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New to AccuCampus?
Have questions about ordering, licenses, or qualifications? Check out the official AccuCampus site at:
For the best support possible we need to know who you are:
AccuCampus Version History
This is our log of enhancement and feature updates to the AccuCampus software over the different versions. All features and enhancements that are now available to you in the current release: Version History / Change Log
Development API
If you have developed an extension using our AccuCampus API for either AccuCampus or ADX, we will be glad to see it!
You can contribute back to the community by sending all your plug-ins to, we will review it and post your code so others can take advantage of it in our wiki!
Self-Hosting Option
If you plan to host AccuCampus by your own, please review:
AccuCampus Mobile Application
AccuCampus includes a mobile/Tablet application that helps in all roles, below we have the setup Guide on how to download and install this application on your device:
Contact our Support Team
After reviewing the documentation you can request support by submitting a ticket.