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Using Student Groups

To define groups of persons go to Administration > User Groups

  1. To create a new group click + New Group.
  2. Type Group Name at Name.
  3. Select the users related to this new group.
  4. Click Save Changes to save your changes.

After defining your Student Groups, you will be able to filter your reports using that feature.

See a short video on how to create a group

You can also create Student Groups from reports generated in Accudemia. This can a bit tricky to master as the only people added to the group from a report are the ones that show up in the report ran. As an example If I wanted to create a subset group of the basketball team with those students who have visited my center. I could manually create the basketball team group here in the Student Groups section. Then I could run a report on visits to the center using this group as a filter. I would then check the option to create a group from that report. After the report runs I would now have a group created that consists of only the basketball team members that have visited the center. For more explanation watch this section of the "Power Users" webinar.

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