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How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Media
Purpose: Within AccuCampus, you are able to track media items for your location(s). Media items are completely customizable and can be used for any item that you regularly lend out to students, faculty, or staff of your institution. The ability to create media items and check-in/out the items is based on your permissions, you can adjust the settings at either the global level (default) or at the specific location level.
- Scope Change - Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is “Account”, which manages the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, click Change and select the location you want to edit settings for. Make sure to click Set Scope once the location is selected.
Media Check-out
The following settings can be edited for Media Check Out.
- Default checkout period - Set the default time period for an item to be checked out. You can choose from hours, days, or weeks.
- Allow editing check-out date - Define if the check-out date will be able to be edited when an item is assigned.
- Allow overwriting due back time - Define if the due back date will be able to be edited when an item is assigned.
- Allow entering event - Define if an event associated with the item should be recorded.
- Allow entering notes - Define if notes can be added to the item check-out.
Media Check-in
The following settings can be edited for Media Check-In.
- Allow check-in on Saturday - Define if items can be checked in on Saturdays.
- Allow check-in on Sunday - Define if items can be checked in on Sundays.
- All media must be checked-in by (time) every day. - Define if media must be checked in by a specific (time) each day in order to be counted as returned on time.
- All media must be checked-in by (date) - Define if all media items must be checked in by a specific (date), such as the end of the semester.
- Allow editing check-in date - Define if the check-in date will be able to be edited when an item is checked back in.
- Allow entering notes - Define if notes can be added to the item check-in.
- SAVE BUTTON - Click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and roll back without saving.
Additional documentation/articles about this topic
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