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My Availability
How to Access: General > My Availability
Purpose: This screen is used to view, manage, and edit the current Staff Availability in AccuCampus.
In this section, you can set your availability to one of the following options:
- All - Select this option to be available for both walk-ins and appointments.
- Walk-Ins Only - Select this option to be available only for walk-ins
- Appointments Only - Select this option to be available only for appointments.
Available for Services
In this section, you can select the services; the choices include:
- Available to all services - This option will be available to all the service options.
- Only these specific services - Use this option to select the preferred services that you would like to choose. You can do this by searching for the service or looking it up with a magnifying glass.
Available for Courses
In this section, you can select the courses that you are available for; the choices include:
- Available to all courses - Select this option to be available to all the Courses.
- Only these specific courses - Use this option to select only some Course of your choice. You can filter your search by entering the course group and the semester. Once you have the semester, you can search for the course or look it up with the magnifying glass.
In this section, you can also view all the users in the Course if needed.
In this section, you can select the Schedule that you are available for; the choices include:
- Available at any time - In this option, you will set your Schedule to be available all the time. (It is improbable that a Staff can be accessible at ALL times, so the other option to add a schedule should be used (in most cases)
- Add Schedule - Use this option to select the preferred Schedule that you would like to choose.
After clicking on the “Add Schedule” button, a new menu appears:
From here, you can choose to edit the following (in your Schedule):
- Regular work hours. These are the usual hours of work.
- Off Time. Use this to declare some specific time ranges where you will not be available. These are considered exceptions.
- Extra work hours. Use this option to declare time ranges that are considered extra work.
After selecting a schedule type, you will come to a menu to customize the Schedule:
From here, you can select the following:
- Day of the week - Select the Day of the week you would like to be scheduled for.
- Time - Input the start and end times of when you will be available for the Schedule.
- Location - Use this option if you need to specify one or several Locations where you will be at.
- Available for - Select whether you will be attending All sessions, walk-ins only or appointments only.
- Max # of Attendees - Use this option in case you need to set a max number of attendees.
More Actions
Notice that on the top right corner, there are two more options. Let's review them here:
- Change Term: Use this option to change the current Term.
- View Staff Registered to All- Use this option to see a list of Staff registered to all Courses; you have the opportunity to delete/add as many as needed.
Watch a short video as an example on how to manage availability
In this example, we are selecting specific Services, Courses, and dates for “regular hours.” Availability can be as detailed or open as needed.