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Administrator Quickstart | Next: Setting up Scheduled Imports

Connecting ADX to your College Data

ADX (Accudemia Data Exchange) is a really powerful and fast solution for exchanging information among your different systems. You can automatically import all your updated information, and keep all your applications always in sync.

Use ADX Accudemia Data Exchange to upload your college database. Use CSV samples to import your data:

Accudemia Data eXchange - Importing and Exporting

To download ADX Accudemia Data Exchange. Access to Administration > Advanced > Import.

Access to ADX using your Administration Account User ID and password. The Domain is the first part of the address you use to access Accudemia (i.e. Now, you are logged into the Accudemia Data Exchange control panel.

Click on Create New Import Task to select which file has to be imported, and how it will be done. Follow the steps described there, they might vary depending on what you are going to import to Accudemia.

Complete the remaining steps to save the changes. To run the job and import the file to Accudemia, you have to click on View Details and then on Run Import Now.

Administrator Quickstart | Next: Setting up Scheduled Imports