the Service description you find a “Rating scale”, you can click these to rate/evaluate this Service, see more details below.
- Location Availability - This takes you to a modifiable list of the Locations that currently offer the Service selected. Managed easily by typing the name of the Location you want to provide the Service as shown in the picture to the right. Use the minus symbol to the left of the Locations you accidentally added or no longer offered this Service.
- Delete - Use this option to delete this Service.
Service Rating
Click on the “Rating system” next to the Service Description; you will be shown a screen where you can rate this Service and/or add a description:
Create Service
General Info
- name - This is the name of a Service you want to offer at your Location.
- Type - Use this option to categorize services by topic. An example would be serviced with the following types: General (applicable to all locations), Academic Advising (applicable to services offered by advising offices), Admissions (applicable to services provided by the admissions office), etc.
- Order - This is an optional field that can be used for sorting purposes; this tells the system which orders to list this service relative to all of the others when a list is displayed.
- Description - This is an optional field that describes the Purpose of this Service; we recommend using broad language when possible. (this allows the Service to apply to multiple locations or users.)
- Available in all locations - Use this option if you want this available in all locations.
Virtual Sign-In
- Allow virtual sign-in for appointments - Use this option if you want to specify that this Service is using online streaming platforms(Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, and others).
Campus Compass
- Show in Compass -Select this option if you want to show this Service in Compass. Next, select a Compass Category that the Service should be associated with from the drop-down menu. Note: Compass Categories must be created before they can be related to a Service.
- SAVE - Use this button to save all information.
- CANCEL -Use this button to cancel this process and roll back without saving.
Location Availability
How to Access:- While in the Service details screen, click on the link “Location Availability” on the top-right hand side.
Purpose:- With this feature, we select the Locations which will be providing the Service.
In the Location Availability screen, start typing a Location name so AccuCampus can autocomplete or click on the magnifying icon to select from the list. To remove a Location, use the red minus symbol to the left of the Location name.