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How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Notifications
Purpose: Within AccuCampus you can create notification topics, these topics will be used in the Notification rules. These are primarily used when creating rules for automatic notifications; however, they will also appear on the user profile, and users will be able to decide if they want notifications from that topic delivered via e-mail, push notification, or text, or if they want them delivered at all.
Options for each notification/row in the list
For each row(notification) you can see the name of the notification, who sent it, when it was sent, the status(read/unread), the type of notification(text message, on-screen message, email message). Click on the name of the notification to see details, there is a DELETE button on the right-hand side so you can delete it if you want.
- DELETE - Use this button to delete the current notification
Filter Area options
The filters can be combined as needed:
- Recipient - Type-in a Recipient Name to filter this list.
- Status - Select a Status from the list to use as a filtering method.
- Start date - Type in a Start Date to filter this list.
- End date - Type in an End Date to filter this list.
- Sent on-screen - Define if notes can be added to the item check-out(push on-screen notification).
- Sent via e-mail - Enable this option as a method for delivering the notification(email notification).
- Sent via text message - Enable this option as a method for delivering the notification(text message).
- Apply filters - Use this option to refresh the page and filter using the chosen filters.
- Reset - Use this option to refresh the page and clear all filters to their default values.
Notification Topic List Options
Purpose - This is a list of all current Notification Topics.
- Create Topic- Use this button to create a new Notification Topic(more details in the next chapter “Create New Notification Topic ”).
Notice that in this list for each row(Notification) there is a DELETE button on the right-hand side.
- DELETE- Use this button to delete the current Notification Topic.
Create New Notification Topic
- Name - Please enter a Name for the topic. We recommend being specific so that other users will know what the topic addresses.
- Description - Please enter a Description for the topic. We recommend being specific so that other users will know what the topic addresses.
On-screen delivery
Choose the type of Delivery that will be enabled. We recommend selecting all three to ensure that notifications can be sent to all users. Make sure to set the default action to send.
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via push notification through the app.
Email delivery
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via e-mail.
Text message delivery
- Enabled - Please select this option if you want the notification to be sent via text.
- SAVE BUTTON - Please click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Please click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
Send Message
- To- Use this option to select the Addressee, this can be a user or a group of users.
- Title- Use this option to set a title for the message. This is the first information the addressee will see.
- Enable(On-screen notification)- Use this option to send an On-screen notification. (this can be combined with one or both other 2 methods).
- Enable(Email message)- Use this option to send an email message. (this can be combined with one or both other 2 methods).
- Enable(Text message)- Use this option to send a text message. (this can be combined with one or both other 2 methods).
- Send Message- Use this option to send the notification(s) as selected above.
- Cancel- Use this option to cancel and rollback(no notification will be sent).