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Session Logs

Session logs are used to store detailed information on users' sign-in activity at various locations, for certain services, possibly related to instructors' courses in AccuCampus; for each session attended, critical data is gathered such as:

  • When did the activity start?
  • Who is the User?
  • Who did the Student meet?
  • What role the User is using?
  • Where did the activity take place?
  • What was the session about (specific courses, services, seminars)?
  • Are there any notes or follow-up information related to this activity?
  • When did the activity finish?

You can see all the Session Logs for your Location or all locations from the main session logs page. Based on your permissions, you can manually create a log or edit an existing log at any time, including after the visit has concluded and the record is closed.

How to Access: These options can be found under the Center Attendance > Session Logs section of the AccuCampus main menu.

Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Session Logs for Center Attendance in AccuCampus.

Session Log Buttons

  • Create Log - Use this option to create a new Session Log.
  • Swipe a Card - Use this option to create a new Swipe (Swipe-In or Swipe-Out) for a Session Log.
  • Who's In? - This option redirects the User to the Who's In? section of AccuCampus.
  • View raw Swipes - Use this option to view the Swipes (Swipe-In or Swipe-Out) on a Session Log
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This option filters the current view of the Session Logs on this screen to only show the Session Logs that match the typed-search criteria; see below for details.

Search Filter (Magnifying Glass)

You'll notice on the top right-hand side of the screen there is a magnifying glass icon; this is the filter area with these options:

  • Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the Logs in AccuCampus, OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
  • Search in- Use this option to restrict the Search above to a specific category.

Refine your Search

  • Date Start - Refine your Search by picking a Date Start value.
  • Date End - Refine your Search by picking a Date End value.
  • Card # - Refine your Search by searching for text in the Card # field.
  • User - Refine your Search by searching for text in the User field.
  • Location - Refine your Search by searching for text in the User field.
  • Course - Refine your Search by searching for text in the User field.
  • Status - Refine your Search by selecting from the Status list.
  • Service - Refine your Search by searching for text in the Service field.
  • Staff - Refine your Search by searching for text in the Staff field.

Session Log Options

On the right-hand side of every Session Log, there is a list with a few options. This is their function and purpose:

  • Delete - Use this option to delete this Session Log.
A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm this action(this is to prevent removing data by accident).

Create a new Session Log

Select Tags - Here, you can define Tags that may be used to report on this session later; these Tags are used extensively to identify certain items in AccuCampus. As an example of how to use Tags they could represent their “Tutoring Status” (“Still needs help”, “Progressing,” “Final Session”) in which you could pull a report on the Session Logs of a particular Student when the Status equals “Still needs help”, or pull a list of all the Students who have completed the tutoring program that includes a list of all the Students with “Final Session” marked.

General Information

  • User - This is the Student you want associated with the Session Log you are creating.
  • User is unknown - Use this option if you do not know who the Student was, but you still need to create a Session Log (for headcount purposes).
  • Location - This is the Location that you want this Session Log to be associated with as taking place in this Location.
  • Course / Seminar - This is the Course or Seminar that the Student received assistance with during the session.
  • Use course schedule to determine log status - This is only used if creating a Session Log for Classroom attendance; in this case, the Attendance Rules will assign an Attendance Status (Present, Absent, Tardy, etc.) to the Class Session.
  • Services - This is the Service that the Student received assistance during the session.
  • Staff - This is the Staff who helped the Student during the session.
  • Comments - This is an optional field that you can use to provide additional information about the Session Log you are creating.


  • In / Out - Use this option to add the time information for a Swipe-In or Swipe-Out.
  • Timeline - This is a visual representation of the swipes collected. If you want to preview the recently added ones, click the [Refresh] link.
The user must click the Save button at the bottom of this form to save this Session Log

Edit an Existing Session Log

Simply click on the name of the student to edit all of the options from the previous section on this screen.

Note: These can only be updated one at a time as there is no bulk correction option at this time.

Swipe a Card/Create Swipe

Use this section to create a record related to a swipe in/out for a Student in your Location.

  1. Start by completing the following fields:
    • Swipe Type - Choose if the Swipe is a Sign-in or Sign-out.
    • Location - Choose the Location where the Swipe took place.
    • Course - Choose the Course that is associated with the Swipe.
    • Card Number - Enter the Card Number of the Student that this Swipe is assigned-to.
      Note: You can use their Card and a Card Reader if available.
  2. Once that is completed, click the Save & Swipe Again button.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until all swipes have been recorded, and when done, click the Close button.
The swipes will show below in a Recent Swipes section as you record them, so you know where you are at if entering a long list of swipes manually.

How to create a Swipe (example):

View Raw Swipes

Use this section to view the actual swipes in/out for all Students in your Locations.

Raw Swipes Buttons

  • Swipe a Card - Use this option to create a new Swipe (In or Out) for a Session Log.
  • View Logs - Use this option to view the Session Logs (a combination of in/out swipes for a Session).
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Raw Swipes on this screen only to show the Raw Swipes that match the typed-search criteria.

Who's In?

When using this option, you can access a screen with the information of all the currently signed-in AccuCampus; you can use the filter on the right to specify a particular center and/or event.

  • View Logs - Use this option to redirect to the “Session Logs” page.
  • Sign-Out - Use this option to sign out all students currently in the center.
  • Random Pick- Use this option to select (randomly) one or several students. (see more information in the next chapter)

For this example, we request one random student:

This is the result:

  • Refresh- Use this option to update the list with the newest information.
  • Export- Use this option to export the list of students to an MS Excel file.

This is an example for the export file:

Using the Who is in? screen (videos):

  • How to randomly pick users.
  • How to export the list of “Who's in” Users.
  • How to set comments in the Who's in screen and how to sign out a user.

Additional KB articles on this topic