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Import Information
How to Access: Advanced Options > Import Information
Purpose: This page is used to import information to AccuCampus.
- View Past Imports - Use this option to see a list of previous Imports, clicking in the name of the import shows the Execution details.
- View Documentation - This provides access to Documentation about the system.
- Upload your Files - Select the type of information to be imported from the list and click the option: Upload a File to start the import job.
View Past Imports screen
Use this page to see previous import jobs.
- Go back -This is a link to the previous page.
- Refresh -Use this option to reload the page and refresh all data.
- View Details- Use this option to see specific information from the current Import Job such as dates, times, status, and error-related information.
Documentation Screen
Use this page to read about how this process works for each “type” of documentation, you can also use this page to download our import tool, called the
AccuCampus Import Tool - Engineerica Data Exchange (EDX)
- Download Data Exchange Tool - Click here to download ADX, ensure your antivirus allows this download, and install the app.
- View Help on Importing- Select a “type” of import from the list, and a new area will appear with detailed information related to the steps and requirements to download such data.
See here an example for Students-import:
Upload your files Screen
- Select import type - Select the import type from the list.
- Upload file - Click this button to browse and select the CSV file associated with the import type that was selected.
Accucampus Import Tool - EDX (Engineerica Data Exchange)
- Downloading the App - Click here to download the tool.
- Installing the App - Execute the file downloaded in the previous step and follow the wizard to install it, all options should be left as default.
- Executing the App - Run the application you just installed and select Accucampus in the list of Applications:
Configuring the App - Accucampus Credentials
- Domain -Type in the Domain information.
- Email -Type in an administrator email.
- Password -Type in an administrator password.
Configuring the App - Import Options
- Import Type - Select the information you are importing (e.g. Users, Courses, Services ).
- File Path - Use this field to select the path to the source CSV file containing the information.
- Parameters - Use this field to specify Parameters (this is an advanced feature.).
Configuring the App - Save Import Script
- Save Batch File - Select where you want to save the BATCH file that will be created (This is the file used to execute the import)
Configuring the App - Batch Script Creation
- Do you want to create a scheduled task to run this batch file -Please click Yes or No.
To help recognize this task later, we recommend using a distinctive name on the Scheduled task that will be created.
Use this screen to specify when you want the import scheduled, select how often, and all other needed parameters.
Uploading Student Photos
To upload student photos, read Uploading Student Photos Script.
Uploading Profiles Answers
Watch a short video on how to upload a CSV file (this is an example) containing profile information to AccuCampus
In this example, we are uploading a CSV file that contains information from 2 students: