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My Scheduled Reports
How to Access: Advanced Options > My Scheduled Reports
Purpose: This page is used to keep your Scheduled Reports in AccuCampus.
My Scheduled Reports Buttons
- Created new - This is used to create a new Scheduled Report.
- All Reports - This button allows to see all reports.
- My Memorized Reports - This button allows direct access to My Memorized Reports
Reports List Options
You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Report in this list you have a Run and Delete buttons:
- Run - This option allows you to run this specific Report.
- Delete - This option allows you to delete this Scheduled Report. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the deletion so that these are less likely to be deleted by accident.
Create new option
Please click “Create new” to create a new Scheduled Report, please see here the fields you will need to fill-out:
- Name - This is a unique name for the Scheduled Report.
- Details - This is a field to type some notes for the Scheduled Report.
- Active - This is to identify is the Scheduled Report is active or not.
- Start Date - This specifies a time-frame when you want to receive this Scheduled Report.
- Start Date - This specifies a time-frame when you want to receive this Scheduled Report.
- Time - This field specifies when the Scheduled Report will run. It is required.
- Frequency - This field specifies when Scheduled Report should run, options are daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
- Date Range - This specifies a range filter that will be passed to the Scheduled Report to process information, the report will populate information from such range at the time of execution.
- Reports - Please select from the list what report you want to run, you must have created at least 1 report to select.
- Recipient - This specifies a list of recipients, please use the magnifying glass to select a name from the list, you can add as many as you want.
- Send to Address - This is the address that will be used as sender email.
- Send to me - Check this option if the current user wants to receive a copy of the email.
- From Name - This specifies a Sender name.
- Reply to - This specifies a reply to an email address, users should be able to email this address.
- Password for Attachment - This specifies a password to open any attachment(the report)
- Confirm Password - Confirm the password above.
- Subject - This specifies the email Subject line.
- Body - This is the message body, you can format it as needed using the tools presented.
- Save Button - Please double-check the information and click this button to finish this operation.
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