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This area is used to create, edit, and manage Users in AccuCampus. Each user can have multiple roles and permissions as needed; for example, you can have students, tutors, peer-tutors(tutors who are also students ), and so on.

How to Access: General > Users

Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Users in AccuCampus.

User Buttons

You can see all system users on the User's list page; there are five main action buttons and a filter option (highlighted in yellow in this screenshot as an example).

  • Create New button - Use this option to create a new User. It can be a User of any role(Student, Tutor, Instructor, System User), and the User can have more than one Role.
  • Request Password Change button - Use this option to request a password change for a User.
  • Send message - Use this option to send a message to a User. Note: This Notification can be an On-screen Notification(it shows in AccuCampus when the User is logged in), an email, or a text message.
  • User Groups - Use this option to create a User Group for reporting and/or grouping purposes. Note: To create a new security Role that you can assign a User to in AccuCampus you would go to the Advanced Options > Settings > Roles section.
  • Staff Registered to All Courses - Use this option to quickly assign Staff that are available in all Courses.
  • Roles Filter - This option filters the current view of the Users on this screen to only show the Users with the selected security Role.
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Users on this screen only to show the Users that match the typed search criteria (see details below).

User Filter Options((Magnifying Glass in the top right))

Search(Magnifying Glass) On the top right-hand side, there is a magnifying glass; this is the filter area with this option:

  • Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the User's data in Accucampus, OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
  • Search in- Use this option to restrict the Search above to a specific Category.

Refine your Search

  • First Name- Refine your Search by searching for Text in the First Name field.
  • LastName - Refine your Search by searching for Text in the Last Name field.
  • Email- Refine your Search by searching for Text in the Email field.
  • Card#- Refine your Search by searching for Text in the Card# field.
  • Status list- Refine your Search by selecting from the Status list.
  • Apply filters- Click this option to execute the Search.

View User

Clicking the Name of a user shows you the User's detailed information:

The sections shown here depend on the roles and permissions of the current user logged in AccuCampus.

  • “About” section- This section shows basic information about the User, including a link (Edit User) to view/change information as needed.
  • Risk Score section- This section shows the risk score for the User (The Risk Scoring system is a tool in AccuCampus that uses AI technology and processes large amounts of data to help detect students that could be at risk of having poor results at school).
Risk Scoring values presented depend on the amount of historical data available for students and on the specific configuration of the Risk Scoring tool set by your AccuCampus admins, the more historical information available the more accurate the score can become over time. The engine currently works to detect whether the student will drop out or not. The engine design was not for nor can it predict a specific outcome on the performance in a specific course or in specific learning areas
  • Student Enrollment- This section shows the Courses related to this User, you can remove Courses using the minus icon to the left of the Course and/or add new Courses using the search_feature at the bottom.
  • Media Check-Out- This section shows all the information related to this User and Media Items, you can Check-in and Check-out items from here, if there are more than 10 items then you can use the pagination buttons on the bottom right of the widget to move in between pages.

  • Action Items section- This section shows all the “Action Items” related to this User. See here an example, the first ten rows are shown and you would use the pagination links at the bottom right of the panel to move between pages.

  • Recent Visits section- This section shows the last visits performed by this User.

  • Student Enrollment- This section shows this User's current enrollment.

  • Upcoming Appointment section- This section shows all upcoming appointments for this User.

  • Tags- This section shows all Tags linked to this User.

  • More Actions- This section shows the same action-links users can access from the User-List page, refer to the “User List Options” section in the next chapter for help.

User List Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every User row you have a Delete button, and by clicking in “more actions,” you have access to up to 15 additional action buttons; this is their function and Purpose (see highlighted in yellow the options in this example screenshot ):

  • Delete - Use this option to delete this User.
A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm this action(this is to prevent removing data by accident).

More Actions - Click here to get the following options:

  • Checkout Media - This option lets users view and checkout Media for Users. See more details in the next chapters.
  • Manage Groups - Use this option to view and assign the User to a User Group.
  • Print Badge - Use this option to print the Event badge you've designed for just this User.
  • Print Certificate - Use this option to print the Event certificate you've designed for just this User.
  • Print QR Label - Use this option to print the User quickly card number to an easy-to-scan QR label for tracking attendance using the AccuCampus app.
  • Request Password Change Use this option to request just this User reset their Password.
  • Send message - Use this option to send a message to a User. Note: This can be an On-screen Notification, an email, or a text message.
  • Session Registration - Use this option to view and edit this Users Session Registration for an Event.
  • Staff Availability - Use this option to view and edit this Users Staff Availability. Notice that this option is only available for those roles configured in the category: “Users can be registered as professor/instructor in a class.” You can locate this setting in Advanced Options→Settings→Role Mappings.
  • Student Enrollment - Use this option to view and edit this Users Course Enrollment. Notice that this option is only available for those roles under the “Users that visit locations, attend courses and or classes” in Advanced Options→Settings→Role Mappings.
  • User Profile - Use this option to view and edit this Users profile information. See details in the following chapters.
  • View Action Plans - Use this option to view and edit this Users action plans.
  • View Center Attendance - Use this option to view and edit this Users Center Attendance.
  • View User Activity - Use this option to view and edit this Users activity while logged into AccuCampus.

< Note>If you do not see all of this option, it may be based on your level or permissions set in AccuCampus.</Note>

Checkout Media-option details

Using this option, the system redirects to a “Media Checkout” screen so that a new Media can be assigned to the user:

Manage groups- option details

Using this option, the system redirects to that specific user groups; depending on permissions, the options are to view/add/delete groups from there:

By using this option, the system redirects to a “Print Badge” screen so that you can select a badge template and generate badges:

By using this option, the system redirects to a “Print Certificate” screen so that you can select a Certificate Template and generate certificates:

You would need to create/design the certificate first at Events–> Certificate

By using this option, the system redirects to a “Print QR Labels” screen so that you can generate labels in PDF format for this users or more users as needed:

Send Message-option details

By using this option, the system redirects to the “Send Message” screen so that you can create either an On-screen, Email, and or Text-message communication with the User or any other user as needed:

The recipient can be other users and/ or groups as needed

Sessions registration-option details

By using this option, the system redirects to that User's session's registration screen; in that screen, you can see the current user registrations and add new registration(s) as needed:

< Note>If you can not find a suitable date and/or seminar, then you should contact your school for information</Note>

Student enrollment- option details

This is only applicable to those users who have a role declared in the category: “Users that visit locations, attend courses and/or classes”, this is in the Advanced Options–> Settings–>User Roles–>Role Mappings section. By using this option, the system redirects to that User's enrollment screen; you then have the opportunity to view/add/remove courses enrollment as needed for the User; additional options allow to change Term or Edit the User:

User Profile- option details

By using this option, the system redirects to that User's profile; you then have the opportunity to view/add/remove profile questions for the User (profile questions are added to the system by the administrators, so this video is shown as an example only):

View Action-Plan- option details

Using this option, the system redirects to that user Action-Plan page; you then have the opportunity to View/Delete/Assign Action-Items, Action-Packs for the User (Action-Items and Action-Packs are added to the system by the administrators and can be diverse, so this video is shown as an example only):

View Center Attendance-option details

Using this option, the system redirects to that User's “Student Attendance” page to view the user attendance as needed; clicking “filter” provides access to customize the Search based on Date Range, User, Locations, Courses.

You can change Filters option as needed

View User Activity-option details

Using this option, the system redirects to that user Account Settings > User Action Logs page; you then have the option to filter and search the user logs:

Staff Availability

This feature is only applicable to those users who have a role declared in the category: “Users available as staff,” this is in the Advanced Options–> Settings–>User Roles–>Role Mappings section. After clicking the “Staff Availability” option in the user list, a page similar to this screenshot should appear to declare when the Staff will be available and for what specific Courses, Services. * Available for - Select from the list if this availability is for walk-ins, Appointments, or both.

* Available to all services- Select this option for this User to be available for all Services.

  • Only these specific services…- Select this option for this User to be available to selected specific Services only. Use the list to search for Services and click “Add Service” as needed.
  • Available to all courses- Select this option for this User to be available for all Courses.
  • Only these specific courses…- Select this option for this User to be available to selected specific Courses only.
  • All courses in Group- use this option to specify a “Group” of Courses; all Courses that belong to this “Group” will be added to this availability.
  • Semester- This will show the current Semester if you need to change this, click “Change Term” in the “More Actions” block to the top-right of the screen.
  • Courses- Select this option for this User to be available to selected specific Courses only, use the list to search for Courses and click “Add Course” as needed.
  • Available at any time- Check this option to make the user availability as “always available”; uncheck this option to specify a schedule.
  • Add Schedule- Click Add Schedule to show a list of options and now specify between Regular Work Hours, Off Time, and Extra Hours“ next, you will be requested to enter the “Day of the Week”, “Time,” Location and Max # of Attendees.

Create New User or Edit User

This section can create Users; you can access this screen via the “Create New” button in the User list; this section also applies when editing existing users; it is the same page. The only difference is that there will be some information populated in the fields (that you can change), but when creating new users, all fields are blank.


This may not seem that obvious in the screenshot above. Still, the button allows you to create a tag that can be used in determining notifications, rules, action plans, filtering Reports, and more!

General Information

  • First Name - This is the User First Name (it is Required)
  • Middle Initial -This is the User Middle Initial (it is Optional)
  • Last Name - This is the User Last Name; (it is Required)
  • Email - Required- The Email is used to identify the User uniquely; it must be unique across all the users in the system. It also allows users to log in, reset their Passwords and receive messages and notifications. The Email has to be unique across all the users too.
  • Card Number - Optional, but recommended if allowing students to scan into the Center. The card number is helpful if you plan to track attendance by reading physical cards using a card reader or the mobile app for iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.
  • Password - Optional; this is only required if the user will be logging into AccuCampus to work in the system or schedule appointments.
  • Repeat - Optional; this is only required if you entered a password; simply repeat it here to verify it is correct.
  • Active - Optional. Specifies whether the user is active or not. 'Yes,' or 'No' values are accepted. Defaults to 'Yes'.
  • Photo Upload - Optional, but will allow others to see an image of this User in AccuCampus.

Postal Address

  • Street Address - Optional. This field specifies the User's street address.
  • City - Optional. This field specifies the User's city.
  • State - Optional. This field specifies the User's state.
  • Zip Code - Optional. This field specifies the User's zip code.

Phone numbers

  • Mobile - Optional. This field specifies the User's Mobile.
  • Home - Optional. This field specifies the User's Home phone.
  • Work - Optional. This field specifies the User's Work phone.


  • Roles List selection - Required. Select the Role or Roles for this User from the list.
  • Scope List selection - Required. Select the Scope or Scopes associated with this User from the list.

To remove a Role or Scope, click the minus sign next to it once it's been added. There will also be an undo circular arrow button on the screen if you accidentally chose the wrong one when deleting them to quickly add it back and select the correct one to remove.

Virtual Sign-in

* Session URL - Optional. Select the URL to be used for Virtual Sign-in Sessions. Notice that only users with a Role that falls on the category “Users available as staff” in Account Settings > User Roles > Role Mappings.

If you want to create more than the default User Roles built in AccuCampus visit the Advanced Options > Settings > Roles section.

Save the User Click the Save button at the bottom of this page to record the information.

Request Password Change

To all users in the account - Use this option to request everyone in AccuCampus to reset their password.

To all users with a specified role - Use this option to request every User with a specified Role that is selected in the drop-down menu to reset their Password.

To specific users - Use this option to request specific Users in AccuCampus to reset their password.

Send Message Option

Purpose: Used to create messages in AccuCampus.

  • To - This is the recipient of the message, depending on your permissions you will be able to send messages to specific users only.
  • Title - This is the Title of the Message.
  • Send message - Click this option to send the message.
  • Cancel Button - Click this option to cancel the process and roll back without saving.

Message delivery method

Purpose: Choose the Message delivery method from:

  • On-Screen Notification - Select this option if you want to show on-screen notification windows containing information; see a description of the required fields below:
  • Title- This is the Title shown to the User in the On-screen Notification.
  • Body- This is the Body of the Message shown to the User in the On-screen Notification.
  • Class -Use this field to classify the On-screen Notification.
  • Duration -Select the Duration that determines how long the Notification shows on the screen; the options are short(5 secs), Medium(15 secs), and long(30 secs).
  • More Information - Select from the two options, you can select to see the confirmation message OR navigate to a custom URL page specified below.
  • Custom URL - Specify this field if you select the option above to have the User navigate this URL.
  • Show on sign-in Station - Select this option to enable this feature from the SIGN-IN STATION screen.

  • Email Message - - Select this option if you want to send an email to users; find the explanation of the required field below.
  • From Name- This is the FROM field of the Email.
  • Reply To- This is the Email they can use to respond.
  • Subject -This is the SUBJECT field of the email message.
  • Email Body -Use this field to type in all the information you want to send.

  • Text Message - Select this option to send a text message.
  • Body -Use this field to type in all the information you want to send.

User Groups

In this section you can assign your Users into User Groups for Reports, Notifications and Rules you setup in AccuCampus.

User Group Buttons

  • Create New - Use this option to create a new User Group, give it a brief Description, and make the Group Private (meaning only you see it) or not (other admins see it too). You can then choose to assign Users to this Group manually or simply save it from importing the Users to this User Group later.
  • New Dynamic Group - Use this option to create a new User Group, give it a brief Description, and make the Group Private (meaning only you see it) or not (other admins see it too). The difference with this option is the dynamic User Group can be updated automatically based on several Role, Tag, or Profile.

< Note>You can also choose how often this User Group is updated (based on how frequently your imports run).</note>

  • Users - This button takes you back to the list of Users.

User Groups List Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every User Group in this list you have a few options, and this is their function and Purpose:

  • Members - This option lets you view and assign Users as members of this Group
  • Delete - Use this option to delete this User Group.
A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm this action(this is to prevent removing data by accident).
  • More Actions - Click here to get the following options:
  • Assign Tags to Members - Use this option to tag all members of this Group.
  • Print QR Labels - Use this option to quickly print the card numbers of every member of this User Group to easy to scan QR labels for tracking attendance using the AccuCampus app.
  • Unassign Tags from Members - Use this option to remove a tag from all Group members.

< Note>If you do not see all of these options, it may be based on your level or permissions set in AccuCampus.</Note>

Group filter (magnifying glass in the top right side)

You'll notice on the top right-hand side of a magnifying glass; this is the filter area with this option:

  • Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the Groups in Accucampus OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
  • Search in- Use this option to restrict the Search above to a certain Category.

Create New User Group

  • Name - This is the Name of the User Group you want to create.
  • Description - This is an optional field to explain what defines this User Group.

Sharing Options

  • Share this Group - If you are the only person that needs access to this Group, leave this option unchecked, otherwise check this option, and a new set of options will show under “Sharing”.
  • Roles with view access - Select which Role or Roles will have view access to this Group.
  • Roles with edit access - Select which Role or Roles will have edit access to this Group.
  • Only users with this Scope - Select which Scope or scopes will be associated with this Group.
  • SAVE - Click this option to save the information.
  • SAVE AND ADD USERS- Click this option to save all information and redirect to a new page to add another user.
  • CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and roll back without saving.

Watch a short video on how to create a (static) group and add members

Save Options

  • Save - This saves the User Group for you to add Users to later.
  • Save & Add Users - This option records the group information and allows you to assign Users to the User Group immediately.

New Dynamic User Group

  • Name - This is the name of the User Group you want to create.
  • Description - This is an optional field to explain what defines this User Group.
  • Conditions - This sets the conditions required to be included as part of this Group, based on Role, Tags, or Profile information.
  • Share this Group - If you are the only person that needs access to this Group, leave this option unchecked, otherwise check this option, and a new set of options will show under “Sharing”.
  • Roles with view access - Select which Role or Roles will have view access to this Group.
  • Roles with edit access - Select which Role or Roles will have edit access to this Group.
  • Only users with this Scope - Select which Scope or scopes will be associated with this Group.
  • Refresh Every - This is a required field to specify how often this dynamic Group is rebuilt using the group rules.
  • Conditions - This is a required field to specify logical rules for creating the Group.
  • Tags to assign to members- Add Tags to be added to this Group.
  • Tags to unassign from members- Add Tags to be un-assigned from the Group.
  • SAVE BUTTON - Click this option to save the configuration.
  • CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and roll back without saving.

Watch a short video on how to create a (dynamic) group and add members

For this example, we are creating a group based on a piece of profile information; in this case, we want a group of students that are seeking Associate Degrees.

Staff Registered to all Courses

Here you'll see a list of the Staff that have been assigned to help in all Courses and be able to assign more staff that can help with all Courses.

  • View All Users - This provides direct access to the Users List page.
  • Add Staff - To add someone to this list, simply type their Name to search for them, select them once they show in the drop-down menu, and then click the Add Staff button. To remove a Staff click on the red minus symbol to the left of their names.

Additional documentation/articles about this subject