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My Scheduled Reports

How to Access: Advanced Options > My Scheduled Reports

Purpose: This page is used to keep your Scheduled Reports in AccuCampus.

My Scheduled Reports Buttons

  • Created new - This is used to create a new Scheduled Report.
  • All Reports - This button allows to see all reports.
  • My Memorized Reports - This button allows direct access to My Memorized Reports

Reports List Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Report in this list you have a Run and Delete buttons:

  • Run - This option allows you to run this specific Report.
  • Delete - This option allows you to delete this Scheduled Report. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the deletion so that these are less likely to be deleted by accident.
If you do not see this option it may be based on your level or permissions set in AccuCampus.

Create new option

Please click “Create new” to create a new Scheduled Report, please see here the fields you will need to fill-out:

  • Name - This is a unique name for the Scheduled Report.
  • Details - This is a field to type some notes for the Scheduled Report.
  • Active - This is to identify is the Scheduled Report is active or not.
  • Start Date - This specifies a time-frame when you want to receive this Scheduled Report.
  • Start Date - This specifies a time-frame when you want to receive this Scheduled Report.
  • Time - This field specifies when the Scheduled Report will run. It is required.
  • Frequency - This field specifies when Scheduled Report should run, options are daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
  • Date Range - This specifies a range filter that will be passed to the Scheduled Report to process information, the report will populate information from such range at the time of execution.
  • Reports - Please select from the list what report you want to run, you must have created at least 1 report to select.
  • Recipient - This specifies a list of recipients, please use the magnifying glass to select a name from the list, you can add as many as you want.
  • Send to Address - This is the address that will be used as sender email.
  • Send to me - Check this option if the current user wants to receive a copy of the email.
  • From Name - This specifies a Sender name.
  • Reply to - This specifies a reply to an email address, users should be able to email this address.
  • Password for Attachment - This specifies a password to open any attachment(the report)
  • Confirm Password - Confirm the password above.
  • Subject - This specifies the email Subject line.
  • Body - This is the message body, you can format it as needed using the tools presented.
  • Save Button - Please double-check the information and click this button to finish this operation.

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