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Tags are keywords or terms assigned to pieces of information, within AccuCampus, you are able to assign tags to users. Tags can be used to apply attendance restrictions, assign action items, and create user groups of specific student populations you want to follow. Before you can assign tags, you must first create them. There are three main types of tags – User Tags, Action assignment tags, and Attendance Log Tags. User Tags identify users based on specific demographic information, Action assignment tags identify tasks or assignments that users must perform while Attendance Log Tags identify users based on their actions within the system. Tags can be created manually or uploaded via an import.

How to Access: Advanced Options > Tags.

  • User tags - Use this option to view and manage User tags(see details below).
  • Action assignment tags - Use this option to view and manage tags referred to as Action Items and Action Plans.
  • Attendance log tags - Use this option to view and manage Attendance log tags(see details below).

Tags link screen

Purpose - Use this option to configure User Tags.

  • Create Tags - Use this option to configure User Tags.
  • View Tags Types - Use this option to configure Tag Types, Tag types are ways to group together similar Tags.

List Options

  • DELETE - Use this button to delete this user tag.

Purpose - Use this option to modify this Tag.

  • Group- This field shows the Group this Tag belongs to.
  • Tag - Enter the name of the Tag. We recommend that you use a unique and specific name so that the tag can be identified by other users.
  • Description - Enter a Description of the tag. We recommend that you use a unique and specific description so that the tag can be identified by other users(this is optional).
  • Requested by - If desired, enter who requested this Tag. This could be a user or an entity on campus(this is optional).


  • Roles with view access - Identify Roles with View Access. These roles will be able to view, but not edit the tag. (this is optional).
  • Roles with edit access - Identify Roles with Edit Access. These roles will be able to edit the tag(this is optional).
  • Only users with scope - If desired, add a Scope for the tag. This will restrict view/edit permissions to only users with the selected scope. (this is optional).
  • SAVE -Use this option to save all information.
  • CANCEL - Use this option to go back to the previous page without saving.

Attendance log tags-screen

Purpose - Use this option to modify this Tag.

  • Tag - Type-in a unique name for the Tag.
  • Description - Type-in a description for the Tag(this is optional).
  • Requested by - Type in the name of who requested the Tag(this is optional).


  • Roles with view access - Use this option to select what Roles will have view Access to this tag(this is optional).
  • Roles with edit access - Use this option to select what Roles will have edit Access to this tag(this is optional).
  • Only users with scope - Use this option to select specifically the Users Scope needed to have Access to this tag(this is optional).
  • SAVE -Use this option to save all information.
  • CANCEL - Use this option to go back to the previous page without saving.

Assigning Tags

Purpose - Once you’ve created tags, you can assign them to users. There are multiple ways to do this. You can assign the tag manually on each user profile page, you can import them using any Tags-Users import, assign them based on a report or user group, or assign them as part of a rule.

1-First Option: - Scroll through the list of users(General–>Users) to find the user you need:

or you can search at the top of AccuCampus:

2- Once you found the User click on “Edit User”:

3- Go to the TAGS section to the right and Add/remove Tags as needed.

Tags can have many users such as for example, Hide or Show a location based on a specific Tag as needed, please see:

4- Using a Report to assign/unassign Tags:

4.1-Go to General > Report and select a report that we can use for this such as the “Student Enrollment” report, use the filter section to restrict the results as needed:

4.2-Use the Assign/Unassign Tags option:

4.3-In this case we will select the Assign tag option and we will call the Tag= newTag:

4.4-Run the report to start tagging the resultant members in the report with the “newTag” we just created.

4.5- Check randomly users to see that they were tagged.

Wath a short video of how to create a Tag

Extra documentation about this topic